
Who is the wife of Anatoly Chubais?

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Who is the wife of Anatoly Chubais?
Who is the wife of Anatoly Chubais?

Video: Anatoly Chubais, CEO of RUSNANO at IRENA's 8th Assembly 2024, July

Video: Anatoly Chubais, CEO of RUSNANO at IRENA's 8th Assembly 2024, July

A few years ago, a secular party was excited by one of the “burning” news, which was connected with the personal life of a major Russian official, whose fortune amounts to many billions of rubles. Of course, we are talking about the ideologist of privatization Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. He just left the family for another woman. Naturally, the public could not leave aside this detail of the personal life of a well-known politician and “relished it from the heart”. Everyone suddenly wanted to know who would now try on the status of "wife of Chubais."

“Cheating? Only not him ”

This secret was revealed by the shocking actor of Soviet cinema Stanislav Sadalsky, who is known for his caustic comments in LiveJournal, and Bozena Rynska, a professional journalist. It was they who told the public who were fortunate enough to have a loud “title” - the wife of Chubais.


An excerpt from the post speaks for itself: “The billionaire abandoned his family without taking any property at all. He had an affair with …"

It is noteworthy that now the ex-wife of the head of RUSNANO has always responded warmly to Russian politics. “He is not capable of betrayal, because he possesses natural conservatism. Anatoly Borisovich has his own code of ethics, the norms of which he strictly abides by. Only if he truly falls in love can he break off relations, ”said ex-wife of Chubais Maria Vishnevskaya. Some claimed that Vishnevskaya worked part-time at a modeling agency, and the future reformer became very interested in a girl with long legs. But the reality was different. Their acquaintance occurred when they both worked at the same engineering and economic institute of the city on the Neva as research workers.

First spouse

It should be noted that Maria Vishnevskaya is Chubais’s second wife. He began to live with her after he left his first wife Lyudmila. She gave birth to a son and a daughter, and subsequently became engaged in restaurateur.


It should be noted that the “evil genius of the 90s” regularly helped the first wife with money. Lyudmila even opened her own restaurant, denying, however, that her ex-husband provided financial assistance. One way or another, but with his second wife, Anatoly Borisovich lived in happiness and harmony for twenty years. But they had to leave. So, what is the name of Chubais’s wife No. 3?

Duni Biography

The chosen one of Anatoly Borisovich, Avdotya Andreevna Smirnova, in the cultural life of Russia, the figure is by no means mediocre. It is enough to pay attention to its kindred beginning. She is the granddaughter of the famous writer Sergei Smirnov, who wrote The Brest Fortress. Her father is no less eminent director Andrei Smirnov, and her mother is a popular actress Natalya Rudnaya. From a young age, Dunya showed its “radical” maximalism, demonstrating to others an unbridled disposition. She could not only offend with a strong word, but was also an unprincipled nature. Fortunately, after growing up she passed it.

The beginning of the creative path

After school, she dreamed of entering the screenwriting department, but her father took hostility with hostility.


As a result, she became a student of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, but then she nevertheless entered GITIS (theater studies). Fate brought her to the famous director Sergei Solovyov, who eventually approved her as editor of the Circle.

For some time she worked as a journalist in the Kommersant print publication, then worked as a book columnist for Afisha and Capital magazines. In parallel with this, she writes scripts for films.

Avdotya Smirnova devoted time to work in the field of art management. She showed interest in the performances of "New Artists", attended the metropolitan parties of rock groups. As already emphasized, the future wife of Chubais Dun created exclusive scripts that were quite in demand. Films based on which they were involved often received prestigious awards. The most fruitful was Smirnova’s collaboration with director Alexei Uchitel, who, according to her scripts, shot such films as “Diary of his wife”, “Walk”, “Mania Giselle”. Also, Avdotya Andreevna wrote a script for the famous film by Andrei Konchalovsky “Gloss”, thanks to which the rating of her popularity became even higher. Among other things, the wife of Chubais Dunya Smirnov herself was engaged in directing. In 2006, she became the author of the film “Communication”, and two years later, viewers saw her film production of the classic work of I. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”.

Project "School of slander"

Some still believe that the whole country recognized Dunya Smirnova after the release of this particular television program.


In the fall of 2002, the first issue of the School of Slander was released on the NTV channel. Together with the famous writer and publicist Tatyana Tolstoy, Avdotya Smirnova became the first person of this project, which was created to conduct a conversation with the main character, to reveal his strengths and weaknesses, to learn his creative plans and, as they say, "turn his soul inside out." Famous people came to visit the hosts, who, one way or another, contributed to the national culture. It should be noted that the third wife of Chubais, whose photo occasionally flashes on the pages of the press, does not appear on television often after the close of the above program.

Another role of Avdotya

Not everyone knows that Smirnova was engaged in one more thing for some time. In the 90s, she was part of the team of speechwriters of a famous politician Sergei Kiriyenko. By the way, her friends “in the shop” were her friends - Tatyana Tolstaya and Alexander Timofeevsky. It was this troika that was responsible for passing the SPS party to the country's legislative body and winning the mayoral election. Then they “promoted” Mikhail Margelov to big politics, who later took the seat in parliament.

Fateful acquaintance

Now it’s not a secret to anyone who is the wife of Anatoly Chubais.


But not everyone knows about how Smirnova got acquainted with the future leader of Rusnano. They became friends just when Dunya worked as speechwriting. And for eight years they continued to communicate closely with each other, after which a romance broke out between them.