
The climate in the Maldives is monthly. Maldives archipelago

In the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean are precious pearls - thousands of randomly scattered tiny islands. They form dozens of coral atolls with lagoons, elevations, reefs, straits. Such an island necklace is called the Maldives archipelago. Almighty hid this exotic paradise near the equator, near Sri Lanka. If you choose a place for the resort, then in the Maldives to spend time will be the best. After all, it will be comfortable here at any time of the year.

Where it is hot in October: the best places to stay

Rest in the fall will be unforgettable if you go on a trip to warm countries. October is one of the most successful months of the year. If you plan exactly this time for rest, then it will be useful to know where it is hot in October.

6 facts about heat that mislead us

Have you ever thought that sweat from heat does not affect weight loss? Did you know that you should not open the windows in the summer on the hottest days? Here are all the main misconceptions associated with heat.

What strange phenomena can be seen before a thunderstorm?

If you do not have the opportunity to see the weather forecast, then do not despair. Very often nature and its inhabitants predict that rain or a storm will soon begin.

Where is the hottest summer in Russia. Weather in Russia

Russians are already used to abnormal weather. In recent years, heat has broken all records recorded over the past 100 years. The weather news has informed that in its entire history the hottest summer in Russia turned out to be in 2010. However, some regions of Russia in the summer of 2014 experienced unprecedented heat, especially its central part.

Stuck in the Canaries: Airports in Canary Islands closed due to severe sandstorm

A difficult situation has developed at the airports of the Canary Islands. Vacationers were not in the easiest position due to a sandstorm in the Sahara. Due to such weather conditions, visibility for aircraft decreased, and many airlines began to cancel their flights.

What effect does the geomagnetic environment have?

Geomagnetic activity is a disturbance that can last from several hours to a couple of days on the surface of the Sun. In the light of recent studies of these events, it is becoming increasingly apparent that when assessing the health status of patients and preserving it, it is impossible to neglect cosmic factors.

When was the heaviest snowfall in Moscow, and what to expect from the weather today

Snowy frosty winters - who doesn't love them? Remember how great it was in childhood to play snowballs, sculpt a snowman. But recently in winter there is no such an abundant amount of precipitation. So what to expect next? When is snowfall expected in Moscow?

Climate Taganrog - detailed description

Taganrog is a city in the south-west of the Rostov region. The administrative center of the region is the city of Rostov-on-Don, it is located east of Taganrog, at a distance of 70 km from it. The settlement in question is located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov (Taganrog Bay). The city arose in 1698 by decree of Peter the Great. The population is 250,287 people. The climate of Taganrog is relatively mild and moderately dry. In summer, hot, dry weather prevails.

Belgorod: climate and ecology

Tourism in Russia is becoming increasingly popular. In addition to cities with over one million people, there are many interesting and unusual destinations. For example, Belgorod, with its pleasant mild climate and improving ecology, can be a great place for holidays, vacations or weekends.

Features of the climate of the Murmansk region

The Murmansk region is a unique corner with a peculiar vegetation, atypical periods of the seasons. The geographic location of the region influenced the fact that the climate of the Murmansk region is not similar to areas located in similar latitudes. Despite the harsh weather conditions, there are interesting places, amazing flora and fauna, as well as unique natural phenomena.

Yaroslavl: climate, ecology, transport, tourism

Yaroslavl is one of the largest cities in the European part of Russia. In terms of population, it ranks third in the list of cities in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. It is located northeast of Moscow. It is an important railway and road transport hub. There is also an airport and a river port. The area of ​​the city is 205 square meters. km The climate is cool with enough rainfall.

What year was the warmest winter in Russia? Frequency and localization of a natural phenomenon

With the phrase "Russian winter", most people immediately recall the severe frosts, fluffy sparkling snow and rivers covered with thick ice. But winter is not always happy with frosty weather. Over the past few years, too warm weather in the winter months has become a cause for jokes.

Hainan. Weather for months. What is she like?

The favorite vacation spot of many Russians is Hainan Island. The weather for months seems to invite you on a long-awaited vacation and to get acquainted with an exotic country. This is actually an amazingly beautiful and even somewhat mysterious place, which is sometimes called East Hawaii.

How does a person affect the weather? The impact of human activities on climate and weather

Currently, one of the main global problems is the climate. If you realize how a person affects the weather, you will be able to understand how much the world around us is changing. Recently, people have been paying less and less attention to the problems of the planet, perceiving it as a bottomless warehouse and free trash, while they themselves are rushing in pursuit of material wealth. In fact, nature pays dearly for the progress of our civilization.

Anapa water temperature and beaches

Anapa is located in the south-west of the Krasnodar Territory, on the Black Sea coast. The distance from it to Moscow is 1,530 km, and to Krasnodar - 170 km. Anapa's climate is mild but dry. The water temperature and weather in Anapa during the most part of the holiday season are comfortable for swimming.

What is the temperature in winter in Australia?

Surely many of those who are reading this article now thought that Australia was a country of eternal summer. Alas, this is not so, but on this continent, like us, there are their own seasons: their own winter and their own summer. However, they are completely different … What is the climate and temperature in winter in Australia?

The climate in the Tula region according to the seasons

Tula region is the territory of the temperate continental climate zone, so the weather in this region is quite comfortable for life throughout the year. Temperature changes gradually, warming smoothly replaces colds and vice versa. Therefore, the climate of the Tula region can be called favorable for life. This is noted both by the indigenous population and by the guests of the region.

Atmospheric pressure: normal

The pressure that air exerts with its weight on the Earth and everything on it is called atmospheric. A person does not feel the heaviness of air, because atmospheric pressure is evenly distributed on the body. The norm of this effect is achieved by a balance between the external air pressure and the internal pressure of our body.

Monthly temperature in Cyprus

The island of Cyprus, loved by many, is famous for its excellent beaches, sunny weather and a dry, hot climate. In summer, the air warms up so much that the temperature in Cyprus steps over the mark of 35 ° C. That is why not all tourists love beach vacations at the height of the warm season.

Normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow: what does it depend on?

The well-being of people directly depends on how normal atmospheric pressure is for their place of residence. It consists of several factors. In addition, the importance with which the atmosphere puts pressure on people is very inconsistent. Therefore, it is better for weather-dependent people to know in advance what to expect from the weather.

What is the weather like in Sharm El Sheikh in November? Relax with comfort

Not many resorts in the world can boast that even in the autumn-winter period their hotels are packed to capacity. In this sense, Egypt is simply a unique country. For example, the weather in Sharm El Sheikh in November is such that resorts located on the Mediterranean and Black Seas can only envy her.

Drought is not a mysterious phenomenon, but methods for dealing with it are still unknown to humans.

Drought is not a mysterious phenomenon, but man has not yet found a way to combat it. The consequences it bears plunge many countries into a humanitarian catastrophe.

Where is the heat abroad in January? Beach Resorts

Not everyone can take a summer vacation and go to the sea, but you should not despair, because even in winter you can go where the sun shines. You just need to find out where it is warm abroad in January, apply for a visa, buy a tour, pack your suitcase - and you can set off to meet new experiences.

Climate of the Sverdlovsk region: description, characteristics and features

The generalized average statistics of weather changes over a multi-year period are called climate. It represents the regular repeatability of certain types of weather, which is distinguished by certain parameters of averaged climatic indications.

What is the weather like in September in Anapa? What is the temperature of the water?

September is the favorite month for many. It is full of romance and bright colors. Rest in September is preferred by lovers of a quiet and relaxing pastime. Arriving in Anapa this month, you can relax and get an unforgettable experience. What is the weather like in Anapa in September? What are the delights of relaxing this month? This is what will be discussed in the article.

Climate of Iran: its features and description for months

Iran is a country from an eastern fairy tale. This country, formerly called Persia, is filled with beautiful architectural heritage. Nature has rewarded Iran with a warm and sultry climate. The article discusses all the features of the climate of Iran for months. Having studied them, you can easily determine which month is better to visit the country.

Paris Agreement: Description, Features and Implications

In fact, it is clear to everyone that achieving outstanding results in reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is almost impossible. Nevertheless, the Paris Agreement was adopted both by politicians and some scientists with a bang, because it should push the world community to stabilize the environmental situation, as well as to suspend the process of climate change.

Temperature in Vietnam: water and air temperature

For some reason, people think that in Vietnam the temperature is suitable for relaxation all year round, but this is not so. In the northern part of the country, it is not hot at all in winter, but rather cold. This is due to the features of the terrain: mountains are located from north to south, passing cold air from Eurasia. Due to this feature, in winter the temperature drops to -10 degrees.

What is air flow and what are the basic concepts associated with it

When considering air as the aggregate of a large number of molecules, it can be called a continuous medium. In it, individual particles can come into contact with each other. Such an idea can significantly simplify the methods of air research. In aerodynamics, there is such a thing as the reversibility of motion, which is widely used in the field of experiments for wind tunnels and in theoretical studies using the concept of air flow.

The coldest winters in the last century. What to expect from 2018?

Is it worth hoping for real harsh winters in the near future or has our climate changed so much that they no longer have to wait, keeping only fond memories in mind? For more than 10 years, scientists have argued that the climate is changing, glaciers are melting and, as a result, there are no snowy winters. And 2012 with the frozen South of Russia completely refutes these allegations. Today we would like to recall the coldest winter of the past century and talk about what weather forecasters

Climate of Vietnam: useful information for tourists

The socialist Republic of Vietnam has a unique geographical position, namely: the country is so elongated in shape that it covers several climatic zones at once.

Sunny Egypt in December: weather, climate, holiday features

Magnificent Egypt is one of the favorite vacation spots of Russians. It is especially good to relax on the country's sunny beaches in winter. So, Egypt is very popular with tourists in December.

Climate of Paris: weather conditions for the seasons

Paris … How much romance in the very name of this incredible city. Even those who were not lucky enough to visit the capital of France, know about its sights and natural beauties. This is not just the main city of France, it is literally its property and pride. Colorful and spectacular, historically unique and comfortable climatically, Paris attracts more and more tourists every year.

Bolshevik Island: where is it located, description, history of study

In the Arctic Ocean lies the archipelago of Severnaya Zemlya. It consists of four large islands and many small ones. The article describes the second largest island of the archipelago - Bolshevik. It is the southern tip of Severnaya Zemlya, washed immediately by two seas - Kara and Laptev. It is separated from the mainland by the Vilkitsky Strait, and from the island of the October Revolution - by the Shokalsky Strait.

Temperature in Moscow in January - is there global warming?

We constantly hear that global warming significantly affects the climate, changing it beyond recognition. Is it so? The average January air temperature in Moscow will definitely reflect any changes, if any! Let's try to figure it out.

Spain: monthly temperature. Weather in Spain

Features of the climate in Spain. Monthly temperature in Spain. Weather in the main tourist areas of Spain: Costa Brava, Andalusia, Canary and Balearic Islands. Recommendations for visiting Spain and its resorts at different times of the year.

Interesting statuses about the weather and mood

People love to share their emotions, including on social networks. One cannot but agree that the mood of most of them is largely influenced by what is happening around. There are numerous statuses about the weather, which reflect the person’s internal state, his personal attitude to what surrounds them. The sun, snow, rain, wind - as in different ways, it turns out, this can be treated.

Tenerife island in September and not only: climate, weather and holiday reviews

Among the Canary Islands, the largest and most famous is the island of Tenerife. In September, millions of tourists from all over the world come to him annually to enjoy its beauties, the warm sea, and get a lot of pleasant and positive emotions. Of course, all these charms are available on the island all year round, but most often it is the September holiday that becomes the most colorful, bright and memorable

What is the maximum rainfall in which part of the planet?

The article reveals the concept of precipitation, a type of precipitation on Earth. The table shows the distribution of precipitation on the planet. Examples of areas with maximum rainfall per minute, day, month and year are given.

How to escape from the heat? We are invented by cunning!

Not everyone is looking forward to summer with joy and impatience. And when it starts to really bake, even inveterate sun-lovers are looking for shadows and a means to cool the body. At such hours, you just want to lie face down and do nothing … Here, by the way, is one of the means of salvation from the heat. Are there others? Yes, and there are a lot of them.

Going on vacation: where is it warm in November?

Holidays in the fall - this is not a reason to refuse to travel. If you wish, you can relax on the coast with comfort, and a lot of new and interesting things to see. Which country to go to? Where is it warm in November?

Flooding in Venice. The element does not spare the city

When a flood occurs in Venice, the inhabitants of this wonderful Italian city have many problems. It is known that the village is located on the islands, of which about one hundred and twenty in this area (the Venetian lagoon). Between them flows about 150 channels through which four hundred bridges are thrown.

What is a storm - features of weather manifestations.

An amazing variety of weather phenomena can be observed everyday every day. One of the key phenomena is the wind, which, like everything in nature, can be incredibly different - from a light and pleasant blow to large-scale natural disasters. What is a storm and what features does this form of atmospheric phenomena have, let's try to figure it out.

Wind power in points: maximum, minimum, Beaufort scale and classification

Each natural phenomenon, having different degrees of severity, is customary to evaluate in accordance with certain criteria. For wind power, points in the Beaufort scale have become a single international benchmark. The system developed by British Rear Admiral Francis Beaufort in 1806, improved in 1926 by adding information about the equivalence of wind strength in points of its specific speed, allows you to accurately characterize this atmospheric process, while remaining relevant to this day

“It was like magic”: the snow falling in Iraq softened people's hearts at least for an instant

Explaining why God allows evil in the world is difficult. To answer the question you need to immerse yourself in the complex and abundant in semitone relations between black and white, but the snow in Iraq is easily explained in one word - boredom.

Annual temperature amplitude: how to calculate, calculation features

One of the most important indicators of the climatic features of the regions is the annual temperature amplitude. How to calculate this indicator is described in detail in this article.

New word in weather forecast data: meteorologists will use space "laser data"

The European Space Agency launched a new kind of satellite into the sky above the planet, which receives information about the movement of air masses thanks to laser equipment.

Ryazan: climate, economy, geographical features

Ryazan is one of the largest cities in the center of the European territory of Russia. It is the capital of the Ryazan region. This is a large industrial, military and scientific center. Ryazan is an important transport hub. The population is 538,962 people. The city has a long history and a high share of the Russian population in the national composition. The climate of Ryazan and the Ryazan region is temperate, cool.

Greece in October - the weather beckons!

From this article, the reader learns about what Greece is like in October. Weather, accommodation prices, the opportunity to make excursions - this is what interests the traveler in the first place.