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Cremation of people in Europe and Russia. History of occurrence

Cremation of people in Europe and Russia. History of occurrence
Cremation of people in Europe and Russia. History of occurrence

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Video: Slavic Origins : The Slavic Venetic Connection 2024, July

In Europe, people were cremated since time immemorial. For example, in ancient Greece, this environmentally friendly form of human burial was very popular. However, the Orthodox religion and such a modern process of burial of dead people could not get along together. That is why in Russia the cremation of the deceased was not allowed until the October Revolution of 1917, when the last Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Nicholas II, was overthrown.

What is the cremation of the dead?

As mentioned above, this is a modern and environmentally friendly type of burial of the deceased. For more than a century, world practice has been widely using this so progressive tradition of farewell to dead people. It can be said without any exaggeration that cremation of people is a real ultramodern word in the market of funeral services!


Why did they begin to cremate the dead?

In the 18th century, cemeteries ceased to cope with the great multitude of the dead, free space on earth simply ran out. In this regard, the deceased began to be buried near their homes, which served as the spread of various diseases, including infectious ones. That is why it was decided to burn the corpses of the dead, which allowed to observe basic sanitary standards.

A professor named Brunetti developed in 1873 the first kiln for burning corpses. This was the impetus for the construction of the first crematoriums. By the way, documentary sources indicate that the very first cremation of people was carried out as far back as 1792, and in 1913 more than 50 crematoria were functioning throughout America! Today, the burning of corpses of deceased people is the most popular type of burial in Europe.


Cremation of people in Russia

The very first Russian crematorium was created before 1917 in the Far East, but the Orthodox religion did not allow such a modern form of burial to become widespread. But soon cremation nevertheless began to gain its popularity, as revolutionary views grew, and sharp criticism fell upon Orthodoxy. It was then that the first crematorium was erected in the city of Petrograd, which existed from 1920 to 1921.

Today in our country there are 15 crematoria equipped with everything necessary for the full cremation and delivery to the relatives of his ashes. These are both state (municipal) and private organizations. Cremation of people in Moscow and St. Petersburg is very popular. It is curious that the crematorium of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Moscow cemetery is one of the largest in all of Europe.

How is and how much is a person cremation?

As you already know, this type of burial of the dead was known for a long time, but it was constantly modernized from year to year, from century to century. Previously, during this process, the corpse of a deceased person was burned in a special furnace at very high gas temperatures (up to 1000 degrees).


Today, the entire cremation process is automated. It is controlled by computer technology. As a result, the tissues of the deceased are brought to a gaseous state, and the bones of his skeleton are brought to a finely divided substance. By the way, the cost of this procedure in Russia varies from 16 to 35 thousand rubles.