
Natalya Petkevich: biography, family, political activity. Interesting Facts

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Natalya Petkevich: biography, family, political activity. Interesting Facts
Natalya Petkevich: biography, family, political activity. Interesting Facts

Video: Yasha Klots. "SocRealism on the Other Shore: Solzhenitsyn's 'Ivan Denisovich' at Home and Abroad" 2024, July

Video: Yasha Klots. "SocRealism on the Other Shore: Solzhenitsyn's 'Ivan Denisovich' at Home and Abroad" 2024, July

Everyone knows about Natalya Petkevich in Belarus. For several years she was an assistant to President Lukashenko, but in 2014 the woman was disgraced by him, and she had to resign. The reasons for this president’s act among the people, and in the echelons of power, have been debated for a long time, but one can only guess about the true motives.


Petkevich Natalya Vladimirovna: biography, parents

The future politician was born in the last week of October 1972 in the capital of the Belarusian SSR, the city of Minsk. Her father V.A. Kravchenko was a dentist. When the girl was only three years old, he became the youngest of the capital's chief physicians. After that, for the past 40 years, he heads the 7th Minsk Dental Clinic. He was not originally from Belarus, but from the Novosibirsk region. His parents, that is, the grandfather and grandmother of Natalya Petkevich, were teachers. They came to Minsk after World War II. Natasha’s mom is a teacher by profession. Later, Vladimir Akimovich was elected four times as a deputy of the Minsk City Council of Deputies, and also headed a public organization of medical workers in Belarus. Marriage with mother Natalia was the second. From his first wife he had no children.



Natalya Petkevich, whose biography is described in this article, in 1989 entered the law faculty of BSU. In 1994 she graduated with honors and entered graduate school. In 1999, she defended her thesis and received the title of candidate of legal sciences.


Immediately after graduation and in parallel with graduate school studies, Natalya Petkevich got a job as a specialist in the team of the young president of the country. After some time, she rose to the head of the department of international and state law. It was this area that was the topic of her dissertation. Already in 2001, she was appointed to the post of spokesman for Alexander Lukashenko. By the way, the young president took staff to his team not by acquaintance, but taking into account their personal and professional merits. And in this regard, the young graduate student Natalya Petkevich had no equal. Therefore, after three years of service as a press secretary, she was elected the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration. In the fall of 2011, she received an offer to become an assistant to the President of Belarus, to which she gladly agreed.


Political and social activities

What do people say about Natalya Petkevich? The biography posted on its official website is quite superficial. The thing is that a woman belongs to the category of politicians who are called non-public. She was published only on special occasions. During her years as deputy head of the presidential administration, she became famous for being an ardent supporter of the abolition of any benefits. Even when Natalya Vladimirovna became one of the closest people to the president of the country, she also tried to stay in the background. Nevertheless, for exactly three years she was an assistant to the president. It was she who spent the most time with him and knew a lot of what was inaccessible to others. However, thunder struck on the first day of October 2014: Alexander Lukashenko ordered the dismissal of his assistant Natalya Petkevich. They said that after that she would be engaged in the tourist industry. By the way, the woman for some time really was the head of the Federation of Snowboard and Alpine Skiing in Belarus. However, after the removal of the presidential aide, Natalya Vladimirovna refused this title and began to consider herself a housewife.


Personal life, children

She received the surname Petkevich from her first husband. She left her, even when she divorced and remarried. Her first husband was the country's main lottery man. He led the Superloto sports lotteries. In this marriage, she had a son, who was named Philip. As a child, he was a very gifted boy. His mother sent him to the Lyceum of the BSU for children with special abilities. Then the young man, following the example of his mother, entered the State University at the Faculty of Law. He used to travel a lot and spend his holidays at the best resorts in the world. He is particularly attracted to European countries. As for his mother, because of the sanctions, she has long been unable to get into the EU countries and America.


Second marriage

Natalya Petkevich remarried at the age of 36, and her chosen one was Alexander Martynenko, then the deputy director of the National State Radio and Television Company. He was a year older than his wife, and for him, unlike Natalia, this was his first marriage. Martynenko was born in Brest, then moved to the capital and entered the BSU, after which he immediately got a job, choosing state television. Before taking up his managerial position, he was a TV presenter of the program “Reciprocal Movement”. He is quite famous in the country, although he always avoided publicity outside of work.

The young did not have a wedding as such. There was no banquet, no merrymaking. They modestly went to the wedding house and signed. They say that they have known each other for more than 10 years. After Natalya received his resignation, he was also removed from his post. Of course, everyone began to wonder why such disfavor was connected. True, some time later he became one of the leaders of Belagroprombank. In the press every now and then information appeared that the couple would soon break up, but no official information about the divorce was received in official reports. By the way, Natalya Petkevich after a retirement leads a quiet life and tries not to fall under the sights of cameras.

State and private property

Lukashenko's former assistant owns the estate in Drozdy. She got into the first “appeal” of officials of the “Lukashenko era, ” who received land in the 2000s. The area of ​​her house is about 350 square meters. m. Natalia is also the owner of an SUV Mercedes Gelandewagen. She always liked big cars, “like desks, ” the former politician likes to joke.


Once upon a time, information about Natalya Petkevich (who she is, what she does, what she owns) interested the whole country, because for three years this lady was the closest to the president. No matter how much she wanted to hide her private life, the press managed to find out that the woman loved horseback riding, tennis and skiing. For some period she was even the president of the federation for this sport. Being an extreme girl, Natalya loves speed and cars, she can spend a long time driving. Her first car was an old Renault, which she bought for just $ 400.
