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Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam: the kingdom of doubles

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Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam: the kingdom of doubles
Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam: the kingdom of doubles

Video: Madame Tussauds (1925) 2024, July

Video: Madame Tussauds (1925) 2024, July

Everyone who was lucky enough to visit the famous Madame Tussauds Museum in Amsterdam will forever retain the feeling of magic and fairy tales that reigns in this kingdom from wax. We offer the rest to enjoy the exhibits and learn the history of the museum right now!

Who is Madame Tussauds?

In the museum of Amsterdam, you can see the figure of the woman herself at work. She was born in 1761 in France. Her parents were an officer and a girl from Switzerland. Maria never saw her father, since he died in the war before her birth. Mother left for Bern, where she soon found work in the house of Dr. Philip Curtis. It was this man who became a landmark in the fate of little Mary. The man made models of people from wax, and soon the girl began to take mastery lessons from him. The doctor liked the zeal and perseverance of a curious student, and he transferred her all his knowledge. In 1789, she already had her own collection, in which were the figures of some politicians.


That was the reason for her arrest during the revolution. In prison, she met the future wife of Napoleon and miraculously escaped death. After her release, Mary learns that Dr. Philip has passed away, leaving her with her entire collection. After 4 years, she gets married and continues the work of her teacher. By that time, her wax figures were already very popular in Paris, but they could not make a decent fortune because of her husband's passion for card games. The woman did not endure his hobby for long, and after a divorce with her eldest son, she went to conquer Great Britain.

In 1835, the first wax exhibition on Baker Street opens. Thus began the story of Madame Tussauds most famous museum. In Amsterdam, the branch opened only in 1971. A small room was allocated for it at the outskirts of the city. Only twenty-odd years later the exhibition was moved to the center, and now it occupies a five-story building on Dam Square.



Every year, the collection of Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam is replenished thanks to unsurpassed craftsmen. 2.5 million visitors annually visit this cultural institution and do not cease to be surprised at the similarity of wax doubles with their originals. Where else can you shake hands with the leader of the proletariat Vladimir Ilyich and look at the famous birthmark of the first president Mikhail Gorbachev near? However, Russian tourists are more interested in foreign celebrities.


You can take a picture with Barack Obama and marvel at the famous part of Jennifer Lopez’s body, take Salvador Dali’s hand or touch Lady Gaga without any problems. Here, the memory of the most beautiful couple of Hollywood was forever immortalized: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are standing nearby and are not going to leave. Nearby, Marilyn Monroe holds her famous white dress.


Michael Jackson in a white suit and a fixed hat is ready to dance - his wax copy looks so realistic. Not far from him is the great musician and performer Freddie Mercury in his signature pose. Robbie Williams has taken a cozy sofa and allows visitors to sit down nearby and examine his tattoos. Charlie Chaplin gazes sadly at his neighbors and thoughtfully tugs at his mustache.

Spider-Man froze on the steep wall of the building, and is looking for a suitable place for the next jump. Lady Diana with radiant eyes and a kind smile is able to melt the heart of any visitor. Anna Frank continues to write her diary on the horrors of war. It is impossible to list all the exhibits - you need to see it with your own eyes.

Special offer

If visitors to Madame Tussauds wax museum in Amsterdam are not very interested in figures of outstanding personalities of the past and present, then there is the opportunity to make a short trip to the basement. The “room of fear” can frighten even the most persistent person, therefore it is better for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people with an unstable psyche, to bypass this place. Here are torture buildings on which people died in agony in past centuries. All this is demonstrated very plausibly with the help of wax figures. Blood, human insides and other shocking fragments are made so realistically that you can feel like witnessing justice being done.


Leave a mark on history

Visitors have the opportunity to see how wax figures are created in real time. The workshop is open to all comers. There is an opportunity not only to listen to a lecture and observe the work of the masters, but also to personally participate in the process. Museum staff will explain how to work with wax, and perhaps your craft will be part of the collection!