
Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anatoly Yakunin: biography and activities

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Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anatoly Yakunin: biography and activities
Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Anatoly Yakunin: biography and activities

Video: Global Perspectives | Norwegian-Russian Relations 2024, July

Video: Global Perspectives | Norwegian-Russian Relations 2024, July

Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich is a fairly well-known person in law enforcement, as he heads the Moscow State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even an ordinary policeman, conscientiously fulfilling his duties, brings invaluable benefits to society and the motherland. What then to say about a man who occupies such a high post? Let's trace the life path that the head of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, has walked.



Anatoly Yakunin was born in 1964 in one of the villages of the Oryol region. His father, Ivan Yakunin, is a front-line soldier who returned from the war, having lost his eyesight, which, however, did not prevent him from creating a large family in which there were six children.

After graduation, Anatoly Yakunin was drafted into the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. He served in the border troops. It was during this period that all his ideas about the world and his future fate turned upside down. Before that, he planned to devote his life to work in the village, but now Anatoly Yakunin realized that his true calling is to serve the Motherland.

First steps in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

True, he did not succeed in remaining in the ranks of the Armed Forces after the end of military service due to problems with his parents, who needed the support of his son. However, this did not stop the guy in 1985 getting a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the post of district inspector, who was in charge of two village councils at once. Anatoly Yakunin really liked the police service, he realized that this was his vocation, and completely devoted himself to the work that was interesting to him. An indicator of his dedication can be considered the fact that the first offender was detained by him three months after taking office.

A little later, Anatoly Ivanovich switched to investigative work.


In 1991, Anatoly Yakunin was appointed deputy chief of his native Dolzhansky District Department of Internal Affairs. Since then, he began to rapidly climb the career ladder. So, in 1994, he was appointed head of the department of internal affairs. As always, Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich approached the performance of his duties very conscientiously, and demanded the same from his subordinates. Therefore, it came as no surprise to anyone that the department headed by this person had some of the best indicators in the region.


Naturally, any diligence and perseverance is rewarded. Anatoly Yakunin was no exception. The Ministry of Internal Affairs granted him a new position - the head of the police department in the city of Livny. His responsibilities also included overseeing the area.

In 2002, a new appointment followed. Anatoly Yakunin got the place of head of the department for combating organized crime in the Oryol region. This was already a position not of local, but of regional scale, moreover, in one of the most responsible and dangerous areas. It is no secret that organized crime is often associated with high-ranking officials.


But further promotion was not possible without a higher level of education. This was not a secret for Anatoly Yakunin. Therefore, having already studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he entered the Academy of Public Administration, which he graduated with honors in 2003.

As you can see, there is a type of people who strive to be the first in everything: in work, in family life, and in school. Anatoly Yakunin was such a person. His biography says that after graduating from the Academy, the life of this person made a sharp turn. In 2005, he was appointed deputy head of the police in the Oryol region. By that time, Anatoly Ivanovich already had the rank of colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Further career success

Not such a person was Yakunin to stop there. However, even if he himself did not set the goal of further career growth, his outstanding services and qualities as a leader could not help but notice the highest ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which literally doomed Anatoly Ivanovich to assigning new ranks and promotion.

From 2006 to 2007, Anatoly Yakunin had to temporarily act as the head of the regional branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Oryol region. But in 2007, on a regular basis, another person was appointed to this position - Vladimir Kolokoltsev, in whom Yakunin again became the first deputy.

High-profile cases

It should be noted that this tandem worked very well, showing mutual understanding in working relations, as well as uncompromising in the fight against the criminal world. It was during the leadership of the Kolokoltsev and Yakunin Oryol regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that a number of high-profile cases were opened, which were brought to their logical conclusion.


They were not afraid to conduct investigative actions even against large officials if they violated the law. In particular, many cases were brought up against persons close to the local governor. Also, the defeat of the largest gangster group in the Oryol Region, the Sparrow gang, received resonance.

Transfer to another area

But, unfortunately, such a successful collaboration between Kolokoltsev and Yakunin lasted a little over a year. In 2008, their tandem broke up, since Anatoly Ivanovich was transferred to an equivalent position in the Voronezh region. It is difficult to say now what the translation dictated: Yakunin’s personal desire, the machinations of officials to whom he crossed the road, or simply the top leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs thought that it was in the Voronezh region that Anatoly Ivanovich’s firm hand was needed. They also say that it was a request from the head of the Voronezh police who wanted to have such a professional as Yakunin in his assistants.


So, Yakunin became deputy chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Voronezh region. In addition, he was offered the position of head of the criminal police. The Voronezh region, due to the fact that its population more than three times exceeded that of the Oryol region, was considered a more complex and responsible area of ​​work. So to some extent, this transfer could even be called a promotion.

In 2009, there was an actual increase in Yakunin's official rank. According to a presidential decree, he now became a major general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Head of the Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It was clear that such a professional as Anatoly Ivanovich could not remain on the sidelines for a long time, holding the post of first deputy regional chief of police. In 2010, Yakunin received the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Novgorod Region. In this position, as before, Anatoly Ivanovich focused on the fight against organized crime, although, of course, he did not lose sight of other important areas of police activity.


In 2011, Yakunin successfully passed the recertification related to the reorganization of the police into the police, thereby confirming his right to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Novgorod region. Anatoly Ivanovich took personal control of the recertification of his subordinates, as he wanted to have really qualified personnel on the staff who could be relied on with confidence.

It should be noted that before the arrival of Yakunin, the Novgorod branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was considered one of the most lagging behind in Russia, but he managed to transform it into a truly effective body to combat crime. This was confirmed by excellent results and performance - one of the highest in the country. But the main achievement, of course, was to reduce crime in the area.

Appointment as head of the Moscow police

Demonstrating the very high rates of work in all posts that Yakunin held throughout his career, Anatoly Ivanovich, not in word but in deed, proved that the Russian government could not find a better candidate for the post of head of the capital’s police than he did. Moscow is the largest metropolis with a rather difficult criminal situation. In addition, you need to consider that the capital is the face of the whole country. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow should have unprecedented professional characteristics and a spotless reputation. That was Anatoly Yakunin.


It should be noted that his positive characteristics as a leader were overpowered by the negative factor that he had never worked in Moscow before. Many experts believed that the main law enforcement officer of the city would be a person who had worked for more than a year in the law enforcement agencies of the capital. Nevertheless, the leadership knew how quickly Anatoly Ivanovich was getting on course in a new region for him, which he had already demonstrated more than once.

Therefore, it was Yakunin who was appointed head of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The decree of appointment was endorsed by the President of Russia in the summer of 2012.

It is noteworthy that before Yakunin this position was held by his long-time colleague V.A. Kolokoltsev, still working in the Oryol region. Now he went on increasing, becoming the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, the head of the entire police force of the country. Thus, Yakunin actually again became directly subordinate to him, only now their posts were much higher than before.

Job in Moscow

Anatoly Yakunin, head of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, continues to show very high results of his activities, as well as in the positions he previously held. The hopes that the tandem of Kolokoltsev and Yakunin, who so brilliantly coped with his duties in the Oryol region, will not fail in the capital, were fully justified. The criminal situation in the city is completely under the control of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

Yakunin, as before, is very conscientious and professional in his duties. He also received a new career promotion: now Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich - Lieutenant General.


Naturally, a person who has devotedly devoted his whole life to the service of the Fatherland cannot fail to be marked by various state awards. Lieutenant General Anatoly Yakunin is the owner of many distinctive signs of various rank and dignity.

Omitting the less significant of them, it is worth noting the badge of the honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the medal for achievements in the protection of law and order, as well as the badge of honor for services to the Novgorod region. The last award was awarded to Yakunin when he held the post of head of the Novgorod branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Anatoly Ivanovich can’t count smaller awards and incentives, but, of course, not the formal side of the award is more important for him, but sincere gratitude of people for the work done.

A family

Anatoly Yakunin's family is small - his wife and daughter Catherine.

It is known that acquaintance with his wife occurred back in those days when Anatoly Yakunin served in the Oryol region. His chosen one then worked as a passportist in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, Anatoly Ivanovich, like most other high-ranking civil servants, does not like to talk a lot about his family. First of all, this is due to the specifics of his work, because quite a lot of ill-wishers have personal accounts with Anatoly Yakunin, and, quite possibly, they will want to recoup on his family.


Although sometimes, despite his steel character, Anatoly Yakunin can not help but say pride for his daughter, who followed in the footsteps of her father. Catherine graduated from a law school and became the first assistant to the prosecutor of one of the prosecutors in the city of Orel, and since 2011 she was transferred to work in the capital.

Of course, Anatoly Yakunin is proud of the achievements of his daughter. Relatives are proud of his work for the good of the motherland.