
Zheleznogorsk population: size and ethnic composition

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Zheleznogorsk population: size and ethnic composition
Zheleznogorsk population: size and ethnic composition

There are many settlements in Russia with similar or identical names, most often these are small villages and villages. But there are quite large administrative units with the same name, but with a different fate. For example, in our country there are two cities of Zheleznogorsk: one is located in the north-west near the city of Kursk, the other in the north-east, 35 km from Krasnoyarsk.


History of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Until now, the city is an important strategic object and is considered a closed administrative unit. More than 50 years ago disgraced scientists and engineers worked in these parts to create plutonium and other nuclear elements. Since 1985, a tunnel has been located here under the earth’s depth of 40 km, where radioactive waste remaining during the processing of uranium is stored. Although scientists claim weak radiation contamination of the air in the region, isolated cases of health damage occur from time to time.

The population of Zheleznogorsk still consists of scientists, workers, military and their families. Entrance to the city is carried out by special passes. Cars from other regions are allowed only with special permission. The city exists at the expense of Russia's largest chemical and mining plants, which serve the country's military and space sectors.


Despite the rather small population of Zheleznogorsk, less than 85 thousand people, the city has a well-developed cultural infrastructure. So, unique museums are opened here, where exhibits related to the mining and chemical industry are exhibited, as well as exhibitions that tell the story of the first workers, the forced prisoners of the Gulag. At the same time as the mining museum, an archaeological center also operates, where the finds of miners are exhibited.


In addition to the Central City Library, small reading centers are open in all areas. In 2010, Zheleznogorsk was even named the cultural capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Surprisingly, for 85 thousand people there are 4 theaters and 2 theater studios: the Operetta Theater, the Children's Puppet Theater, the Youth Theater "Sovremennik" and the Folk Drama Theater named after Ostrovsky.

Strength, National Composition

The population of Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has changed little over the past 50 years. According to the 1979 census, 87 thousand people lived in the city. A small surge was observed in the mid-90s, when this figure reached 95-97 thousand people. But now, according to 2016 data, 84 thousand people live in Zheleznogorsk.

Such constancy is associated with the specifics of this area. It is not just a settlement, but a strategic zone with important objects of national importance. The enterprises require a certain number of workers, therefore, a sharp decline in the difficult years for the country was not observed. The population of Zheleznogorsk did not leave en masse to large centers, because there was stable work.

The current problem of employment

Today, the problem of finding a job even in such a seemingly prosperous city exists. The problem is the specifics of the jobs that the city can provide, as well as the automation or even the closure of some important infrastructure objects.


The employment center of Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk region, like all similar institutions, is a state structure. It provides city residents with assistance in finding work, the possibility of retraining and other services of a similar nature. Citizens can get help for free.

The employment center of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, is located at 6629, Pionersky proezd, PO Box 32, Zheleznogorsk, 66. For more information about existing vacancies, see the center’s official website. The list of works contains many proposals for engineers of various orientations, with wages above the national average. There is also a great demand for drivers, construction masters, finishers, auxiliary workers and doctors.

main feature

When designing the city, engineers tried to maximize the natural beauty of the taiga. Therefore, the old and new quarters of Zheleznogorsk are arranged in such a way that greenery is everywhere. There are no frequency buildings, as in other cities, if you look at the streets from a neighboring island, it seems that the houses are adjacent to the taiga.

In addition, ski slopes of different heights and distances are located next to residential areas on a hill. The city was designed by Leningrad engineers, and initially the park was planned without a lake. But local residents, on their own initiative, cleared the floodplain under the pond and built dams. Now here is a park with ancient trees and the pearl of Zheleznogorsk - a beautiful and clean pond.


History of Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region

Another city of the same name is located in the opposite part of Russia near Kursk. It is a settlement of regional significance. Like the previous city of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region was formed in the 50s of the XX century. The reason was the discovery of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, one of the largest and most powerful iron ore basins in the world. In 1962, it got its real name. Previously, the village was called Oktyabrsky.

Already in 1962, the population of Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region amounted to more than 16 thousand people, and the village received the status of a city. It is as if divided into two parts, in the western part there are mainly residential buildings and other urban infrastructure, and in the eastern one industrial facilities, railways and other industrial zones are based. Nearby small settlements have been included in the urban district for several years, and since 2010 they have been recognized as micro-districts of the regional center.


The whole life of the population of Zheleznogorsk is associated with the extraction of iron ore. Mikhailovsky GOK is the largest enterprise not only in the region, but throughout Russia. More than 30% of the inhabitants work here, and the entire budget is formed precisely at the expense of the industrial giant.


The city is small in number, but there are 8 schools and several gymnasiums, the central city library and smaller institutions of this kind are open. In addition, there are several dozen different clubs for the development of children, including the Club of Young Naturalists, cultural centers Art and Alisa.

Zheleznogorsk is famous for its local history museum, as well as exhibitions related to the history of the development of the region. The city has several sports complexes, swimming pools, military-patriotic circles.

Strength, National Composition

Since 1959, there has been a steady increase in the population of the city. For more than 50 years, there have been virtually no demographic declines. Today, together with the towns and villages that have become part of the urban district, the population of Zheleznogorsk is a little more than 100 thousand people.

Such a stable density is explained by the success of the city-forming enterprise. Local careers still generate multimillion-dollar incomes. So residents do not need to leave in search of work in other regions.

Mostly Russians live in the city - over 98%. In a smaller proportion there are Ukrainians, Jews, Armenians and Belarusians. Only Orthodox churches and temples function.
