
Minimum consumer budget for a family of 4 people. The concept of the minimum consumer budget and its size. What is included in the minimum consumer budget?

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Minimum consumer budget for a family of 4 people. The concept of the minimum consumer budget and its size. What is included in the minimum consumer budget?
Minimum consumer budget for a family of 4 people. The concept of the minimum consumer budget and its size. What is included in the minimum consumer budget?

Video: Bulats Test 2 - Listening - Questions 23 to 27 2024, July

Video: Bulats Test 2 - Listening - Questions 23 to 27 2024, July

In the entire history of mankind, from the most ancient empires and the emergence of political and economic institutions to modern society, information on the situation of the population is of paramount importance. It reflects the level of development of the state.


New time - new concepts

The development of modern society was accompanied by the emergence of socio-economic institutions. Along with this, the system of analysis of the standard of living was improved. Exceptionally physiological needs over time were relegated to the background, and the area of ​​satisfying the general needs of the population came to the forefront. By the end of the 19th century, the socio-demographic profile of the planet changed significantly, and productivity and education of people increased dramatically. All this led to the emergence of qualitatively new needs in assessing the living conditions of the population. It was time for large-scale wars and technological breakthroughs. During this period, the assessment of social status was of increasing economic and political importance. With the advent of new statistical, sociological, mathematical methods, the concept of "standard of living" has reached a new level.

Basic social standards

Today they include:

  • Minimum salary and disability allowance (temporary), unemployment compensation for able-bodied citizens, social and labor pensions for disabled people, disabled people, elderly people.

  • Scholarships for students, one-time or regular payments to low-income categories of the population.

Together they form a system of minimum social guarantees. Their provision is the duty of the state. The population has the right to receive minimum wages, a retirement pension, insurance payments, including sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, caring for young children, pregnancy and childbirth, and so on, as well as the necessary free services in the field of culture, healthcare and education. The core of the state’s social policy is the cost of living. It is with him that all other social guarantees and standards should interact.

Income-generating items: general information, classification

The formation of articles and their subsequent comparison is of great importance for the effective management of any economy. Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is drawn on how profitable and useful the activity is, and what changes need to be made to improve the situation. In accordance with the degree of satisfaction of needs distinguish:

  • Minimum consumer budget. It is compiled according to indicators of basic necessities.

  • Rational budget. When compiling it, real expenses and incomes are not taken, but indicators derived from scientifically based ideas about the needs and distribution standards. This budget allows you to set the deviation of real consumption. It acts as a guideline, which indicates what should be the distribution of essential goods "ideally".

  • Elite budget. It is compiled for high-income groups.


The minimum consumer budget is widely used. It is composed, as a rule, by those who run the household. For example, the minimum consumer budget for a family of 4 people is a table. In one part, all incomes that were received for a specific period are given, and in the other, expenses for the same time. Otherwise, an average budget is drawn up. In this case, the average income and expenses of the country are given. This takes into account the consumer basket. And the minimum consumer budget, both average and real, are compiled in accordance with the statistics obtained in the course of special studies of income and expenses. As a rule, the study is carried out once a quarter. The minimum consumer budget of the Russian Federation is compiled according to statistical studies in cities with a population of more than one hundred thousand, in 32 small and medium-sized settlements, 58 rural areas. In total, about five thousand households are studied.

Calculation of the minimum consumer budget

When determining indicators, the following methods are used:

  1. Normative. In this case, the basis are the norms of consumption of services and goods, as well as their actual value.

  2. Statistical. Using this method, the minimum consumer budget is compiled on the basis of the income that is actually available to the population.

  3. Combined. In this case, food standards and actual expenses for other items are taken into account.

  4. Subjective. This method is based on public opinion and a survey of experts.

  5. Resource. The minimum consumer budget in this case is drawn up in accordance with the state’s capabilities to provide citizens with basic necessities.

Income-generating items can be formed not only for certain groups of the population, but also for certain regions of the country.

The minimum consumer budget of Russia

Each period is characterized by one or another level of material security at which the process of reproduction of the labor force and population will proceed normally. When compiling expenditure items, they may include various services and goods. What is included in the minimum consumer budget is considered essential items through which critical needs can be met. In particular, they include shoes, underwear, food, clothing, hygiene items, medicines, and so on. The size of the minimum consumer budget depends on the level at which the country's productive forces are located. In most cases, the preparation of articles is carried out by multiplying standards and norms by retail value. If they are absent, then indirect data are taken as a basis. The minimum consumer budget and cost of living are the basis on which the domestic material security system stands. The differences between them are in the valuation of the structure and volume of distribution of products. The concept of a minimum consumer budget provides, among other things, the accounting of expenses for some spiritual needs. In general, it includes the costs of a wider range of services and goods. Therefore, the size of the minimum consumer budget is 3-4 times greater.


Socio-economic situation of the population

Of great importance in characterizing the standard of living was the gradual transition from "average citizens" to the household. It has become the central object of all social research. This was facilitated by the adoption in 1992 of the methodology of the national system of accounts. In it, the population was first identified as a full-fledged subject of macroeconomic constructions. To obtain a reasonable estimate of the socio-economic level, it is necessary to take into account that the minimum consumer budget is associated with the category of a certain income-property and socio-demographic development. Today, attention and requirements for the provision of the population have significantly increased.

Analysis of the situation

Assessment of living standards is carried out by the municipality as a whole. This takes into account:

  • Accumulated property.

  • Standards of quality of life adopted by society regarding the assessment of income.

  • Cash savings.

  • Expenditures and consumption of the population.

  • Provision with objects of culture, trade, housing and communal services, art, communications, transport, consumer services, education, health care and so on.

  • Protection status of vulnerable groups.

  • The volume of consumption of non-food products.

The evaluation system uses indicators:

  • The average salary.

  • The cost of living of certain demographic groups.

  • Purchasing power cf. s / n and pension.

  • The minimum consumer budget for certain demographic categories of the population.

  • Cash expenses and income of the main groups of citizens.

  • The number and proportion of citizens whose per capita income is less than the physiological (subsistence) minimum and minimum consumer budget.

  • Distribution of food products by households with different incomes.

The most important indicator

It is a living wage. The interpretation of this definition is given in the Methodological provisions of statistics. Its indicator, for the determination of which the minimum consumer budget is taken as the basis, is associated with the category of state social guarantees. It expresses the physiological needs of a person of prime necessity. The cost of living determines the level of consumption of services and goods, which is considered sufficient to ensure normal functioning.


Scope of application

The subsistence minimum, in addition to being connected with the state social security system, is used in determining the poverty threshold and acts as the basis for establishing and differentiating wages, pensions, various benefits and compensations. It is used in calculating benefits for needy citizens.

Element relationship

The definition of a living wage, as mentioned above, is carried out using indicators of the minimum consumer budget. In this case, the level of income is taken into account, which allows satisfying the needs of a person in accordance with physiological norms. They, in turn, must cover the energy costs of the body for the development and growth of children, adult life, preservation of health in old age and the cost of other services and essentials. The minimum consumer budget is set depending on the age, gender and location and the constant activity of a person. Its amount is periodically reviewed in accordance with price dynamics. To determine it, the value of the consumer basket is of great importance.

Core standards

The set of products is set in accordance with the minimum consumption by the Institute of Nutrition with the participation of WHO. The minimum basket is differentiated by 8 climatic zones. The division of the territory was carried out in accordance with a quantitative assessment of the factors that determine the cultural and material needs of the population, depending on the conditions in which the population is. Standards for non-food goods and services, as well as mandatory payments are set according to the share of expenses of families with low income. The information base is the study of the cost structure of 10% of the population with the lowest security.


Wealth assessment

To create favorable conditions for reproduction, it is necessary not only to efficiently housekeeping, but also to correctly plan the minimum consumer budget. Families of 4 can have the following income:

  • The salary.

  • Property income.

  • Entrepreneurial profit.

  • State subsidies (pension, allowance, scholarship, free services).

  • Revenues from other sources (inheritance, for example).

The following items may be included in the consumable part:

  • Taxes.

  • Social insurance.

  • Food.

  • The rent, utilities.

  • Shoes and clothes.

  • Appliances.

  • Furniture.

  • Transport.

  • Entertainment.

  • Education.

  • Accumulation.

  • Travels.

  • Industrial goods.

  • Other expenses.


The largest amount of income among incomes is in most families salary and commercial profit. Usually they determine the well-being of the family. The next most important is the profit from property. This may be rent, rent, dividends, interest and so on. With regard to costs, the first place in them is spent on food. In families whose income is below the minimum, they make up about 60-90%, and in high-income families - 42%. In the USA, for comparison, the indicator is at the level of 25.4%, in Japan - 25-30%. According to studies conducted by American experts, the volume of domestic consumption at the beginning of the 90s. amounted to 34.4% of the level in America, for clothing - 39%, and for products - 54%. In budgeting, it should be borne in mind that many expenses are completely unreasonable. For example, domestic economists found that by the beginning of the 90s about 15-20% of bakery products were thrown out. After rising prices, the population began to treat them more carefully. As for other products (meat, milk), the average family through their own fault loses about 4-12% of total income.

Established standards

The concept of "consumer basket" was first introduced in 1992 by Presidential Decree. Then it was assumed that this was a temporary measure for the period of crisis. When establishing the basket, we proceeded from the fact that the population has some kind of food supply, and runs a farm. The Federal Law governing its preparation was adopted in March 2006. According to the act, the share of meat and fish products, milk, eggs, sugar and fruits was increased in the basket. At the same time, the norms of consumption of potatoes and bread were reduced. According to Dr. Baturin, the basket is not designed to be eaten this way. It is only an economic standard, which shows that with a minimum consumer budget, you can make a normal diet for medical indicators, within which you can fully ensure a healthy state.
