
Ryazan: climate, economy, geographical features

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Ryazan: climate, economy, geographical features
Ryazan: climate, economy, geographical features

Video: Climate Change 2024, June

Video: Climate Change 2024, June

Ryazan is one of the largest cities in the center of the European territory of Russia. It is the capital of the Ryazan region. This is a large industrial, military and scientific center. Ryazan is an important transport hub. The population is 538, 962 people. The city has a long history and a high share of the Russian population in the national composition. The climate of Ryazan and the Ryazan region is temperate, cool.


Geographic features

The city spreads over an area of ​​224 square meters. km Altitude is 130 meters. Ryazan is located in the central part of the East European Plain, between the Volga and Oka rivers. Ryazan is located in the western half of the Ryazan region and has coordinates: 54 ° C. w. and 39 ° in. d.

Ryazan is relatively close to Moscow (180 km) and, together with Tver, is one of the largest cities closest to the Russian capital. The course of time in Ryazan corresponds to Moscow.


The city of Ryazan is located on the border of forest-steppe and forest zones of vegetation. In the city itself there are many green areas where a variety of species of trees of the temperate zone grow. Quite often there are fruit ones. The environmental situation in Ryazan is at an acceptable level, and the main pollutants are transport and industry.

The animal world is quite diverse. In the 15-17 centuries, the city was surrounded by forests, where you could meet animals such as wild boar, roe deer, elk, bear, wolf. Now they are found only in protected and sparsely visited forests far from the city.

The main river of Ryazan is the Oka. It is characterized by severe spills during the flood period associated with melting snow. About 10 small rivers flow through the city. Most enclosed bodies of water were formed by the Oka River when its channel changed.


Climate of Ryazan

The city has a temperate continental climate. The climatic zone in Ryazan corresponds to the temperate zone. Winters are relatively cold, with the lowest temperature (-7.9 ° C) in February. But often thaws occur. Summer is not hot, with a maximum average monthly temperature in July (+ 19.2 ° C). Summer temperature is set in late May. The absolute minimum is 40.9 degrees, and the absolute maximum is +39.5 degrees. Such a high air temperature was observed in 2010. Such maxima and minima are associated with the development of blocking anticyclones, which in the summer lead to heating of the air, and in winter to its cooling.


The annual precipitation is 500 mm, and in the whole of the Ryazan region - from 500 to 600 mm. Humidification coefficient falls south of the city where the zone of insufficient moisture is located. To the north of Ryazan, humidification grows and becomes redundant. All this determines the nature of the vegetation: forest in the north and forest-steppe in the south.

Most precipitation (390 mm) falls in the warm season. The wettest month is July (precipitation is 80 mm), and the driest month is March (26 mm).


The most comfortable weather is set in September, when the so-called "golden autumn" is observed. But since October, it has changed: it becomes wet and rainy.

The prevailing wind direction in Ryazan is west in the warm period and south in the cold. The presence of the large Oka River has a beneficial effect on the summer microclimate, helping to mitigate the midday heat.

Air masses

The greatest importance on the climate of Ryazan is provided by flows from the Atlantic, i.e., marine moderate air masses. An influx of 90% of the precipitated moisture is associated with them. Less common is the arrival of air from the north, from the Arctic. Arctic marine air quickly converts to continental temperate, resulting in an increase in air temperature.

The flow of tropical air from the south is observed infrequently. Hot summer weather is associated with it, when the maximum temperature can be above 30 °. Tropical air masses come from the Mediterranean and Central Asian regions.

Snow cover

Snow cover is set in late November and lies until the end of March, and sometimes longer. The total number of days with snow cover is 135-145. By the end of winter, snow thickness reaches 30-50 cm.


In the Ryazan region, as in other regions of the temperate zone, the seasonality of the year is well expressed. The growing season is about 140 days per year. The sum of active temperatures is 2200 - 2300 degrees.