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Christmas carols for children

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Christmas carols for children
Christmas carols for children

Video: Our Favorite Christmas Songs for Kids | Super Simple Songs 2024, July

Video: Our Favorite Christmas Songs for Kids | Super Simple Songs 2024, July

Winter is not only snowy streets, frosts and noses blue from the cold, but also the time of long-awaited holidays, tangerine aroma and making cherished wishes. Children especially love winter time, when you can play snowballs, go skiing, ice skating or, as in the good old days, go downhill, and also change clothes in carols and go around guests as a whole friendly company.

From the evening of January 6 to January 19, the most magical and fun time begins - the celebration of Christmas time. So that the owners of the houses are the most friendly and friendly, children can be given to learn funny Christmas carols. Then there will be a high probability of getting a tasty treat.


A bit of history

The origin of the words “carol”, “carols”, “carols” has its roots in Latin, in the word “calends”, which means “the first day of the month”. In January, the celebration begins on Christmas night from the 6th to the 7th and ends at Epiphany (January 19). Initially, in pagan times, the Slavs respected the god Kolyada - the protector of the harvest and wealth in the house. According to the old calendar, folk songs and festivities glorified the patron at the end of December, during the winter solstice, starting from 21 and ending with the 25th.

Since the formation of Christianity, people began to honor and express words of gratitude to Jesus Christ, to praise his birth. The symbol of these holy days is the Bethlehem eight-pointed star. The day before Christmas (January 6, according to a new style), the Slavic people called Kolyada. From that moment on, the old sun is replaced by the new, young, ahead is spring and summer, and the holy evenings before Baptism were called Christmas time.


Traditions for Christmas time

Among the Slavs, the main custom in celebrating Christmas carols for Christmas was the celebration of Christ. Children and the younger generation wore traditional clothes, decorated the cardboard star of Bethlehem, went to visit neighbors, read carol poems and sang holy songs. The custom ended with fun, a plentiful feast, dances and festivities in the yard.


Festive robes

In olden days, the mummers dressed in sheepskin coats "top-and-neck", their faces were hidden under masks of animals. Traditional - goat, wolf, bear, horse. Now you can cut such masks yourself, rummage in the bins, find an old furry coat or shabby sheepskin coat, earflaps, long colorful dresses on the floor, scarves, large jewelry. You can stick a mustache, draw a character image on your face. The main thing is not to forget to wash yourself thoroughly with holy water or go to church for communion, since according to Christian customs it is not advisable to dress up in the images of animals.


According to Russian customs, Christmas carols are not complete without a star - a carrier of a decorated eight-pointed star, a bell-ringer, a bell-ringer and a mech-bear with a huge bag for guests from neighbors. These heroes must be present among a friendly cheerful company. Participants in the procession are better to take with lush, sonorous voices and a positive attitude.


How to Carol

  1. While walking down the street, ringing bells, the Russian carols for Christmas are chanted together and loudly.
  2. You don’t need to burst into the house brazenly to your neighbor; you must first knock or ring the bell. After the owner opens the door, it is necessary to ask permission to conduct a festive ceremony.
  3. Then the participants perform ditties or read Christmas poems.
  4. After the hosts fill the bag of the mecha with treats, the carollers should sincerely thank them.
  5. There is no need to eat up the hotel “in one person”, it is better to arrange a joint feast after the procession and equally divide the coins or banknotes donated by the owners.
  6. If a relative of one of the neighbors dies during the year, it’s better not to carol in these apartments or houses, otherwise you can incur trouble.
  7. For the owners to be happy, the first of the carols in the house must be a man.

Russian songs

It will not be difficult for schoolchildren to learn Russian Christmas carols at Christmas and conquer the hosts with them. Treats are not given simply for beautiful eyes, you need not to blame in the celebration. Easy to learn song "Kolyada, Kolyada".

Carols, carriages, Carriage came

On Christmas Eve.

We walked, searched

Holy Carol

Ivan is in the yard.

Ivanushka - iron tyn (fence, picket fence), Pelageyushka - red sun, Little babies are frequent stars.

Whoever gives the pie is the yard of the belly, And heifers, and yarushki, on the table a lot of edges.

He who does not give a pie is not good for him.

For elementary school students a short folk song “Kolyadka” is suitable:

1. Carol

On Christmas Eve.


Oh carol

My carol!

2. Open the window, Launch Christmas!


3. Open the doors, Get out of bed.


It is easy to remember in childhood a funny Christmas carol song about the crackling frost that freezes the nose so that the hosts open the door faster and meet the little guests with warm ruddy pies.

1. Like frost on the street

It freezes the nose

He doesn’t order to stand for a long time, He orders to serve soon!

2. Or a warm cake, Or butter, cottage cheese, Or money with a spear

Or the ruble in silver.

Preschoolers, together with their parents, can learn the easy words of a very short and kind song "Kolyadka".

Oh, Carol, Carol, Golden head!

Kolyada came -

I brought you all the best!

You can thank the owners for the warm welcome and generous treats in the original way - to perform the carol "Ay, thanks to the hostess."

Ay, thanks to the hostess

For the soft cakes!

Ai, liu, ai, luli

For the soft cakes!

Yes thanks

Who is the boss in the house!

Ai, liu, ai, luli

Who is the boss in the house!

According to traditions, on January 7, in the morning, the boys went to the street with a star carved, sang folk carols at Christmas, after which they visited their neighbors. The first thing they did, going to the window, they asked permission from the owners to conduct a holy ceremony in their home. It is not advisable to be greedy and not let the mummers in. In the evening, mummers with a flashlight went out and also sang folk songs, but they were not allowed to enter the master's house.

Short and long verses

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is filled like no other with a fairy tale and miracles. At this magical time, dressed-up Christmas trees stand, tables are laid, wishes are made, the name of Jesus Christ is glorified, and carolic processions of dressed children and young people are held according to old customs, which are accompanied by ringing of bells, folk songs and poems.

This short Christmas carol is perfect for a mecha.

Mech, I'm called

And I’m not afraid of frosts!

I’m coming to you for a light

And carry a big bag!

The Star of Bethlehem is considered the main symbol of the holiday, bringing good and peace to every family. It was this bright, sun-like magical star that lit up at night, when Jesus Christ was born. This wonderful congratulatory poem is dedicated to the Christmas star.

Bright holiday of Christmas!

No happier triumph!

On the night of the birth of Christ

Above ground, a Star lit up.

From then on through the centuries

To us it shines like the sun.

Warms the faith of the soul

To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic

Bright holiday of Christmas!

Peace comes to every home …

Merry Christmas!

The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ teaches people to love their near and dear ones, to forget everything bad, to forgive offenders. To help those who are in trouble, if not deed, then at least with a sincere word or good advice that inspires hope, faith, good and strength.

Christmas days

To do one good:

Help, at least in a word, Those who are out of luck.

Inconsolable - to console, Indifferent - forgive

And even their neighbors

Learn to love us!

If the owners are elderly - you can tell a funny Christmas carol about a cow for Christmas.

A cow ran from the field to the forest!

Then to the grandfather in the yard!

Grandfather reprimand argument!

You grandfather, do not sulk!

Get the rubles

you will have bagels.

Call grandma

Let him bear a pancake!

Then pancakes and meat

Out of stock!

By tradition, the mummers should be greeted with kindness and generously rewarded with goodies; this brings the owner to his house happiness, health and prosperity.

Rather, a carriage runs, Open the gates

May luck be bright

And happiness will be hot

Give us sweets

Bright as fireworks

And don’t forget a coin

For you to be happy!

You should not be greedy, otherwise in such a way the “miser” will take away all virtues from his home. Coins presented to guests also bring happiness and wealth to the host family.

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.

God forbid anyone in this house.

We wish all good people:

Gold silver

Lush pies, Soft pancakes

Good health

Cow butter.

Here's another interesting selection of short Christmas carol poems for children.


And here are some more poems, which are easy to learn:

Kolyada goes to your house, And carries the bags with good, Who will give us the most

Great success awaits!

This carol can be remembered very quickly. It is suitable for both children and adults:

Kolyada walks around the city

Villages, streets, houses, Even in rain and bad weather

Knocking again to you

Congratulations to all of Christ, He was born into this world, Treat us soon

Give the marshmallows soon!

Having sung such a carol, one can safely count on a rich treat:

Christmas time has come again

We sing carols for you, And comes to every house

Christmas to all with good.

Gives happiness and success

A lot of songs, loud laughter

Many joyful poems

Mandarin duck, pies!

Carols can be divided into several parts. Each of the participants can learn only one or two lines. It will turn out fun:



Chastooshka is a short song quatrain, filled with emotions, which describes a specific case with someone. Subjects - any, from symbolic to obscene. On holidays, especially on Kolyadki, Shrovetide and Ivan Kupala, this folklore genre is popular. They are performed by both children and adults.

We sing carols

We bring happiness to your home.

And if you treat me, Wait a lot of money!

You can give out something sweet to children, and treat an adult with stronger dishes.

Carols, carols, Guys - chocolates, Adults with a bacon sandwich, It’s fun with us, people!

This beautiful congratulatory ditty about the glorification of Christ, performed by children, will surely please the owners.

An angel from heaven came down to us

And said, "Jesus was born."

We came to glorify him

And congratulate you on the holiday.

The staging approach to the performance of the carol carol looks interesting. To do this, you need to choose a guy and a girl who will sing this ditty expressively and fervently.

- Where were you little wife?

What did she bring with her?

- I'm from carols, hubby, Here is a bag with gifts!

Modern poets also remain faithful to ancient customs. Merry ditties carols in Christmas composed by Alyonchik Boravonos.

Make a wish in Christmas time, So that everything is in order in life …

To love, health, children, So that the world in the country and on the planet.

And here is another option:

Kolyada you're young

Dressed up as always.

We sing songs

We eat pies.

With humor

Not a single carol procession is complete without fun and jokes, otherwise excessive seriousness would have boring everyone for a long time, and the people would not have felt that very festive winter mood.


It is only for one moment to imagine a woman with a beard and grandfather with a tail - and immediately on the face, like a sun, a smile spreads.

Carols, carols …

And the woman has a beard.

And the grandfather grew a tail.

Running to the girls, scoundrel.

Carols, carols …

We have been dancing all year.

And on all fours

Feel free to climb the stairs.

Kids will undoubtedly like a short funny Christmas carol for a little boy about Christmas.

Little boy

I sat on the sofa

Sofa fragile

- drive the ruble!

This joke can be fulfilled both on Christmas and on Old New Year.

We dance and sing

We’ll bring your joy to the house.

Generous - profit in the new year, Well, greedy - bankrupt!

And this short Christmas carol for children is suitable for the moment when there are a lot of girls in the caroling team.

We are funny, funny

There are bbw, there are thin

We’ll gather you in a round dance, We’ll find grooms for ourselves!

In Belarusian

Kolyada is a family holiday that brings together all the near and dear ones at one table. This tradition is one of the most important values. In Belarus, on January 6, a fast Christmas dinner is prepared in each house. Mandatory dishes on the table - kutya and pancakes. The guardians of tradition began to supper only after the first star rose in the sky. Then they lit a candle, prayed to God, and then proceeded to have a meal.


Uchora Zvyachora

Zasvyatsіla Zora.

Zora zvyvyatsіla, Light Uzvesyalіla.

Light Uzvesilіsya:

Khristos naradzіsya.

Khristova Rajanne

To the people at the battle.

Lyudzi, vybaytsa, Hrysta prvіtaytse.

Krysta prvіtaytse, We kalyadu daitse.

According to custom, feasts are held both among relatives and with the invitation of friends and neighbors. On the day of January 7, after a long post, the hosts put vodka, wine and various dishes on the table. And in the evening, carol processions begin.

Good evening tamu, Hto ў gety lady!

We ourselves are

Z dzetsmі i zhanyu, We steel

Kalyady corrected.

And pa getai movs

Budzma ўse zdarovy, A pa getai kaztsy

Zhyvіts ў weasels.

Since ancient times, caroling has acquired a magical meaning. It is through such rites that one can acquire God's protection for the coming year.

Holy Merry - human jumping.

Holy Rajdzhajstvo - joyful sprinkled.

Holy Rajjaz - doubled maroz.

Razdzhestvenskі maroz good ўkusіts (Ushchypnya) for the nose.

Each owner seeks to generously endow guests with goodies for their warm visit and the performance of carols, which are called "bounties." “The Christmas carols came - serve pancakes and fritters”, - with such words they entered the neighbor's hut.

Kalyada drove on the white cany.

Yae konichak - clear mesysyk, Yay duzhachka - clear sight, Ya puzhachka - clear stargazing

Ya vazochak - for that matter, Ya kazhushok - with a belaga shot.

In Belarus, carols take a goat with them. It is believed that this particular animal drives away evil spirits and symbolizes the rich harvest and offspring of livestock. In the image of a goat, a smart boy or girl dressed up. They put a sheepskin coat or a fur coat turned inside out, and a mask on his head. In some Belarusian villages, goats are made from straw, then they go home with her.


These Christmas carols for the newly married host.

Rode kalyada

3 kanz ў kanz.

Kalyada drove in

To Mіshechku.

Mіshechka, and Hadzyayn, Give kalyadzitsy:

Pud Pushanitsy, Bread loaf

Meat paw, Parasit with a brag

Kіlbas z shastom.

Vota Kalyada

For pile Nіnachka.

Other names can be substituted.

And marosa trashchats …

And marosa trashchats, Yes varota hiding.

P er p е:

Holy evening

Yes varota hiding.

- Chamu ў tsiab, Valodzka, Yes kazhushka nima?

- Nashto me kazuzh, Kalі ў myan Lena.

- Yana spaee, - Myan sagraye.

The Belarusian song "Oh, wound, wound …" is dedicated to the young hostess.

Oh wound, wound

Zora zazzyalі.

P er p е:

Holy are the evening

Good people!

Nі Ranei Tago

Hannachka has become.

Pa dvaru hadzil

-Ўthe whole yard is beautiful.

Stupila on the Ganі

-Gany zazzzy.

Stupila on the steam

-Tree steel flock.

Three steel steels

Bayars sіdzyats.

Bayars Sіdzyats, Cup nalivayuts.

Cup Nalivayuts

Gannachku “praise.”