
Monthly climate of Abkhazia: features, recommendations and reviews of tourists

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Monthly climate of Abkhazia: features, recommendations and reviews of tourists
Monthly climate of Abkhazia: features, recommendations and reviews of tourists

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On the southeastern coast of the Black Sea in the western part of Transcaucasia is a magical corner of the earth - Abkhazia. Its climate is very mild, which contributes to the year-round influx of tourists into this republic. People value these places for their healing mountain air, clear sea and incomparable landscapes. It has everything you need for a good rest for travelers of all ages. But many vacationers before choosing a month for their trip, of course, are interested in what weather is in this or that period of the year in this state and when it is better to go there.

Geographical Information

Before telling about the climate in Abkhazia, it is worth learning a little about this republic. It is located on the territory between the Caucasian ridge and the Black Sea coast. This state in the northwest has common borders with the Krasnodar Territory, and in the southeast with Georgia.


Abkhazia is divided into seven large areas, each of which necessarily captures a piece of the Black Sea coast and enchanting mountain peaks. In recent years, the tourism industry in this republic began its active development. There are new motels, hotels, pensions, offering vacationers comfortable rooms at very affordable prices, so the flow of travelers to this state is increasing every year.

Nature and climatic conditions

Many tourists prefer this small country also because of its amazing landscapes. The coastal location of the state and the presence of high mountain ranges formed the humid subtropical climate of Abkhazia, which is characterized by long summers, warm autumn, early spring and short winters.

The average annual air temperature is approximately +15 degrees Celsius and rarely when it drops to +7. Therefore, in the winter months there is no snow in these places, and in February, even flowers begin to bloom in the forests.

The climate of Abkhazia suggests that beautiful subtropical plants grow on the territory of this republic, such as magnolias, palm trees, oleanders and many others. Such beautiful nature and favorable weather conditions attract many tourists to visit this state in early May.


Spring months

The warm season in these places begins very early. In the first days of March, the thermometer columns begin to grow upward every day. But in this period of the year, the weather is still volatile and can change instantly. Therefore, for those who can not stand the heat and heat, spring Abkhazia will be the best option for a vacation. The monthly climate for this season is as follows:

  • In March, the air warms up to an average of +16 degrees Celsius during the day, and in the dark, the temperature can drop to +10. Swimming is still cold, as the water is not warmer +15. Rains are rare, but if they already begin, then they go for a long time.

  • In April, the thermometer columns already reach +20 degrees in the daytime and up to +15 at night. The water temperature this month is already equal to +18 heat and some tourists who come from the North feel quite comfortable in the Black Sea. Also, this time is ideal for those who wish to visit medical tours and for holidaymakers who cannot tolerate harsh ultraviolet rays.

  • In May, daytime air already confidently holds at around +21 degrees Celsius, and at night the temperature drops to +17. This month the water in the sea heats up to +20 and is favorable for swimming.

Abkhazia is very beautiful at this time of year. Its climate is arranged in such a way that already in April all the forest edges and city trees "dress" their floral decoration, so that the air is filled with magical pleasant aromas.


It's high time for the tourist season

Summer in these places is very hot and rich in various berries and fruits. The sun is already very hot, but its rays can not be called aggressive. Therefore, people suffering from heart and vascular diseases, summer Abkhazia is suitable for traveling to the sea. The dry climate, which is established in this period of the year, will not be able to harm their health:

  • In June, it is still not too hot, as the air temperature warms up to +27 degrees during the day, and drops to +23 at night. The waters of the Black Sea are very favorable for comfortable swimming with a mark of +21 heat. This month, a real beach season opens in the resorts of Abkhazia and on the streets of tourists it becomes much more.

  • In July, the average air temperature is about +30 degrees, and the humidity gets a little higher, but pleasant sea breezes help to deal with such heat. During this period, the sea warms up to +23, so lovers of splashing on the waves just do not leave it. For mountain peaks, this month is considered the time of torrential rains.

  • August is the hottest time in the area. The column of the thermometer in the daytime can reach a mark of +34 degrees Celsius, and the water in the sea, like fresh milk. Therefore, the end of summer here is the peak of the swimming season.


Velvet season

Autumn is considered an amazing time in this republic, since during this period wonderful comfortable weather is established here. Those tourists who wish to extend their summer, are waiting for autumn Abkhazia. The monthly climate this season looks like this:

  • In September, the air temperature during the day is slightly lower than July and is equal to +24 heat. The Black Sea is also warmed up to +23, so vacationers feel very comfortable on its coast. The climate of Abkhazia for children this month will be most favorable.

  • In October, the temperature begins to fall gradually and reaches +18 degrees during the day, and at night it is +13. The sea also cools, therefore, in mid-autumn, only daredevils can be seen in the Black Sea waters. Such weather is most suitable for those who come to the country for various procedures and treatments.

  • With the onset of November, it gets colder in the republic, and the temperature drops to +15 heat. Rainfall is rising, and winds are rising. At this time, persimmons and tangerines are ripening everywhere.


Winter season

The climate of Abkhazia at this time of the year is very mild and warm. The minus indicators of the thermometer are rare, and as a rule, there is no snow. But there is a lot of rains in winter and especially in December. Storm winds are common. The average daily temperature is approximately +10 degrees, and the night temperature is +3. January in this area is held with the same indicators.

In February, the amount of precipitation is significantly reduced, and the weather begins to please with clear days. The first plants begin to appear in forests and gardens.

Travel Tips & Tricks

Abkhazia is always glad to tourists, therefore at any time of the year there is something to occupy yourself with. Travelers who came to these places in April, May, October and September say that these months are an ideal time for excursions. Winter is most favorable, in their opinion, for going through various procedures.

But if you want to go the whole family on a beach vacation, then many tourists are advised to choose June for such a trip. This month you can take full from visits to these amazing places.