
Sea herbs: types and description, characteristics, photos and reviews

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Sea herbs: types and description, characteristics, photos and reviews
Sea herbs: types and description, characteristics, photos and reviews

Video: Macro Worlds - little plants and bugs and fungi and stuff 2024, July

Video: Macro Worlds - little plants and bugs and fungi and stuff 2024, July

Sea herbs are called plants that have adapted to living in sea water. Previously, these herbs grew on the ground, but gradually migrated to the underwater habitat. All marine herbs, unlike algae, have rhizomes, stems, leaves, inflorescences, and fruits. They grow everywhere where it is not very deep (up to 50 m depth). Their thickets resemble beautiful lush meadows. We invite you to get acquainted with the main types of oceanic grasses, their description, characteristics, comparison with algae. Well, let's go to the magical world of the deep sea.


Major species or families of oceanic grasses

Greenery in the sea can be divided into four families:

  1. Intriguing plants. Possess long, thin leaves that hold on long, horizontal, almost straight rhizomes. The root system clings to the bottom of the sea with the help of small spine roots. This type of grass has very small and nondescript flowers and fruits, therefore it is very easily lost among algae.
  2. Water and family. Includes 120 types of grass growing everywhere. Its winding rhizomes and stems are in the water, and leaves and flowers float on the surface. The Vodokrasovs need slightly salted water, but some survive in the environment of high salinity. Freshwater aquatic species are known.
  3. Posidonium herbs. They have many similarities with the seaside ones, but they have larger fruits and a different method of reproduction. They can be formed by two types of shoots - vertical and horizontal. From horizontal rhizomes are obtained, giving new full-fledged plants. After separation from the plant, the fruits of Posidonium plants swim on the waves over fairly large distances.
  4. Timodotsey family. It is considered a dioecious plant growing in the waters of the warm tropics. It has narrow and long leaves and a whole network of winding rhizomes that hold them on the seabed. It is distinguished by vegetative propagation and rare flowering.

Ocean herbs: features

Sea grasses and algae grow extensive underwater "meadows". The shallows are simply overwhelmed by them. These plants are absent only in the Antarctic, Arctic, East Atlantic, South America and New Zealand. A number of species are distinguished by wide habitats.

In silt, sand and loose soil, marine greenery is fixed by rhizomes. Most of all they like silty sand. Some species love a rocky surface. But representatives of Phyllospadix can resist the surf and strong currents. Drought does not threaten sea meadows, unless there will be a strong ebb.

Water carries pollen of plant flowers, so their pollination method is called "hydrophilia". Seeds of green herbs feed on birds.


Physicochemical properties

Research institutes study in detail the chemical properties of marine greens. When dried, it is easy to dry to grind to the smallest particles. Ocean grass is rich in extractive substances, mineral elements, nitrogen-containing elements, carbohydrates, lignin. There are very few ether-soluble particles in it.

All marine plants have high ash content and well accumulate minerals. The grass has a good balance of macro- and micronutrients. Here is a piggy bank of B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic acid and other substances.


Use in industry and agriculture

Sea greens is a feed additive for sheep, pigs, cattle. Cow milk yield with a diet of sea grass is increased by 15-20% per day, and fat content - by 0.35%. No additional odors are found in milk. Poultry that feed on these plants carry more eggshells. The use of sea grass for the manufacture of animal feed enriches their composition with vitamins by 40%.

Some confectionery associations use sea green pectin as a substitute for citrus extract (for marshmallows and marmalade). Also, grass from the sea allows you to make high-quality paper. It is noteworthy that such paper almost does not burn.


Sea kale

Grass seaweed belongs to brown algae. In China, it is called the "grass of life." And kelp is considered the elixir of youth. Its main wealth is iodine. It helps to establish metabolism, remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

Laminaria is dried, canned, salads are made. The most useful seaweed from the Barents and White Seas. It is important to note that sea kale is different from ordinary sea herbs. She has a kind of leaf-plate called thallus. And on the table, these thalli are already finely chopped. Plates in the sea grow a year, then collapse, and new ones grow in their place.

Laminaria is harvested in two ways: at a depth of 5 m or being washed ashore by a storm. Traditional medicine makes extensive use of the thallus of the plant. It is especially useful for disorders of the thyroid gland.


Sea grass zoster

Perennial marine greenery with a branched root system and high grass stand is marine zoster. It is also called a seaside or kamka. The entire Black Sea coast is overgrown with this plant. It is found in the Azov, Caspian, White and Far Eastern seas.

Pillows, mattresses are filled with a scaffold, sleeping on which is useful for respiratory diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

Zoster is abundantly thrown ashore by storms. Then they collect it. To do this, make special nets. Then it is dried, crushed. The processing of raw materials may be different.


Sea grass Posidonia

Real "sea forests" can be formed by oceanic posidonia. It grows at a depth of 30-50 m. Sometimes it is called algae, but this plant has its root system, roots, leaves, colors, fruits and seeds. The length of the leaves of Posidonia can be up to 50 cm. At a depth, the leaves of this grass are longer. The plant is pollinated in water, has pollen grains. Finished seeds fall to the bottom, sprout and root.

The entire underwater world receives great benefits from Posidonia. It is a source of oxygen, so many sea fish and ice skates find their home in it.

The inhabitants of North Africa got used to dry grass to cover the roofs of their homes. Posidonia colonies are an important part of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Unfortunately, the deterioration of the natural situation negatively affects the development of this marine plant.


Using ocean grass to make furniture

Sea dry grass light is used as a filler for upholstered furniture. This is a great alternative to foam rubber. It has elasticity, hygiene, resistance to moisture, is well ventilated and smells. Grass is used for the manufacture of chairs, sofas, chairs. It is suitable for the restoration of old antique furniture. But most often, sea grass for furniture is used as a filler for orthopedic mattresses.