
The place and role of philosophy in the culture and spiritual life of society

The place and role of philosophy in the culture and spiritual life of society
The place and role of philosophy in the culture and spiritual life of society

Video: Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39 2024, July

Video: Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39 2024, July

Human activity has both material and spiritual principles, and the spiritual side of activity has always been especially important for social life, society and the individual. Philosophy, on the other hand, helped culture to realize itself - after all, one of the main questions of philosophy has always been the question of whether the spiritual principle opposes the material or complements it. The place and role of philosophy in culture since ancient times was due to the controversial process of development of social relations. The philosophical study of this problem is especially important today.

Even Plato formulated the concept of spirituality as a world of ideas, images and concepts that a person recalls, and the more a person approaches these ideas, the more spiritual he becomes. Ideas from the point of view of Plato are the basis, purpose and the beginning of everything. Thus, the great philosopher substantiated the primacy of spirituality. Since then, in theoretical terms, philosophy has performed the functions of protecting and creating civilization. After all, the place and role of philosophy in culture also lies in the fact that it is trying to connect this area of ​​worldview and values, as well as solve the problem of the ontology of civilization, to understand what exactly in material and spiritual culture refers to genuine values ​​for a person. The prerequisites for the preservation and survival of the cultural environment of mankind depend on the successful search for a constructive solution to this problem.

The mission of philosophy, its value in the social sphere, lies in the anthropological vocation of this theoretical worldview. It should help a person create his own world and establish himself in it not only as a being with reason, consciousness and self-awareness, but also as a highly moral and emotionally sensitive individuality. Therefore, the place and role of philosophy in culture is difficult to overestimate, especially in relation to the formation of the human personality. It awakens a person to a creative, constructive understanding of himself, the world, social practice and social progress in the future. The same Plato in the dialogue "Timaeus" once said that philosophy is such a gift from the gods to the human race, which was better and never will be.

Thus, the fundamental place and role of philosophy in culture prompts it to constantly demand that a person replenish his knowledge of the world and of “homo sapiens” itself, but for the sake of constant work on himself. For this, philosophy teaches to think creatively, independently, constantly being in search. And in our age of crises and exacerbations of various global problems, philosophy is also obliged to analyze the permissible boundaries of the “instrumental” and “pragmatic” attitude to nature and the environment, and not to abstract from a possible apocalypse, but to turn into a “philosophy of life”.

A separate issue in this area is the relationship between philosophy and science. If individual sciences investigate certain phenomena in order to subsequently be able to practically apply the acquired knowledge, to use them to satisfy human needs, then philosophy explores the world as a kind of wholeness. She seeks to give a general idea of ​​what the world is, whether it is finite, knowable, and how exactly, whether there is a sense in its existence and in human life, and how a person should live this life. In addition, science itself and the problems that arise before it are an additional source of philosophical knowledge. Science and philosophy have a common discourse - they are based on theoretical argumentation, operate on logical concepts.

Religion was an earlier form of the worldview of mankind. It also comprehends being as integrity, but first of all, it is interested in a different, noumenal, and not phenomenal world, ideal entities, inaccessible to the senses, but perceived by faith and comprehended in some aspects by the mind. This rational justification of faith is called philosophy-based theology. Modern religious philosophy is a modernized version of theology, and at the same time it raises global problems characteristic of philosophy, poses questions about human being, the relationship between man and the world (such as neotomism), but considers them through the prism of “primary values” - faith and love of God.