
Climate of Petrozavodsk: average temperature, rainfall

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Climate of Petrozavodsk: average temperature, rainfall
Climate of Petrozavodsk: average temperature, rainfall

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Petrozavodsk is the administrative center of the Republic of Karelia. Located in the northwestern federal district of the Russian Federation. It is also the center of the Prionezhsky district. It is a "City of Military Glory." The climate of Petrozavodsk is cool, moderately continental and rather humid.

Geographic features


Petrozavodsk is located in the very south of Karelia, on the shores of Lake Onega. From the south-west it is bordered by forests, and from the north-east - by the bay of Lake Onega. The city is located at a distance of 1091 km north of Moscow and 412 km northeast of St. Petersburg. Petrozavodsk occupies 21.7 km of the coast of Lake Onega, has an elongated shape.

Time in Petrozavodsk corresponds to Moscow time. The area is relatively flat because it is located on the East European Plain. The highest height is 193 meters.

Through rivers, Petrozavodsk has a water connection with the White, Baltic, Caspian, Black and Barents Seas. A feature of the hydrology of the city is a large number of springs: there are about 100 of them.



The environmental situation in Petrozavodsk is relatively good. The source of air pollution used to be industrial enterprises and boiler houses, and now automobile transport. However, air quality is generally satisfactory.

Household waste is stored in an obsolete landfill and can become a source of environmental pollution. Water pollution of Lake Onega is mainly organic in nature. These are sewage drains and organics of industrial enterprises.

Soil pollution is quite local and is observed near factories and highways. The main sources are: lead, zinc, petroleum products. Cloudy weather in Petrozavodsk can negatively affect the mental and physical condition of citizens.

Climate of Karelia


Petrozavodsk is located in the south of the Republic of Karelia. Thus, the climatic region of Petrozavodsk corresponds to the south of this republic. The climate of Karelia is formed under the influence of factors such as the northern location, the relative proximity of the vast continental spaces of Eurasia on the one hand and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. The Arctic Ocean and the waters of the nearby seas and lakes also have a significant impact on the weather. All this determines the unstable nature of the weather with frequent rains, snowfalls and moderate rainfall.

Although their annual amount in the republic is not very large (550 - 750 mm per year), high air humidity and relatively low temperatures create conditions for excess moisture. The great prevalence of dense forests and swamps in Karelia is associated with this. Most precipitation falls in July and August (80 - 90 mm per month).

The largest number of cloudy days is observed in the autumn months, and the smallest - in the spring and early summer. The republic is dominated by south and southwest winds.

The average annual temperature is from 0 ° in the north to + 3 ° in the south. The coldest month is January.

Snow cover usually disappears by the end of April, but in the north it may linger until the end of May. Summer is cool and starts according to the calendar summer. This also applies to the onset of autumn.

Climate of Petrozavodsk


The climate in this city is temperate continental with elements of the northern sea. A long but not very cold winter is characteristic. Summer begins in the 1st half of June. Spring processes develop only in mid-April, however, sharp cooling can be in May.

Despite the relatively favorable climatic conditions, Petrozavodsk was assigned to the regions of the Far North.

As for the republic as a whole, in its north frosts are possible even in June, and at the turn of April and May there is still snow. Thus, the north of Karelia is much colder than the rest of the territory.

The average temperature of Petrozavodsk is + 3.1 ° C, the average July temperature is +17, and the January temperature is -9.3 ° C. The period with a positive average daily temperature lasts about 125 days. The rainfall in Petrozavodsk is 611 mm. They are mainly associated with North Atlantic cyclones. Cyclonic weather is common, and over 50 percent of the days are cloudy.



The climate of Petrozavodsk determines the good severity of the seasons of the year. Summer is relatively cool and humid. But there is also a short-term warming up to + 30 ° C in combination with sunny weather. However, then the temperature drops sharply and heavy rains begin. A feature of summer in Karelia is the so-called white nights, which are most pronounced in the north of the republic.

Autumn begins already in the first days of September. Foliage turns yellow and becomes cool. This month in the forests you can find a huge number of mushrooms. In October, in addition to the rains, snowfall can also occur. Strong frosts begin. In November, a negative background of temperature already prevails, snow lies, and water bodies are frozen. A positive temperature in the form of weak thaws is possible only in the daytime.

Winter is quite cold and snowy. By the end of February, snow thickness can reach 1.5 meters. The weather is often overcast, but clear days also happen. February is characterized by an increased number of winds. Due to the high relative humidity of the air, frosts are felt stronger than they really are.

Previously, frosts with temperatures below -30 ° C were not uncommon, but now this does not happen often. The culprit of such changes is global warming.

The record for the maximum temperature in Petrozavodsk is + 33.9 ° С, and the minimum - -41.6 ° С.

The driest month of the year is February (26 mm of rain), and the wettest are July and August (82 mm per month).

Transport of Petrozavodsk


Most types of public transport operate in Petrozavodsk. There is no only tram and metro. Road transport is represented by the M18 Kola federal highway. Also, a number of regional roads depart from the city.

Petrozavodsk is an important railway junction. By railroads, the city is connected with Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Sortavala and other cities. The main highway is the October Railway.

A trolleybus appeared in the city in 1961. Petrozavodsk daily runs over 90 trolleybuses. The total length of trolleybus lines is almost 100 km.

City bus transport has more than a century of history and is still very relevant.

Petrozavodsk is also an important water transport hub. Vessels can be both tourist, cruise, and voyages. The latter are of local importance.

Air transport is represented by an airport located 12 km northwest of the city.