the culture

Melodious Tatar names for a girl - what they mean and how they are chosen

Melodious Tatar names for a girl - what they mean and how they are chosen
Melodious Tatar names for a girl - what they mean and how they are chosen

Video: Recipe for friendship #4 (26.04.2017) - Kazakh TV 2024, June

Video: Recipe for friendship #4 (26.04.2017) - Kazakh TV 2024, June

Muslims choose a name for their child with particular care. Most of them believe that the fate of a person depends on him in many respects. For this reason, the name should not only sound beautiful (which is also important), but also give its owner some positive quality.


For example, Tatar names for a girl usually mean physical or spiritual beauty, obedience or meekness, intelligence or thrift. The boy, as a rule, is called so that he grows rich, wise, strong. In principle, in the culture of many peoples the name is given great importance. Recently, however, external factors often influence choices. And not always positively.

In Soviet times, the Crimean Tatar names of girls were quite often met, created artificially under the influence of communist ideas. For example, Lenia literally means "Lenin is", Lemara - "Lenin, Marx", Zarema - "for the revolution of the world", Elmar - "Engels, Lenin, Marx". There are many other not very successful examples. Years later, they entered the culture of Soviet Muslims so tightly that even now, when the communist government and its influence on the lives of citizens are long behind, they continue to call them children, not only in Crimea, but throughout the post-Soviet space. In principle, a similar situation was observed among other peoples of the USSR. One Dazdraperma (long live the first of May) is worth it.


The list of Tatar names for girls is large enough so that you can choose beautiful, easy to pronounce, and suitable in meaning. In addition to the Soviet influence on the culture of various peoples, there are others. There are Tatar names for the girl, whose origin is associated with Western European. For example, Regina, Elvira, Ilmira, Evelina, Elvin. But each of them also has its own specific interpretation. Ilmira is honest, conscientious, Regina is the queen, the wife of the king.


Eastern and Western cultures are increasingly intersecting with each other. Recently, Tatar names for the girl are chosen not only in Muslim families. They are found among the Slavs, in the countries of Central and Western Europe, on the American continent.

It is unlikely that anyone would be surprised if he finds out that the Russian girl was named Alsou (very beautiful) or Jasmine (in honor of the flower), not to mention Lily (white tulip) or Louise (glorious battle). Undoubtedly, in this case the decisive role in the choice is played not by the very meaning of the word, but by the beauty of the sound.

When choosing Tatar names for a girl brought up in a non-Muslim family, certain nuances must be taken into account. Do not dwell on the first available option, taking into account only its sound. Be sure to ask about the meaning of this name, because it really can affect the life of a child, even if indirectly. For example, calling a girl Jusama (sounds good, but translated as “nightmare”), you can doom her to numerous insults in childhood and adolescence, which can affect the mental health of the child. You should also consider the sound, taking into account the phonetic features of the native language. For example, the name Bizyak for Tatars may sound beautiful (means “pattern”), but, for example, for the Russian language it is not entirely acceptable and even rude. Therefore, before making the final choice, you should think carefully, consult with relatives and analyze the possible consequences. Do not risk the fate of the child, blindly following a fashionable trend or calling him the name of a beloved hero from the television series.