the culture

Who is lump and who is given this insulting nickname?

Who is lump and who is given this insulting nickname?
Who is lump and who is given this insulting nickname?

Video: Undigested Lump (A Song) 2024, June

Video: Undigested Lump (A Song) 2024, June

Once, another intelligent, well-read and educated woman came to visit an intelligent family. In the process of gatherings, as usual, they started talking on topical issues, in particular, on illegal migrants, in the German manner calling them migrant workers. But they were called not only that, but also the more familiar Russian word. In the midst of a debate, the landlady’s daughter, a very young girl, suddenly announced that she knew who the lump was. It turns out to be her own mom. “But I’m a daughter, then she’s a chock!” she explained with childlike directness.


The problem of xenophobia, racism and nationalism exists not only in Russia. Very funny are their attitude towards “Muscovites”, for example, Ukrainian nationalists. They angrily denounce their Russian “members of the same party” that they, they say, suffer intolerance towards all non-Russians, as if manifesting it to all non-Ukrainians, something is radically changing. The essence of nationalism lies precisely in the assertion that the indigenous, or titular, population has some special rights.


Khachi, lumps, apricots, lumps - as soon as they do not call representatives of the Asian and Caucasian peoples! Blacks, by the way, for some reason do not tease. A certain image of a swarthy cheeky loafer is drawn, answering all questions with an emphasis: “But because!” In fairness, it should be noted that such an opinion about the visiting southerners has a certain basis, and it did not arise in modern Russia, but took several decades to form.

Representatives of all nationalities of the vast homeland were called into the Soviet Army. Some of them found out who such a chock is only after they began to understand at least a little in Russian, that is, not immediately. A typical example: a sergeant asks soldiers in turn who they are. All young people answer: “Defender of the motherland!”, And only private Kerimov says that he is “usbek”. After that, colleagues are invited to explain to Karimov who he is. And so several times. After some suggestion in an extremely accessible form, Karimov happily informs the commander that he is a chock!


In general, any representative of the Asian or Transcaucasian republic who has poor command of the Russian language and has not received (through no fault of his own!) A normal education may fall under this definition in our country. This insulting nickname is all too often given to people who conscientiously work for low wages at jobs that happy passport holders with registration in Russian cities do not want to take.

Migrant children go to school with other children, who, adopting the Lumpen habits of some low-cultural older comrades, quickly learn who the lump is.

Another question is that there are a lot of newcomers, and migration legislation is imperfect. European countries are also facing this problem, having once opened borders for citizens of African and Asian states in the hope that they will eventually become Germans, Italians, or French. Immigrants do not want to assimilate, on the contrary, they often try to create a familiar environment around them. Problems and conflicts arise, always accompanying cultural differences.


Collisions sometimes occur, both in Russia and in other countries, and those who did not always behave wrongly, to put it mildly, suffer from them. It is the most helpless hard workers that are the easiest to explain who the lump is, striking along the way with fists, legs and various hard objects. But with bandits who are really breaking the law, armed and united, it’s difficult and unsafe to talk like that.

Unfortunately, despite the traditionally internationalist upbringing, some of our fellow citizens, annoyed by poor pronunciation and the large number of visitors, express their emotions with the indignant question: “What to do with chocks?”, Finding Sharikov's simple answer to it. Clear business, to expel all, and to close borders! And this is even milder, it is possible and otherwise, more radical. It just won’t work out. For the time being, Russia needs migrant workers. And in order for predominantly indigenous people to live in our country, you just need to give birth to more children. And educate them with real citizens.