
Is it worth it to relax in Cyprus in December?

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Is it worth it to relax in Cyprus in December?
Is it worth it to relax in Cyprus in December?

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Each person has his own idea of ​​how the rest should go. Some like to soak up the sun, while others love the 3-hour walk. Whatever type of vacation you prefer, enjoying the good weather in the winter months will not work everywhere. Where to relax on the eve of the New Year holidays? Cyprus in December is wonderful, and today it will be discussed.

What is the weather like in December?

In the winter cold, sometimes I so want to go somewhere to a warm country. And the choice of Russians often falls on Cyprus. After all, it is warm there even in winter. When choosing a Cyprus holiday in December, one involuntarily raises the question of how warm it is. The air temperature on the island in winter rises to + 25 ° C (more often 16-19 ° C, depending on the location of the resort). But this, of course, in the afternoon. But at night the earth cools down, so walking in a summer dress will not work. The average forecasts say that the thermometer in the evening can drop to + 10⁰С. Of course, it is still warm, but because of such differences, the water is very cooled. This does not stop tourists from Russia, and many of them still bathe. But do not wait for miracles, the water temperature will not be higher than 18⁰С. If you really want to swim, it is better to choose a hotel that has a heated pool.


Cyprus culture

Cyprus in December, and in any other month, is incredibly beautiful. But tourists go there not only to sunbathe on the golden sandy beaches. Russians really like the culture of the island, the manifestations of which are best seen on holidays. How do Cypriots celebrate New Year and Christmas? The Greeks, as well as the inhabitants of all European countries, have many traditions with which they accompany the past year. Of course, the main attribute of the holiday is the tree. Dress it in Cyprus in December, or rather, in the last of its numbers. Since most of the inhabitants are Catholics, accordingly, the main celebrations will be held on the 25th. Traditionally, mass celebrations take place here, where you can appreciate the colorful outfits of residents and the incomparable Cypriot cuisine. The weather in Cyprus in December is wonderful, so the festivities continue not only in the evening, but also at night. But Easter is considered the main holiday of the Cypriots, they begin to celebrate it in 50 days. The culmination of the holiday is a mass march to the sea, which ends with the fact that the Cypriots pour water on each other.


What to see while relaxing in Cyprus?

Arriving on the island for the first time, you must visit the main attractions. The weather in Cyprus in December is great, so it will contribute to sightseeing trips.

  • Aphrodite's Bath is a small bay located between Paphos and Limassol. It was in this place, according to Greek legends, that Aphrodite emerged from the foam of the sea. In this wonderful bay you can swim for yourself, and here you can also take great photos.

  • Troodos is a nature reserve located in the mountains. Here you can escape from the sun and enjoy the magnificent nature. The vegetation of these places should be familiar to the inhabitants of Russia: oaks, cypresses and junipers will be able to remind tourists of their native land.

  • Kourion is an ancient city, or rather, its ruins. A picturesque place where you can see the houses of the Hellenes and their kings.

National cuisine

The gastronomic preferences of the Cypriots are very diverse. Since the culture of the island was formed under the influence of several countries, it is not necessary to be surprised that the oriental cuisine is intertwined with English. Despite the fact that Cyprus is an island, fish is not included in the diet of its inhabitants on a daily basis. There is a lot of it, but locals prefer to eat pork and lamb. But the diet of tourists for the most part consists of fruits and vegetables, because in Cyprus they can be found in abundance at any time of the year. Well and, of course, one cannot fail to say about wine. Here it is made according to old recipes, thanks to which Cyprus became famous in ancient Greece.


How to choose a hotel?

The weather in Cyprus in December and January favors relaxation. Here you can take sunbaths, walk in picturesque places. But the rest will be in vain if you choose the wrong hotel. Each person has different requirements regarding their place of residence. In a travel agency, you must definitely talk about your preferences. Many hotels in Cyprus are not equipped with swimming pools, and if you want to swim, you should definitely consider this point. Many hotels also provide breakfast and dinner. But not all tourists need these services. Some people like to sleep before 12, which means that breakfast will remain uneaten. And some prefer to dine at a restaurant outside the hotel. It makes no sense to pay for food if you do not eat it. Reading reviews about Cyprus in December, you can find information that people often overpay for the fact that the hotel is on the first coastline. In winter, this criterion is simply not relevant, because in the sea it will still be impossible to swim.
