
The Chronicles of Marvel. Electra Nachios - Female Ninja

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The Chronicles of Marvel. Electra Nachios - Female Ninja
The Chronicles of Marvel. Electra Nachios - Female Ninja

Electra Nachios is a mercenary from the Marvel universe, created by American illustrator Frank Miller. She is Greek by origin, therefore she received her name in honor of the daughter of the Greek king Agamemnon and his wife Klitemnestra. Only this girl was not waiting for the royal life.

Electra - biography ("Marvel")

Electra was the daughter of the Greek ambassador and, apparently, therefore, from childhood was fond of political science, and then continued her studies at Columbia University in New York. There she met, and later began to meet with Matt Murdoch (Daredevil), who told her about his increased sensitivity, more than compensating for the lack of vision. True, they did not meet for long, since soon the girl had a tragedy, because of which she had to leave.


Once, the heroine of the Marvel universe, Electra Nachios, and her father became a hostage during a terrorist attack. Matt Murdoch then saved them by hiding his face with a blindfold. But police officers who arrived in time later considered her father a terrorist and shot him. Elektra, for a long time, could not put up with this, at first she moved away from the world, and later decided to leave the country.

Warrior's path

It is known that Ms. Nachios was fond of martial arts before, but after the death of her father, she deepened into training even more. She continued her studies in Japan. There, Electra (Marvel) joined a secret organization led by her teacher, Stick, who had previously trained Matt Murdoch. In just a year, she significantly improved her skills, but her hatred due to the death of her father did not disappear, and soon Stick asked her to leave. Therefore, she had no choice but to return to her old teacher.


A little later, she decided to infiltrate a secret organization called "Hand" in order to stop her activities forever. But it so happened that she was tasked with killing her own teacher. Of course, she could not do this, because in the Marvel universe Electra Nachios is more about positive characters. But she still had to leave the organization. For some time after that, she worked as a mercenary until she returned to New York.

Meeting with Daredevil

There, Electra (Marvel) met her old love - Matt Murdoch, who had long been practicing the fight against crime, running in a black and red suit through the streets of the city. Naturally, he did not like the fact that the girl became a mercenary, but he could not turn his back on her, because he was still in love with her. Together, they fought against Ruka for a while, until it was hired by Wilson Fisk (one of the main villains in the Marvel universe). Electra, working for him, was forced to break her friendship with Daredevil, and once she was even ordered to kill his only friend - Foggy Nelson. True, she also could not cope with this, for which she paid with her own life.

She needed to know that Fisk’s tasks should not be ignored, then she would have guessed that the most vicious and well-aimed mercenary in the team of Kingpin, the Tagged, had already been sent to her soul. Daredevil could not save her, and the girl died in the arms of the hero.


Stone, one of the members of the Stick order, brought her back to life, and she again became a mercenary. During this time, she met with Matt Murdoch several times, trying to help him if possible. True, she never managed to avoid the influence of Ruka, and in the end, Electra began to lead her.

Abilities and powers

Like many characters in the Marvel universe, Electra Nachios is sufficiently prepared in the physical plane. Strong, fast, agile, hardy - she has all the necessary data to be a hit man. In addition, she is well versed in martial arts.


It handles well with almost any type of weapon. But mainly uses sai - cold steel with a thin, long and very sharp blade. Moreover, it is equally well controlled by him, both in melee and in long-range combat. She also skillfully uses a fighting staff and katana.

Electra ("Marvel") - film

As for the film career, Electra Nachios first appeared in the film "Daredevil", filmed in 2003, where she was played by Jennifer Garner. According to the plot of the picture, she met Matt Murdoch, until the Tagged set him up, killing Electra's father. After that, she studied martial arts for a long time in order to take revenge, and she almost succeeded in depriving the Red Devil of her life.


And two years later came the continuation of this film called "Electra". The girl learns from the Stick art that allows you to control life, time and death. She will have to protect the girl Abby and her father from the well-known organization "Hand". And by doing this, she will find out a lot of details about the death of her mother.