
Mikhail Galustyan: filmography and biography

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Mikhail Galustyan: filmography and biography
Mikhail Galustyan: filmography and biography

Video: Михаил Галустян Жизнь и Биография Михаила Галустяна документальный фильм 2015 2024, July

Video: Михаил Галустян Жизнь и Биография Михаила Галустяна документальный фильм 2015 2024, July

Our hero today is a popular comedian and former KVN participant Mikhail Galustyan. Filmography, career and his personal life - all this will be considered in the article. Enjoy your reading!


Misha Galustyan: biography

The famous comedian was born on October 25, 1979 in the city of Sochi (Krasnodar Territory). He is a thoroughbred Armenian. Nshan is the comedian's real name. But for Russia it sounds too exotic.

Misha’s father, Sergei Nshanovich, worked as a cook in a local restaurant. Mother, Susanna Ardashovna, graduated from a medical university. For several years, the woman worked at the emergency room. Our hero has a younger brother, whose name is David.

Mikhail Galustyan (photo above) grew up as an active and sociable child. He gathered around him a whole team of courtyard boys.


At the age of 6, Misha was sent to school. He quickly found a common language with classmates. Teachers praised the boy for diligence and a desire for knowledge.

In grade 3, parents enrolled Misha in a music school. For three years, Galustyan Jr. studied piano. But at some point, our hero lost all interest in this. But the boy visited the judo section with pleasure. He was also accepted into the puppet theater, opened at the Palace of Pioneers.

At the end of grade 5, Misha went to gymnasium No. 8. At one of the events organized within the walls of this institution, he played Winnie the Pooh. It is noteworthy that the author of the script was Galustyan himself.

In the 10th grade, our hero took part in the school KVN. Together with his friends, he beat eleventh graders. It was a real success. After that, Galustyan was appointed captain of the school team. Under his leadership, the team reached a qualitatively new level. The team became the best not only in the city, but also in the entire Krasnodar Territory.

student life

In 1996, Galustyan was awarded a "certificate of maturity." He already knew what profession he would master. The guy was not going to leave his native Sochi. Misha entered the local medical school. Galustyan chose the specialty “medical assistant-obstetrician”. Our hero tried not to miss classes and take tests in time. He wanted to connect his life with medicine. But fate decreed otherwise.



Michael managed to study and perform on stage. He was accepted into the KVN team "Burnt by the Sun." The cheerful Armenian guy not only participated in amusing sketches, but also composed jokes.

Galustyan graduated from medical school, but did not work in his specialty. The guy immediately entered the State University of Tourism and Resort. It was in this university that the participants of the team “Burnt by the Sun” studied. The university leadership has repeatedly tried to expel comedian students who rarely appear in lectures. But “Burnt by the Sun” managed to win the champion title in the Highest League of KVN. They glorified their university throughout the country. Therefore, the dean went to meet them.


A television

Galustyan, whose filmography we are considering today, has always dreamed of All-Russian fame and an army of fans. KVN partly helped him realize his plan. But Misha needed a different springboard for the development of a television career. Soon he had the opportunity.

In 2003, representatives of TNT Channel offered Galustyan mutually beneficial cooperation. At that time, Mikhail was a well-known comedian and author of jokes. But the producers invited him to try himself as an actor. Misha agreed.

In 2004, on the TNT channel, the sketch “Our Russia” appeared. Galustyan played several characters at once: the guest worker Ravshan, the shop manager Mikhalych, the traffic cop Gavrilov, the Caucasian presenter Zhorik Vartanov and others. Sketched won incredible popularity among Russian viewers. After the first issue of Nasha Rashi, Galustyan and his colleague Sergey Svetlakov woke up famous. The project was so successful that the producers decided to shoot the sequel. New issues of "Our Rush" came out until 2012.


Mikhail Galustyan: filmography

When did our hero first appear in a full-length film? It happened in 2008. Then “The Best Movie” was released. Galustyan had a chance to play one of the main roles. The audience praised his acting ability and sense of humor.

After success in this picture, films with Galustyan began to go out one after another. For example, in 2008, the comedy “Hitler Kaput!” Was presented to the audience court. Our hero successfully got used to the image of partisan Rabinovich.

This was not going to stop Misha Galustyan. The filmography of the comedian is represented by two dozen roles in TV shows and movies. We list his most striking works:

  • “The Best Film-2” (2009) - Empress Catherine II;

  • “Our Russia. The Eggs of Fate ”(2010);

  • “Pregnant” (2011) - Zhora;

  • “That one is Carlson!” (2012) - the main role;

  • “A Gift with Character” (2014) - Mikhail Oreshkin;

  • “One Left” (2015) - George Grodman.


Personal life

Cheerful, responsive and resourceful - and all this is Misha Galustyan. The filmography of the comedian was previously considered by us. Now let's talk about his personal life.

First love came to Misha at the age of 14. It was a girl from a neighboring yard. Galustyan touchingly courted her. One day he invited her to be friends. The girl agreed. However, their relationship lasted a little over a year. And all because the girl moved with her parents to another city. Misha was very worried about separation from her lover. But the heartache, like first love, was quickly forgotten.

The comedian is currently legally married. His wife's name is Victoria. She is a native of Krasnodar. The girl has Armenian roots. The brunette graduated from Kuban State University, having received the specialty of “accountant”.

07/07/07 - this is the wedding date of Vicky and Misha. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in Sochi. Among the guests were relatives of the bride and groom, as well as friends and colleagues of Galustyan.

On August 25, 2010, the wife gave the comedian a charming little daughter. The baby was called Estella. The young dad tried to spend all his free time with his blood. He bathed and dressed his daughter, and also played with her.

In February 2012, a replenishment took place in the Galustyan family. The second daughter Elina was born. Today, Michael and his wife dream of the appearance of an heir - a son.