
Metro St. Petersburg: development plan until 2028

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Metro St. Petersburg: development plan until 2028
Metro St. Petersburg: development plan until 2028

Video: LOS ANGELES: 10 Tallest Proposals 2020-2028 2024, July

Video: LOS ANGELES: 10 Tallest Proposals 2020-2028 2024, July

Together with megacities, their transport system is rapidly developing. Metro St. Petersburg is no exception. Let's see how they plan to expand and modify it in the coming decades.

General plans for the development of St. Petersburg metro by 2020

The subway development plan of the Northern capital is fixed in the document that entered into force in 2011 - in the program "Development of the transport system of St. Petersburg". According to it, by 2020 it is planned:

  • An increase in the total length of lines to 139.4 km.

  • Opening 13 new stations.

  • Launch of two new electric depots.


145.785 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the plan (12.1 billion of which were received from the federal budget). Contracts have already been signed for the opening of the following stations and the St. Petersburg metro depot:

  • By 2018: "Running", "Danube", "Novokrestovsky", "Prospect of Glory", "Shushary", depot "South".

  • By 2019: Mining Institute.

  • By 2022: Putilovskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Teatralnaya (the latter so far without surface exits that will be made later), Krasnoselskoye depot.

Now we will consider in more detail the development plans for the St. Petersburg metro.


Metro city in 2017-2022 will change as follows:

  • The second stage of the Frunze radius will open - the stations "Danube", "Shushary", "Prospect of Glory".

  • The seaside radius of the St. Petersburg metro will last from Komendantsky Prospekt to Shuvalovsky Prospekt.

  • The Nevsko-Vasilevskaya line will be longer - after the Primorskaya line they will build the Novokrestovskaya line, then the Begovaya line, and the final one will be the Glider.

  • It is expected to open a section of the Right-Bank line of St. Petersburg metro - Spasskaya, Teatralnaya, and Mining Institute stations.

  • The first stage of the Krasnoselsko-Kalinin direction will be represented by the South-West and Karetnaya stations.


In addition to the mentioned stations, it is planned to open the Yuzhnoye depot (Frunze radius) and Krasnoselskoye (Krasnoselsko-Kalinin line).


The development plan for St. Petersburg metro for this period is as follows:

  • The right-bank line will last from Dybenko Street to Kudrovo. Along with this, there will be a further possibility of its extension to Southeast.

  • A section of the metro ring "Mining Institute" - "Forest" will be launched.

  • The opening of the section of the Krasnoselsko-Kalinin direction "Karetnaya" - "Streams" is expected.

  • After the "Veterans Avenue", the Kirov-Vyborg line will grow with the stations "Ulitsa Soldata Korzuna" and "Avenue Marshal Zhukov". It is also planned to open a fork movement in this direction along the route "Veteran Avenue" - "Ulyanka" - "Pulkovo".


The development plan for St. Petersburg metro during this period also includes the opening of the Ladoga Depot of the Right Bank direction.