
Kvachkov Vladimir: biography and interesting facts

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Kvachkov Vladimir: biography and interesting facts
Kvachkov Vladimir: biography and interesting facts

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Kvachkov Vladimir Vasilievich (photo is in this article) - GRU Colonel of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is currently retired. His military career began in Soviet times and continued in Russian. He was charged with attempted assassination of Chubais, but was acquitted. Kvachkov - the organizer of the military rebellion.

A family

On August 5, 1948, Vladimir Kvachkov was born in the Primorsky Territory, the Khasansky District, in the village of Kraskino. His family is small - only parents. There are no sisters and brothers. His family often had to move, since his father would be a military man. Therefore, Vladimir Vasilievich spent his childhood in Ussuriysk. There, his father served. Now Kvachkova’s mother lives in the town of Nakhabino, in the Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district.


Kvachkov Vladimir graduated from high school and continued his studies at the Far Eastern Suvorov School, which he graduated with a gold medal. Then he went to a Kiev university (general command school) at the intelligence department (he also graduated with a gold medal). In 1978-1981 was a student of the Frunze Military Academy, which he also graduated with honors. Received the title of candidate of military sciences.


Military career

Vladimir Vasilievich began his service in 1969 in Pskov. He was identified in the second GRU special forces brigade. Since 1981, he served in the Leningrad Military District, in the intelligence department. Then - in Germany and the Trans-Baikal District.

Vladimir Kvachkov is a participant in the war in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. From 1986 to 1989 was in the position of chief of staff of the brigade in Germany. And since 1989 - the commander of the 15th separate GRU special forces brigade in the Turkestan district. Then this military unit was transferred to the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. A riot was brewing in the brigade, as many disagreed with this decision. But Vladimir Vasilievich was able to reason his subordinates.

The most famous operation, in the development of which Kvachkov took part as the commander of the 15th brigade, is the Garmsky Landing. Since 1994, Vladimir Vasilievich served in the Main Intelligence Directorate. And since 1999, he became a research fellow at the General Staff Military Strategic Research Center. He took part in the working group of Russia and Belarus on the unification of the law in the field of defense.


Political activity

Colonel Kvachkov Vladimir Vasilyevich considers himself a Russian, Christian nationalist. He is a supporter of the Orthodox state. In 2005, Vladimir Vasilievich ran for the State Duma in the 199th constituency of Moscow. But Kvachkova bypassed Sergei Shavrin. As a result, Vladimir Vasilievich after the election was only in second place.

He tried to run for deputy again in 2009, at the Moscow City Duma in the sixth constituency of the capital. But he was denied registration. From 2005 to 2010 Vladimir Vasilievich often spoke in the media, at pickets and rallies with political statements by right-wing extremism. Together with like-minded people (M. Kalashnikov and Y. Yekishev) he created the “Para Bellum” (social movement). In 2009 - the unregistered political organization named after Minin and Pozharsky “People’s Militia”.

Attempt on Chubais

In March 2005, GRU Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov was charged with attempted assassination of A. Chubais and was sent to the Sailor Silence detention center. In June 2008, Vladimir Vasilievich was acquitted of the Moscow Regional Court. The jury decided that there was no evidence of Kvachkov’s guilt. In addition to him, his associates were justified - A. Naydenov, R. Yashin and some military airborne forces.


The day after the acquittal, Kvachkov spoke on the radio Echo of Moscow. He directly called Chubais a national traitor. And he said that Jews occupied Russia, and this is the basis of criminal gangs. As a result, the Prosecutor General’s Office sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office to verify Kvachkov’s statements, as in his words there were clearly manifestations of extremism, and at the same time to review the case of the attempt.

In August, the petition of the Prosecutor General of Russia was granted, the case of Vladimir Vasilievich was sent for a new consideration. In October, hearings were held in the regional Moscow court. In August 2010, the jury confirmed their opinion about Kvachkov’s non-involvement in the assassination attempt on Chubais. In December, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the acquittal.

In August 2012, the Moscow Tver Court collected 450, 000 rubles from the Ministry of Finance. in favor of Vladimir Vasilyevich, who claimed compensation for moral damage (the case of the attempt on Chubais) 50 million rubles.

Preparation for the military insurgency "Carpet"

Despite the fact that Kvachkov calls the actions against himself by the authorities repressions, there are still grounds for his accusations. As the investigation established, a retired colonel was organizing a full-scale military rebellion.

Sitting in his Moscow apartment, Vladimir Kvachkov planned to seize the cities of Ivanovo and Vladimir, block all roads leading to Moscow to them, and on behalf of the people put forward a demand to the Kremlin for a change of power, which he allegedly considers corrupt and bankrupt.


The first to arrive were the cities under the guise of fishermen and hunters, to set up three camps. For several days, other military groups were supposed to join them, also getting undetected, disguised as tourists. They were supposed to deliver dry rations, tents, sapper shovels and military stoves to the camps.

The gathering in temporary camps was scheduled from July 20 to 24, 2010. And from 24 to 25, the rebels were to capture the above cities. First, the Kovrov Tank Division (training), warehouses with a missile and artillery arsenal. Then, on armored vehicles, proceed first to Vladimir, and then to Ivanovo. Initially, Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov planned to seize the police and FSB buildings, then all military units. Report on "comprador power" was supposed to be through the media.

Rebellion failure

In one of his apartments, Kvachkov installed a device to create radio interference to prevent wiretapping. He was sure that after the charge of attempted assassination of Chubais, he was under the close attention of the authorities. Therefore, preparation for the rebellion led very carefully.


In this apartment, meetings were held with the leaders of the Popular Militia groups (briefly NOMP) and the commanders of military groups. He collected data on how many people would stand under a gun, issued instructions.

After the meetings, Kvachkov entered the call signs of the commanders into his computer. Gave them new SIMs for cellular, to transfer orders during the appointed operation. Those who were supposed to be responsible for transport received mobile phones themselves. After the planned rebellion was uncovered, a search was made in Kvachkov’s apartment. Prepared plans, maps, and about 30 call signs for commanders, whose military groups consisted of 15-25 militias, were found on his computer.

The special services learned about the rebellion and decided to capture the imaginary fishermen and hunters at the beginning of the operation, before the main forces with weapons arrived. As a result, the Alpha fighters took all the false fishers and false hunters in the early morning. So ended, without even starting, Operation Carpet.

Kvachkov also had a top-secret plan “B” in case of failure of the first. But special services arrested him, placing him in Lefortovo prison.


Second criminal case

As a result, after the Supreme Court issued an acquittal in the Chubais case on December 22, 2010, Vladimir Kvachkov was again arrested the next day. This time for organizing a military insurrection. FSB officers detained Vladimir Vasilievich and escorted to the Lefortovo court.

According to Kvachkov himself, he was not involved in this, and the prosecution was based only on the testimonies of Peter Galkin, the leader of one of the branches of the People’s Militia. And he, in turn, told the FSB about the creation of military units to overthrow power in the Kremlin. Kvachkov convinced the court that Galkin and his friends simply went to temporary forest camps to practice shooting.

Nevertheless, Kvachkov’s guilt was fully proven, and on February 8, 2013, the Moscow City Court sentenced him to 13 years in prison with a sentence in a strict regime colony. Also, many of his associates suffered a well-deserved punishment. In the summer of the same year, the Supreme Court reduced Kvachkova's sentence to 8 years. But in 2014, he violated the rules of isolation, trying to talk on a cell phone, and the punishment was again increased by 9 months. In 2015, Vladimir Vasilievich had the opportunity to apply for parole. But due to repeated violations of the regime, on the contrary, he was tightened up in prison.

Double life

The two years that Vladimir Kvachkov walked free (between prison sentences), he traveled around the country a lot, creating NOMP groups. He managed to do this in more than 40 Russian regions. Vladimir Vasilievich started a guerrilla war against the government and believed that he was operating in the rear. Had to lead a double life underground.


He remembers hundreds of passwords and call signs, ready at the signal to start an uprising and leave for the negotiated operation site. Kvachkov even compiled for himself the Federal registries, in which there are persons "who caused damage to the security and independence of Russia" and officers who refused to comply with the "orders of the new government" (and therefore traitors to the motherland).

Personal life

Kvachkov Vladimir Vasilievich married Nadezhda Mikhailovna. They had four children - two daughters and two sons. Alexander was born in June 1975 in the GDR. Since 2005, was on the wanted list. Cyril (the youngest son) graduated from school in 2005 and entered the university.

Anna, the eldest daughter, became a candidate of science. She married and gave birth to a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Maria. Elena, the youngest daughter of Vladimir Vasilievich, disabled person of group I (cerebral palsy). Nevertheless, she studies at the Moscow University of Economics and Economics (Department of Psychology and Sociology).