
Where to go in winter, or where is it warm on New Year's Eve?

Where is it warm for the New Year and you can relax? The best places of rest, numerous entertainments and the ocean of emotions for tourists.

Snowfall in Turkey, in Greece -23: anomalous winter covered Europe unaccustomed to the cold (video)

Unaccustomed to snow, residents of warm European countries unexpectedly faced a sharp cooling. For some mountainous regions this turned into a real disaster. There are fatal cases.

Calibration of measuring instruments: organization and procedure

In Russia over a long period of time, the following practice in the field of metrology existed: permissible norms were established only by relevant government decrees. There was a growing need for an appropriate law in this area. This was done in 1993. The Law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements was adopted.

How to predict the weather? Weather omens

All existing signs are the result of centuries of observation of nature. The peoples paid attention to the behavior of birds, the temperature of the wind and the shape of the clouds, in order to eventually learn how to predict the weather. How to find out about the upcoming day and what weather conditions should you prepare for? Let's find out what signs will help us prepare for the cold, heat, rain or snow.

Montenegro: monthly climate, average temperature, holiday features and reviews of tourists

Montenegro is famous for its indescribable beauty of landscapes - part of the territory is occupied by the Adriatic coast, in the middle of the mainland there is a plain, on the other hand, rocky mountain peaks with white snow caps. Numerous reserves, rivers and bays, forests and bays give the country pristine beauty.

The climate in New York. What time of year is it best to visit the state?

The state is known for the fact that the weather can change dramatically throughout the day - this should be taken into account when collecting things on a trip. But what is the air temperature here at different times of the year? What is the climate in New York on Long Island and in major cities in the state? All this will be discussed in the article.

The climate of Vietnam for months. Getting ready for the journey

Vietnam is called an amazing country with beautiful landscapes. Its location is the southeastern part of Europe. This country has become attractive from a tourist point of view recently, since in the twentieth century it was engulfed in military conflicts. Soon after life in Vietnam finally entered a peaceful course, the state economy began to rise.

Humidity is an important indicator!

Often from TV screens or from radio speakers we hear about air pressure and humidity. But few know what their indicators depend on and how their particular values ​​affect the human body.

Weather in Goa. Monthly weather

Goa is a small state in India, which is one of the ideal resorts in the world. Especially when you look at the climate of Goa. Monthly weather is milder and smoother than the rest of the states. In Goa, temperature differences are insignificant.

What is the climate in Arkhangelsk?

The city of Arkhangelsk is located in the northwest of the European part of the country. It is successfully located at the mouth of one of the largest and most significant rivers - the Northern Dvina, which carries its waters to the White Sea. Naturally, the location affects the climate of Arkhangelsk, which develops under the influence of the northern seas and air masses reaching it from the Atlantic.

The warmest month in Antarctica. Antarctica monthly temperature

Hundreds of adventure seekers travel annually to the White Continent. Expeditions and tours are held during the most favorable period of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. “What is the warmest month in Antarctica?” - the townsfolk ask perplexedly. Of course, at school everyone taught the climate of the southern continents, where our winter is summer. To say exactly which month is better for a tour to the South Pole, many find it difficult.

Egypt: January weather. Weather in the winter in Egypt

Those who first decided to visit Egypt in winter will enjoy the weather in January, especially on the Red Sea coast and on the Sinai Peninsula. Without fear of the merciless heat, you can visit the sights in the desert, swim in the sea, go on a cruise on the Nile. We will find out what are the weather features that you should pay attention to when planning your trip on vacation.

Temperature in the UAE for months: when to relax, water and air temperatures, tips for tourists

Travelers who have already rested in Turkey or Egypt will definitely want to diversify their trips. And the United Arab Emirates is a particularly popular place in this case. Rest here is possible at any time of the year, hotels provide high-class service, and tourists will be interested in shopping complexes with a large number of technological innovations. What is the temperature in the UAE for months and when it is better to go there, we will consider further in the review.

Weather in Spain in October. Holidays in Spain in September - early October: what is the weather like?

The weather in Spain in October and September is quite warm. And if you can still swim in the first autumn month, then in October it is better to devote yourself to cultural life. But about everything in more detail in the review.

The temperature in April in Egypt. Vacations in April in Egypt

The influx of tourists on the New Year and in the summer is so great that cities become like anthills. Such a vacation may not be to the liking of people who prefer comfort and silence. Therefore, you should choose the right time of the year in which you can relax.

What is rain and what is it dangerous?

If suddenly a thunder struck, wind gusts resembling a flurry, lightning suddenly struck, then there is no doubt that very heavy rain will follow. Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language explain that this phenomenon is called a downpour. Moisture evaporated from the earth's surface condenses and turns into clouds. If a very warm and very humid stream goes up, these cumulonimbus formations threaten to fall down in such a rain.

February is the coldest month in Egypt

The coldest month in Egypt is February. At this time, there is a season of winds and rains. Though during the day the air temperature can rise to +28 ° С, but at night it drops to +10 ° С. The water warms up to +20 ° C, so tourists prefer to swim in the heated pools. But the colder month in Egypt can also be spent to good use, in winter active travelers will like this country, who are bored of lying around all day on the beach.

Meteorological conditions: concept, definition of conditions, seasonal and daily fluctuations, maximum and minimum allowable temperatures

Under meteorological conditions, we mean the state of the atmosphere, which is usually characterized by the temperature of the air, its pressure, humidity, speed, as well as the presence or absence of cloudiness. Let us consider in more detail issues related to weather and climate.

What is the climate in Egypt throughout the year?

What is the climate in Egypt, that it is one of the most favorite vacation spots for tourists from all over the world, as it allows you to taste the delights of resort life throughout the year. The spring months and the period from September to October are considered optimally comfortable for relaxation, while November-April are characterized by intensifying winds, which nevertheless do not interfere with vacationers enjoying sunny days and the warm sea.

Wind rose in Moscow: features, environmental impact

The climate of Moscow is characterized by moderate continentality, pronounced seasonality, and average humidity. Winter is moderately cold, and severe frosts occur less and less. Summer is mild, usually without extreme heat and drought. All this makes the Moscow climate favorable for human habitation. The wind rose in Moscow is determined by the geographical position and terrain conditions.

What is the temperature in Italy? Climatic conditions in different periods of the year

This article will focus on Italy. This unique country has its own distinctive features. One of the people is going to visit this country for the first time, so they are interested in the weather in Italy. This largely determines whether the local climate is suitable for a particular person or not. Someone likes hot countries, someone prefers a cold climate. In this article we will deal with the climate in Italy, and with other, no less interesting issues.

The climate in Portugal is monthly. Air and water temperatures in different regions of the country

The climate of Portugal is quite moderate. Summer is dry and not hot, and winter is wet and cool. In this country you will never notice sudden changes in temperature. In the article we will talk about the climate of Portugal by month and air temperature at each time of the year.

Rhodes in September: weather and entertainment

Visit Rhodes in September. The weather at this time is just wonderful for a beach holiday, and for sightseeing. And this month is just full of holidays!

What is the climate like in Yekaterinburg? Weather in Yekaterinburg

The climate of Yekaterinburg is characterized by sharp temperature changes. The city is influenced by air currents formed over mainland territories.

Cooling awaits in India, and rickshaws warm their taxis in an unexpected way

How to get out if weather forecasters promise a serious cooling? And if we are talking about India, especially about auto rickshaws? This method of movement involves a fully open interior. As the adventurous auto-rickshaw got out of the situation

Who is the weather forecaster? Description of the profession, methods for determining the weather forecast, weather forecaster

Weather forecaster: who it is, the meaning of the word, a description of the profession, history and other interesting facts. Why is weather forecasting important? What is its difference from a meteorologist?

Where it's hot in winter, or where to go in the cold season

It is far from always possible to get a vacation in the grace of summer - there are too many people who want to relax at this time, and the work of the company cannot be stopped. Therefore, a person who has received the opportunity to regain his strength in cold weather, the question arises, where is it hot in winter and where to go at this time? Before making the final choice, you need to decide which type of vacation will be most preferable.

And what is the difference between ice from ice? Glaze and glaze: differences, features and methods of struggle

Winter manifestations of the nature of the townspeople now affect insofar as they prevent them from getting to work or home. Based on this, many are confused in purely meteorological terms. It is unlikely that any of the residents of megacities will be able to answer the question of how the ice differs from ice. Meanwhile, understanding the difference between these terms will help people after listening (or reading) the weather forecast to better prepare for what awaits them in the winter on

Monthly climate of Abkhazia: features, recommendations and reviews of tourists

Abkhazia is beautiful at any time of the year. Before planning your vacation in this paradise, it will be better to find out what climate is in the area for months.

California drought in 2014

The California drought, which has become the strongest over the past century and a half, has upset the ecological balance. Some species of plants and animals living in the state’s water bodies, including the sturgeon population, were endangered. The number of birds settled in the vicinity of rivers and lakes has decreased. Cases of wild bears entering the settlements have become more frequent, and they cannot find food on the lands scorched by the sun.

At the mercy of the elements: a man shared a video from the epicenter of the dust storm

The nature of Australia is striking in its wildness, uniqueness and strange, sinister beauty. And Australian sandstorms that can turn any day into a pitch night will amaze your imagination.

When is the best time to travel to Tunisia? Tunisia Weather by Month

The comfortable Mediterranean climate offers visitors dry, hot or mild weather, depending on the time of year. Therefore, before you go to an African sunny country, you should find out what the weather in Tunisia is for months.

Weather in Turkey for months. Weather in May, June, July, August, September, October, etc.

Turkey is a real paradise for tourists coming to rest from all over the world. The successful location of the country at the junction of Asia and Europe made it a wonderful resort.

Orenburg Region Climate Characteristic

The continental climate of the Orenburg region determines the strong heating of the earth's surface during the day and during the warmer months, and therefore the summer in the region can be very hot, with droughts and dry winds. In turn, the rapid and strong cooling of the mainland at night and in the cold season makes winters very severe here, with strong blizzards and blizzards.

How to read weather signs

The article tells how to read the conventional signs of the weather and what they mean. In addition, it speaks of the importance of understanding the signs of weather in human life.

What is the climate in Simferopol?

In the summer, many people look for places to go on vacation. Recently, rest in Crimea has become very popular for Russians, because the peninsula has a favorable climate and good conditions. It costs a lot to arrange cities, since tourism is a very profitable business in Crimea. One of the main centers where people go on vacation is the beautiful city of Simferopol. In this article we will tell you how to spend time there, what is the climate in Simferopol?

Climate features in Kazan

There is a stereotype that Kazan is quite warm. And many, having arrived in the capital of Tatarstan in the winter, are very surprised to see severe frosts there. The climate in Kazan is actually very similar to the climate of the capital of Russia. And what's more, it's even a little colder.

What is a cyclone? Tropical cyclone in the southern hemisphere. Cyclones and anticyclones - characteristics and names

What is a cyclone? Almost everyone is interested in the weather - they look at forecasts, summaries. At the same time, he often hears about cyclones and anticyclones. Most people know that these atmospheric phenomena are directly related to the weather outside. In this article we will try to figure out what they are.

Orange hazard in color scale

Our nature does not have bad weather - a wise saying that has come to us from the past. Of course, for the environment, any weather is good, but here anomalous weather phenomena will certainly bring a loss to a person.

Monsoon rain - salvation or destruction?

In the countries of South and Southeast Asia, the onset of monsoon rains await with hope and anxiety. Delayed wet season causes drought. And too intense rains lead to flooding. Both are fraught with adverse consequences.

Why is it hot and cold in winter in summer?

We are used to the fact that the seasons are changing. Spring is replacing winter, followed by summer, and there is autumn already … For us this is a common occurrence.

Folk spring omens

Spring omens, like most weather predictions, are related to weather conditions. Awakening of nature, sowing, preparation for summer - all this has long been of interest to man. It is enough to look closely at the surrounding events to make small predictions for the day, week or month.

What is climate and what happens to it?

We very often use such concepts as “weather” and “climate”. But do we always clearly understand what it is? And if we know more about the weather, then not everyone will say what climate is. Let's try to figure it out.

Aktivka - what is it, or When is the weather extreme?

In fact, the weather can really seriously make adjustments to daily plans. Previously, due to too cold outside temperatures or strong winds, in the morning on television or radio they announced: “Attention, aktivka!”. What happened? This meant the abolition of classes in educational institutions due to extreme weather conditions.

Where is it warm in December, or where to go in winter?

In winter, more than ever, you want hot sunlight and a warm sea. December is a great time to travel to exotic countries. So nice to relax and celebrate New Year in an unusual place! Where to go in the New Year holidays, you decide. Our recommendations will help you find a place where it is warm in December and January.

Slush is not a joke!

The formula of slush is simple: a certain liquid (most often rain or wet snow) plus soil. The mud formula is almost the same, with the exception of one important point. It can be dried at the appropriate temperature. But slush is an exclusively liquid substance and a vivid sign of certainly damp weather.

We are going to rest where it is hot in January

It is not surprising that where it is hot in January, there are always many vacationers who come to enjoy the warm sunshine and the beauty of exotic nature.

Egypt: weather for months. Hurghada: monthly weather, water temperature

Undoubtedly, the rest in the Land of the Pharaohs, despite the advertised kuglogodichnost, has pronounced weather cycles, because the desert country is Egypt. Monthly weather here is different at different resorts of this country. It is advisable for tourists to adjust their vacation plans, given the scorching sun and seasonal desert winds (either red-hot, bearing sand, then cold).

Is it worth it to relax in Cyprus in December?

Each person has his own idea of ​​how the rest should go. Some like to soak up the sun, while others love the 3-hour walk. Whatever type of vacation you prefer, enjoying the good weather in the winter months will not work everywhere. Where to relax on the eve of the New Year holidays? Cyprus in December is wonderful, and today it will be discussed.

New temperature records in Moscow

In December, temperature records in Moscow were broken 6 times in a row. Plants, having mixed up seasons, bloom, slides and skating rinks melt. Weather outside the window is more like April.