
The cars stopped, letting in a lioness. Instead of following his mother, the lion cub, uttering a formidable “roar”, went to the trucks (photo)

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The cars stopped, letting in a lioness. Instead of following his mother, the lion cub, uttering a formidable “roar”, went to the trucks (photo)
The cars stopped, letting in a lioness. Instead of following his mother, the lion cub, uttering a formidable “roar”, went to the trucks (photo)

A video shot in the Namibian National Park appeared on the web. A number of cars - trucks, SUVs, pickups - stopped, passing a lioness walking across the road with a tiny, recently born baby. Lion cub is clearly no more than one and a half to two months. First, the baby obediently followed his mother. But, obviously remembering that although he was small, he was the king of animals, he decided to scare the cars. Or maybe I just wanted to take a closer look at them. The kid stood, thought, and resolutely went to the nearest car.

Children's immediacy


The lion cub, like all children, was terribly curious. His attention was attracted by everything that came into view. And here is such a big and beautiful car. And the baby went to him. The lion cub wanted to growl terribly, but instead of a fierce roar of the king of the jungle, a mournful squeak came from the children's neck.


So weak that even the lioness mother did not immediately hear him. In any case, the baby managed to notice her absence on the road and get scared that her mother had actually left.


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Suddenly, a lion cub panicked. He immediately forgot about cars, and then a sharp gust of wind flew in. Left alone, without mother’s support, the baby clearly did not understand what to do. He literally froze on the spot … A small frightened kitten, who at the wrong time remembered his belonging to the largest cat family.
