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Museum of the Second World War on Poklonnaya Hill. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

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Museum of the Second World War on Poklonnaya Hill. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War
Museum of the Second World War on Poklonnaya Hill. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Video: Dioramas in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War Moscow 2024, July

Video: Dioramas in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War Moscow 2024, July

Among all the many sights of Moscow, one can single out Poklonnaya Gora. She reminds everyone of the feat that people performed during World War II. This is a memorial complex, which is located between Minsk Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The love for the memorial complex among the residents of the capital appeared immediately


The metropolitan audience does not strongly trust those museums, which are characterized by pomposity and officialdom. In addition, such institutions are not able to arouse people's love. But the central WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill managed to become a pleasant exception (along with the memorial complex that surrounds it). Festive celebrations and just pleasant walks - all this has become characteristic of the complex. For Muscovites, this place has become a favorite. In addition, this museum is a great opportunity to introduce children to the history of their country.

First thoughts on the construction of a memorial

If a contest were held in the world to identify a monument with the longest history, the memorial could take first place. In principle, the Great Patriotic War Museum on Poklonnaya Hill is a real work of art. The need for a monument of this kind arose for the first time at a time when the war was in full swing. Namely, in 1942. It was during this period that the Union of Architects decided to announce a competition during which they had to choose the best monument design in honor of the Victory. However, the competition did not end, since in 1942 everyone had more important activities.

The appearance of the park with a memorial stone


Poklonnaya Gora, namely the memorial, which was supposed to be located on it, aroused interest in the government in 1955. This year, Marshal Zhukov sent a note to the CPSU Central Committee in order to recall the long-standing idea of ​​creating a memorial. But only in 1958 a final decision was made to install a memorial stone. Three years later, the park was laid, in which subsequently a memorial complex appeared.

New corrections that prevented the emergence of the memorial complex


The decision to build the Great Patriotic War Museum on Poklonnaya Hill was made only in 1986 by the Ministry of Culture. And, it seemed, it seemed that soon all the ideas would be realized. However, the opening date was again rescheduled. Due to the restructuring and collapse of the USSR, certain adjustments were made. For example, in order to create a memorial complex, it was planned to attract the funds that were received thanks to communist subbotniks. But after all, subbotniks soon left in the distant past.

Opening of a new complex for the 50th anniversary of Victory

But it was still necessary to build a WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill. Problems on this issue were resolved only by 1995. The 50th anniversary of the Victory was marked for Muscovites with the opening of the memorial complex. In addition to the museum on its territory is located just a huge monument dedicated to the Victory. The chapel of St. George the Victorious was also built. The Museum of Holocaust Victims, which is located in the synagogue, a mosque and many other monuments and exhibitions - today Poklonnaya Gora boasts all of this.

Favorite place for walking and entertainment

From the moment the memorial complex arose, many people began to choose this place for their walks. But this is understandable, as simply amazing landscapes open from the mountain. And the vast territory provides an opportunity to walk even on those days when holidays are held. Roller skaters can use special tracks, parents can find everything that is required for the entertainment of their children.

Poklonnaya Gora has acquired another good tradition. It hosts numerous weddings. Newlyweds will be able not only to walk around the memorial complex, but also to sign in the registry office building. And there is hope that over time the traditions of this great place will only grow stronger and multiply.

What can be seen in the museum building?


The museum itself on Poklonnaya Hill is able to satisfy the craving for knowledge of both a schoolchild and an adult who has taken place. For example, everyone will be able to hold a weapon of war during one of the excursions. Even to visit the dugout and try on a military uniform. Opportunities and options for excursions and expositions, from which everyone will be delighted, are simply a huge number.

On the territory of the museum you can see four expositions that are permanent. We are talking about a military-historical, diorama, art gallery and military equipment. A sufficiently strong impression can be obtained from audiovisual complexes. They will be able to demonstrate newsreels of military periods.

Absolutely all the military equipment of the Second World War, assembled together

All military equipment that can be seen by visiting the museum on Poklonnaya Hill is located in an open area in one of the pavilions. Next to it is an exposition called "Motors of war." There are cars that were used in the war years. Among all the presented models, you can see both the famous technique and the rare one.


The Poklonnaya Gora Museum of Technology can showcase absolutely all facets of wartime. Tanks, planes, rail transport, artillery and military vessels - all this and much more can be considered in the most thorough way. Among the exhibits there is also a technique on which the allies of the Soviet Union fought. Not without trophies, which the museum of military equipment is able to demonstrate to everyone. Poklonnaya Gora has more than three hundred samples. In addition, there is such a technique that can be considered unique. For example, a night bomber, on which you can fly into the air today. Naturally, there is one of the best tanks that became the hero of World War II. It's about the famous T-34.

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill will be able to attract the attention of many people, young and old, with the help of the Kranovostochnik armored train, which was built back in 1917. The sites of this transport were transported to the memorial complex directly from the Central Museum dedicated to the Armed Forces. This sample has a rather rich history, since it fought not only with the Nazis, but also with the Basmachi.

Interestingly enough a disruptor called "Hook". The Museum of War on Poklonnaya Hill has a copy of such equipment. Krupa factory was engaged in its production. In 1943, the technique was used during the retreats.

Many will be interested to look at the installation, with which you can conduct shelling directly from the railway tracks. In this case, the fire sector was equal to 360 degrees. In order not to suffer from return fire after a volley, the installation could be transported some distance.

A beautiful exposition is able to please its unrivaled look


The organizers spent a considerable amount of time and effort on preparing exhibits for an exhibition called “Motors of war”. A large number of cars were transported to the museum thanks to private collectors. All these actions led to the fact that today everyone will be able to look at the beautiful exhibition, which is characterized not only by wheeled or tracked vehicles, but other elements that were used in the war years.

Thanks to restoration work, all the equipment was brought into working condition. In the modern world, the memorial complex is a huge developed system, in which both art and thematic projects are presented. The museum constantly hosts exhibitions, both stationary and mobile. The museum is accessible to visitors almost daily. Only on Monday there is a day off.