
What is the climate in Arkhangelsk?

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What is the climate in Arkhangelsk?
What is the climate in Arkhangelsk?

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Arkhangelsk is rightly considered among the cities of the Russian North not only one of the largest, but also the most remarkable. First of all, the state value of this settlement has always been affected by its good location. It is located in the far west of the European part of our homeland, at the mouth of one of its largest and most significant rivers - the Northern Dvina, which carries its waters to the White Sea. This city is really located in an extremely convenient geographical point, playing the role of a shipping communications hub, connecting river and sea waterways. That is why Arkhangelsk has always been famous as a major port city, the sea gate of the country. It is also famous for its history and has many attractions. Naturally, the location affects the climate of Arkhangelsk, which develops under the influence of the northern seas and air masses reaching it from the Atlantic.


Subarctic marine

Arkhangelsk region is located on the border of the northern zone and temperate latitudes. A certain part of it already refers to the territory of the Far North. Since the city is located in close proximity to the White Sea, it means that the climate of Arkhangelsk, primarily the marine one. This indicates that high cloud cover and high humidity are observed throughout the year. Clear weather is the long-awaited rarity, the overwhelming majority of cloudy and rainy days. Moreover, precipitation in this case falls about 600 mm per year, which is associated with the intensive formation of cyclones. All this is accompanied by strong, most often cold winds.

In these parts, the weather is prone to drastic changes, and such metamorphoses can be observed even within one day. This is far from a resort, and not everyone will like this climate. Local residents complain that in the summer, planning to leave the city for the weekend, they are forced to take huge suitcases and backpacks with a variety of clothes for all seasons. This safety net is necessary in case of the vagaries of nature, which is characterized by extreme unpredictability.

So what is the climate in Arkhangelsk? We will understand this by considering each time of the year separately.


Many people consider the winter here to be the most dreary of the periods, so visitors are often disappointed. However, this city is not in vain called the soul of the Russian North. Winters in these parts are still beautiful, very snowy. Often they are accompanied by snowstorms, but it is at this time of year that there are enough clear nights. The days during the reign of the cold in such latitudes are very short, because a little polar north is already approaching. Usually in December it brightens around 11 o’clock in the morning, but after four hours, darkness again comes.


Such is the climate of Arkhangelsk in winter. This time of year is very long, cold, but compared with the continental regions there are usually no particularly low temperatures, on average about -13 ° C. It is often possible to witness even a thaw. Frosts below -30 ° C occur only with the arrival of air masses from harsh Siberia. It happens that the dominance of the cold comes for a long time and lasts more than two weeks. Old-timers remember the years when the -48 ° С mark on the thermometer column turned out to be a real reality. But this was at the end of the last century, and recently such frosts have not been observed.

Northern sowing in Arkhangelsk

In fact, real aurora in these parts is only possible to observe in rare cases. To admire such a spectacle, you must go a little north, at least to Murmansk or Norilsk. The shine there is much more colorful and brighter. But in the sky of Arkhangelsk one can see flashes. This is also a very impressive vision. At the same time, the dark night vault is completely covered with green patterns. Citizens and visitors say that such paintings are so captivating that observers forget about the crackling frost and literally become covered with hoarfrost, but do not leave their seats, looking to the skies.


When and how much snow falls

The impressive snowdrifts in these parts are a great pride of the locals. When the kingdom of ice and snow comes, it usually happens for a long time: for six months, or even seven months. But this does not sadden the townspeople, but rather pleases. Indeed, one wants to take a break from impassable autumn mud and endless dampness. Dry and warm autumn days are not typical for the climate of the city of Arkhangelsk, especially since long periods of such weather are not at all frequent. But when real snow falls, with it comes the dazzling purity and whiteness of the streets.

In this region, snowflakes can please their appearance on October 1. Although usually in this case, if snow falls, it will soon melt. However, it all depends on the year, it happens that autumn drags on, and you have to meet the long-awaited winter only at the beginning of December. As a rule, snowdrifts and ice in the spring lie for a long time and disappear only by the end of April. Often snow falls in Arkhangelsk even in May, in the last days of spring.



Spring as a season in these parts is practically absent. Just at one moment, usually closer to May, the long-awaited warmth comes, and over the next couple of weeks all the snowdrifts are melting rapidly, and nature flourishes as if by magic.

Summer does not indulge in warmth, it is cool and very short. True, this season can also be hot. But this is the climate, and the weather in Arkhangelsk is too contrasty from season to season: either the summer is very hot, or vice versa - cold. Just warm and comfortable almost never happens.

The average summer temperature is +17 ° C. However, during cold snap frosts are possible at night, even in July. Old-timers remember the year when abundant snowfall suddenly occurred in the very middle of summer. The peak of warm days comes late and does not last long. But if the winds blow from the Kazakh steppes, then the heat can reach +35 ° C. It usually rains in August, the weather is no longer summer, and by the end of the month a real fall may come to visit.

In order to have a comprehensive idea of ​​the climate of Arkhangelsk by months, you should pay attention to the table below.


White Nights

This is a northern city, but still not so much that polar day and night are observed here. However, the geographical latitude of this region, of course, affects the daily illumination depending on the time of year. Being in Arkhangelsk, you can witness such an interesting phenomenon as white nights. The locals, admiring them, declare that Peter did not even dream of what they are in Arkhangelsk. In this northern region, during periods of white nights over the horizon at night, the sun still sets. However, it does not fall low. For this reason, complete darkness does not occur, and only twilight is observed, but not too thick. If the weather is clear, night natural light makes it possible to perfectly distinguish surrounding objects and even read.

The impressive unusualness of this phenomenon in Arkhangelsk can be enjoyed starting on May 17. White nights here last more than two months and end only in the last days of July. Visitors notice that life in a specified period of time in the city just boils and never stops, because it is light at night, almost like during the day. It seems that the day is not even the usual 24 hours, but much more.



Having outlined the climate, we should now talk about what is the nature of this region. The north of the Arkhangelsk region belongs to the subarctic tundra zone. Further, the territory begins where permafrost prevails. To the south of the northern border of the region, the forest-tundra with its marshy swamps spread, and then - the endless forests of the taiga, rich in animals and a variety of flora. They decorate the nature of this region.

Of the tree species, mainly spruce and pine dominate there, and larch and fir are also found. This region impresses with pristine virgin expressiveness and greatness of nature. Not everyone likes this stern beauty. But, as evidenced by reviews of the climate of Arkhangelsk and its nature, many of the local flora is to their liking. True tourists are attracted by these lands, attracting with a wealth of impressions and the opportunity to truly experience themselves. After all, not everyone is heading south to comfortable hotels.


A paradise for mushroom pickers and berry lovers

The climate of Arkhangelsk is such that the south of the region impresses with an abundance of a wide variety of edible mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms are most common, and there are also a lot of boletus, boletus, mushrooms and mushrooms.

Vast forests of the region amaze with a variety of berries. There are many of them among the swamps, such dangerous areas are very common in this territory. If you show patience, you can enjoy plenty of forest blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, golden yellow cloudberries, pick red and black currants, as well as vitamin-rich dogrose, mountain ash, cranberries, lingonberries. Some of these gifts of nature are sweet, while others are simply immensely useful.

Many of the species of flora growing in this territory are extremely rare, therefore, are listed in the Red Book. Among them are a white water lily, Siberian fir, certain species of ferns and orchids.
