
British Minister of Finance George Osborne: biography, activities and interesting facts

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British Minister of Finance George Osborne: biography, activities and interesting facts
British Minister of Finance George Osborne: biography, activities and interesting facts

Video: GEORGE OSBORNE - WikiVidi Documentary 2024, July

Video: GEORGE OSBORNE - WikiVidi Documentary 2024, July

George Gideon Oliver Osbourne (born May 23, 1971, London, England) is a member of the British Conservative Party, who in 2010 became Minister of Finance in the office of David Cameron.

short biography

Osborne George is the son of Sir Peter Osborne, the 17th Baronet of Balllentaylor and Ballillemont in Waterford, one of the founders of Osborne & Little, a company specializing in fashionable fabric and wallpaper designs.

At the age of 13, he abandoned his name, Gideon, replacing him with George (and officially did so by drawing up a unilateral document with a seal), which he later described as a rare act of protest. Osborne attended St. Paul’s London School and the Magdalen College of Oxford University. In 1994, he joined the Conservative Research Department, which for many years served as a kind of “nursery” for leading politicians. The following year, he was appointed special adviser to Douglas Hogg, the Minister of Agriculture in the conservative government.


Political career

In 1997, the conservatives lost power and elected a new leader, William Haig, who appointed the young conservative as his political secretary. George Osborne was elected to Parliament in 2001 and immediately became a rising star. Michael Howard, party leader from 2003 to 2005, appointed him to the Shadow Cabinet in 2004 and to the post of Shadow Secretary of the Treasury in 2005. When a friend of George Cameron was elected leader of the Conservatives the same year, one of his first acts was confirmation of Osborne is the shadow minister of Great Britain.

George Osborne and David Cameron together set about modernizing the Conservative Party, which had just lost the general election for the third time in a row.


The course for modernization

They wanted to save the Tories from the right image and reputation of the party, which does not care about public services or people with middle and lower middle incomes. This meant a change in Tory's long-standing tax reduction ambitions. Osborne promised to adhere to the Labor Government’s plans for health and education spending and postpone tax cuts until the country can afford it. In 2007, he allowed a reduction in inheritance taxes, but this was offset by fees from wealthy foreigners living in the UK.


Attack on Labor

When the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, Osborne led the Conservative attack on the Labor Party for mismanaging Britain’s finances. Many people supported his position, while others disliked for piercing youthful arrogance. After a while, Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Treasury Secretary Alistair Darling regained their lead in opinion polls as the team that is best able to manage the British economy, but Osborn and Cameron were ahead again in the spring of 2009, despite their position being intentionally fuzzy (due to the uncertain prospects for the economy) in relation to what they will do if they come to power.


Yacht: the hand of Moscow

In October 2008, Osborne's school and university peer, financier Nathaniel Rothschild, stated that George Osborne had tried to receive £ 50, 000 in donations from Russian aluminum tycoon Oleg Deripaska, which would violate the law prohibiting politicians from accepting help from foreign citizens. Rothschild hosted Deripaska, Osborne, Peter Mendelssohn and others at a party in his villa in Corfu. The alleged donation occurred on Deripaska's yacht.

The election commission received an official complaint from the Liberal Democrats and rejected the claim, saying it did not see “any information” indicating the crime. The prosecution was named in the press by "Yachtgate."


George Osborne - Minister of Finance

In the 2010 general election, the politician easily won re-election to the House of Commons, and when Cameron became prime minister at the head of the government of the conservative liberal democratic coalition on May 11, Osborne was appointed finance minister, making him the youngest person to ever held this position for more than 120 years of its existence. Part of the power-sharing agreement that resulted in the formation of a coalition government was a prerequisite for a quick budget reduction plan.

In October, UK Treasury Secretary George Osborne unveiled a five-year austerity plan that included spending cuts of more than £ 80 million. The plan included reducing social security benefits, reducing the public sector to 500, 000, and raising the retirement age from 65 to 66.

In 2015, Osborne again easily won parliamentary elections and was reappointed Cameron's Treasury Secretary in the new majority government. In this post, George was replaced by Philip Hammond when Teresa May took over as prime minister in July 2016.

Personal life

On April 4, 1998, Osborne married Francis Victoria Howell, the eldest daughter of conservative politician Lord Howell. June 15, 2001 they had a boy and June 27, 2003 - a girl.

Osborne’s personal fortune is estimated at £ 4 million, a 15% stake in Osborne & Little’s father’s company.
