
Each cosmonaut costume is made for an individual person, while the visors are covered with 24-carat gold: some interesting facts from the history of Soviet and Russian spacesuits

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Each cosmonaut costume is made for an individual person, while the visors are covered with 24-carat gold: some interesting facts from the history of Soviet and Russian spacesuits
Each cosmonaut costume is made for an individual person, while the visors are covered with 24-carat gold: some interesting facts from the history of Soviet and Russian spacesuits

Video: Space for All- Ad Astra 2024, July

Video: Space for All- Ad Astra 2024, July

Space exploration is a curious task for every state. Through careful study of the universe, you can discover a lot of new, interesting and resource-intensive. Perhaps this will surprise you, but the Soviet Union and America were the first in the world who began to master the space program and engage in research in the universe. Do not forget the merits of the European states and China, which has recently set itself ambitious tasks in the direction of creating entire colonies. But we would like to pay close attention to the developments of the USSR and Russia in terms of creating a cosmonaut costume, try to note interesting facts and just make a comparison. Surely many are interested in why the spacesuit looks like this and what it consists of.


Explanation of the term "astronaut"

Have you ever wondered how exactly the term "astronaut" is deciphered? Indeed, each country has its own unique definitions, and this wording is general or international. In fact, everything is quite prosaic, since "cosmo" means the unknown Universe, and "navt" represents the sailor. Simply put, this is a space traveler, ready to rush into the unknown and discover something completely new for humanity.


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And so as not to drag out for a long time with our theme, we will immediately begin to consider interesting facts related to this costume. We were able to collect information about seven curious elements that you will be interested in.

1. Advanced pilot suit design

To begin with, it should be noted the most famous and common fact that the suits were created on the basis of high-altitude pilot suits. Do not be surprised at this, because thanks to this development, people managed to control the pressure and avoid problems with the ability to breathe at altitude. Monitoring the sealing of the environment inside the spacesuit became the basis for solving the main problem - maintaining the life support of the astronaut. Initially, various tests were carried out, then they began to improve this direction until they brought the operating time to the level of the ability to be in outer space.


2. The suit must withstand extreme temperatures

It is no secret that the cosmos lives according to its own laws, and a variety of processes occur on its expanses. This is mainly due to the temperature regime. If on Earth people are protected from atmospheric changes, then in space there is no such protection and you can encounter extreme indicators that can destroy all life.


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Therefore, the creation of a shell that could protect a person from the difference in such temperatures was also a paramount task. And the basis for such protection was the extraordinary development of a multi-layer suit that had elements of reflection. For example, when a person is in space and looks in the opposite direction from the Sun, the suit absorbs heat and maintains a normal atmosphere inside. If the astronaut is under full sunlight, then protection, on the contrary, repels heat, while maintaining the ability to exist normally even at extremely high temperature indicators.

3. Plenty of protective suits

Some decisions were made based on tragic consequences. A similar thing happened when scientists began to decide on equipping ships with suits. At first, it was decided not to load the ship with extra spacesuits, since they took up a lot of space and were simply not needed. Similarly, it was decided to avoid the initial use of the costume during take-off. This freed up space in the ship and would make it possible to use some additional equipment.

True, soon the tragedy, which claimed the lives of three people during the flight, forced to reconsider priorities. After that, no one ever raised the issue of changing equipment suits. As a result, in comparison with other countries, Russian ships always have a large number of spare suits.


4. Unique design for each astronaut

Another interesting feature of the suits was that they were developed individually for each person. The decision was made due to the fact that after the return of people to Earth, it was necessary to provide good protection, which could absorb shock. She was, however, the effectiveness was based solely on the fact that the suit had to fit snugly against the body. And in order to achieve this effect, it was necessary to take into account the height, weight and body complexion. Therefore, Russian-Soviet costumes are unique to each person.

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5. The use of gold in suits

Notice how bulging and large the helmet is to protect the head. This is done specifically so that the person does not experience problems with orientation and can turn his head. The design of the suit does not allow the head compartment to be flexible and agile, so it was decided to make it large and spacious.

Another interesting point is the golden head cover material. This is done for a reason, because in space it is difficult to withstand the high temperature that comes from the sun. And in order to protect people from ultraviolet radiation and increase comfort, it was decided to use 24 carat gold. It is ideal for filtering radiation and protecting the face of an astronaut.


6. Maximum visor protection

At first glance, the astronaut’s head protection looks like ordinary glass. But who would send such fragile material into space? After all, it would not protect a person and could crack, which would lead to sad consequences. Therefore, it was decided to make this part of the suit out of polycarbonate. In simple terms, the visor of the suit is bulletproof.