
China: ecology by city

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China: ecology by city
China: ecology by city

Video: Sponge Cities: Leveraging Nature as Ecological Infrastructure 2024, June

Video: Sponge Cities: Leveraging Nature as Ecological Infrastructure 2024, June

Among the most eye-catching countries in the international arena, China stands out. This country has made a powerful leap in economics and technology. China's policy is also under the scrutiny of the world community. But a special place is occupied by the ecology of this country. It is not only destructive to China, but also a threat to the whole world.

Threat to the world

The environmental problems of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are a source of increasing tension in resolving global world problems. The third in territory and the first in population, China, whose ecology has become a threat to peace, destabilizes both the political and economic international environment.

Environmental issues are very important for China itself. This area is the most disadvantaged in the world. The country occupies a leading position in the emission of sulfur dioxide. Residents of the northern provinces are experiencing severe water shortages, as rivers, seas, and underground waters are polluted. Deforestation, devastation of land resources, increasing the incidence of the population - all these are characteristic features of China. The country's ecology is in distress. If nothing is changed in the near future, the consequences will be catastrophic for the inhabitants of the entire Earth. First of all, Russia will suffer as a neighbor of China. This will affect the areas of the Far East and Siberia.


Environmental Factors

The country's leadership is faced with the difficult task of solving pressing environmental problems. The threatening environmental situation did not arise from scratch - this is a consequence of the too extensive industrialization that China is conducting. Ecology is suffering. Natural resources are exploited to the extent possible. The problem is complicated by the demographic factor, the scarcity of nature for such a population and the mistakes of the country's leadership when they adopted a policy of a great revolutionary leap in all areas related to ecology. Economic modernization has increased all environmental costs.

Urban pollution

By the number of polluted cities around the world, China is doing well. Ecology 495 largest cities are in a state of environmental disaster and only five of the five hundred largest have air quality within international standards. The top ten most polluted cities in the world included seven Chinese: Shijiazhuang, Chongqing, Jinan, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Beijing, Taiyuan.

The coastal zone of Tianjin quickly goes under water. On average, 2.5 mm / year there is a decrease in the glacial area of ​​the highlands. It is predicted that over a maximum of fifty years, China's ecology of permafrost problems will lead to a peak point: the area will be reduced by ten to fifteen percent. This will increase the number of floods and other disasters. Sea level will rise significantly.



China today is simultaneously trying to do two opposite things: to preserve and destroy nature. But there is a hope that common sense will prevail and China at the government level will begin to pursue a privileged policy of preserving and increasing natural resources. Every year, a change in the mass consciousness towards harmonious coexistence with nature, especially in the intelligent layers, is more and more clearly traced.

Significant attention is paid to environmental protection, the protection of cultural property and human resources from negative anthropogenic impact and adverse ecology. How started the ecology of China, the photos in this article show. But even they cannot convey the full extent of the catastrophic destruction of nature. The way out of this situation may be environmental regulation, which is the established standards for permissible discharges and emissions of environmental pollutants, limits on the formation and disposal of waste, permissible physical impacts on nature, etc.


Paying for extensive industrialization

It sounds horrific, but more than fifty cities in the PRC, one might say, go underground under the eyes of the inhabitants. This is due to continuous subsidence of the soil and excessive consumption of groundwater. If we trace what kind of ecology is in China by city, then the scale of the problem will become obvious: only one percent out of a hundred can be considered a normal environmental situation.

Under many cities, especially near Beijing, funnels formed, which are the largest in the world. The same situation in Shanghai, Tianjin, Hanzhou, Xi'an. Chinese lakes evaporate, rivers dry up, forests are cut down by seventy-five percent, the upper layer of soil turns into a desert. These deserts fill the cities of the PRC with sand, which goes even to neighboring countries. All this is reckoning for too powerful a technological breakthrough due to natural resources and unbridled consumption.


Such a big, small earth

For example, meat and steel are consumed twice as much as in the United States of America. Most likely, the desire to catch up in all directions and surpass the United States turned into great environmental problems for the PRC.

Cities bordering Hong Kong have already become ruins - these are places of discarded electronics. The world is waiting for radical decisions from the PRC. The People's Republic of China is not a closed system. Her environmental problems are ultimately the problems of the whole world, which is only large at first glance, but in fact the planet Earth is small and vulnerable.

How does China solve problems?

Ecology, solutions to its problematic issues are among the primary tasks for the PRC government. Shanghai authorities, for example, have already spent more than twelve billion dollars on wall repairs. For a hundred years, Shanghai went underground by three meters! The surface of the city of Cangzhou for thirty years sank two meters and forty centimeters. In this city, the hospital went a whole floor underground and instead of the three laid down, it began to have two above the ground. Roads, bridges, walls of houses are also destroyed. Eighty-five percent of the land in the north of the country suitable for plowing needs irrigation. Peasants drill wells up to three hundred meters to produce water.

All existing environmental organizations in China are developing and implementing a series of rescue measures to solve the environmental problem. The Ministry of Ecology of the PRC, without hiding, says that in the near future China will face the problem of environmental migrants, the number of which will exceed one hundred and fifty million. It is hoped that the country will cope with the overdue catastrophe.
