
Mstislav Zapashny. Russian circus artist-trainer. Biography

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Mstislav Zapashny. Russian circus artist-trainer. Biography
Mstislav Zapashny. Russian circus artist-trainer. Biography

The Zapashny Dynasty originates from the clown Karl Thomson, known under the stage name Milton. His daughter Lydia was a circus gymnast and rider. She married Mikhail, who before joining the arena worked as a simple loader. Ivan Poddubny drew attention to his strength and invited him to work in the circus. In it, Lydia and Michael met. And soon they got married. They had children who continued the circus activities of their parents. So the Zapashny dynasty arose.

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich was born on May 16, 1938 in a family of circus artists, in Leningrad. He is the Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, received the title in 1971 and 1980. respectively. He performed with his sister Anna in complicated numbers. He worked as a trainer. In 1990 he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Mstislav Zapashny is the creator of unique circus programs. Many numbers are included in the Guinness Book of Records.


Family of Zapashny Mstislav

Mstislav Zapashny’s father, Mikhail Sergeyevich, was recognized as the best trainer in the world, People’s Artist of Russia and the former USSR, received many awards and prizes. Mother Mstislav Lidia Karlovna is a circus rider and gymnast. Slava Zapashny has three brothers: Sergey, Walter and Igor. And also sister Anna.

Childhood Mstislav

About hereditary circus performers say that they were "born in sawdust." The same can be said about Mstislav. His father did not want to see his children as circus performers and decided to give them an excellent education and a good profession. To this end, in order not to carry his family on tour, he purchased a small house in Leningrad, where he settled his wife and children. Lydia Karlovna could not part with her craft, and when the children grew up a little, she began to continue her circus activities.

The war found the Zapashny family in Leningrad. Mstislav’s father, along with his older brother Sergey, went to the front. Mother was on tour at that time and could not get into besieged Leningrad. The four children of the Zapashny family experienced a blockade together with their grandmother Anna Makarovna. Over time, they were evacuated, and they ended up in the Volga region. There, finally, Zapashny were able to meet with their mother.


Road to the circus

Lidia Karlovna performed in the circus number “Apt shooters” together with her husband’s partner. But there was still not enough money to feed the family, although after performances she unloaded wagons and barges at night. Zapashnye understood the concept of "need." The father’s ban on the circus was forgotten. Mstislav Zapashny and his brother Walter were preparing their first performance in the Saratov bomb shelter. They created their own circus number.

The first performances of Mstislav

After the first circus number was prepared, seven-year-old Mstislav and seventeen-year-old Walter took to the stage in the same program in which their mother performed. The performance brought Zapashny success, and the tour began. In 1946, the brothers were officially declared artists. The following year, during a tour in the Far East, their number was disbanded. Walter persuaded his mother to go to Moscow.


The first triumph of the Zapashny brothers

Arriving in the capital, Walter and Mstislav began performing in the Moscow circus. The audience liked the performance so much that the Zapashny brothers were called on stage 10 more times. As a result of this success, they began to pay a lot of money for performances.

Zapashny brothers perfect their art in the army

In 1949, Walter went on a draft in the army. But Mstislav, not wanting to part with his brother, followed him and became the "son of the regiment." They performed in the ensemble of the military Odessa district. Here the brothers learned the magic of dance and ballet. From then until today, Mstislav Zapashny pays great attention to plastics and choreography in circus acts.


The first "gold"

Mstislav grew up, and in his room, which was created together with Walter, his younger brother Igor began to speak. Glory decided to try himself in other forms. He was a clown, an air gymnast, an acrobat, a trainer of horses and large animals.

In 1954, the Zapashny brothers created the number Acrobats-Voltigeurs. All the tricks were so unique that nobody has been able to repeat them so far. This number brought them fame, fame and 4 gold medals at the Union competitions.

Unique numbers of Mstislav

Mstislav constantly came up with new numbers, and all of them were enthusiastically received by the audience and entered the gold fund of Soviet circus art. His grandchildren - Zapashny Mstislav and Yaroslav - followed in the footsteps of his grandfather. They participate in many programs. On foreign tours, the number “Acrobats-Voltigeurs on Horses” was awarded the highest world-class prizes.


In 1977, Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich created the only performance in the world where tigers and elephants were in the same cage. The training of these animals is difficult even individually, and when they are together, it is almost impossible. The circus of Mstislav Zapashny showed this performance to the whole world. It was the largest achievement of the Russian Federation and was awarded the State Prize. In 1991, Mstislav created another performance called Spartak, which has no analogues in the world.

On the circus Olympus

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich - director, director and performer of the main roles:

  • in the rides: “To the stars”, “Soyuz-Apollo”, “Ball of courage” and many others;

  • performances: “The Adventure of Ivanushka”, “New Year's Ball in the Circus”, “Doctor Aibolit”, etc.

Mstislav was the director and artistic director of the Sochi State Circus. The unique attraction shown in 2001, “Tigers on Mirror Balls, ” was awarded the Circus 2002 Prize.

For a long time, Mstislav Zapashny worked as the general director of the Russian State Circus. But in 2009 he was removed from this post. Mstislav has been awarded many medals and orders, is a laureate of circus contests around the world, winner of the Golden Goddess prize and the Silver Best Trainer cup. The holder of the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2003, he received thanks from the President of Russia.

Zapashny Mstislav presided and was a jury member at many international and All-Russian circus competitions and festivals. Since 1991 - Vice President of the World Association of Professional Circus Schools around the world.



Zapashny Circus visits many cities on tour. In August 2015, he performed in Smolensk. The performance took place on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Russian circus. Such words were said by Mstislav Zapashny in Smolensk: “In the Sports Palace we even had to specially cut through the doors so that we could bring in the equipment.” Only professionals work in his troupe. The program shown in Smolensk was specially prepared for the anniversary of the circus.

Personal life of Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich

The children of Mstislav Zapashny, like their parents, work in the circus, participating in many numbers and programs. The first wife of Mstislav Mikhailovich Zapashny was Dolores Pavlovna. The attraction "Elephants and Tigers" was created by them together in 1977. Mstislav and Dolores in 1965 had a daughter, Helen. Subsequently, their marriage broke up, and Zapashny married another woman. The second wife was Irina Nikolaevna. In 1967, they had a son, who was named in honor of his father - Mstislav.