
Bulk - who is it? Brothers Navalny - Oleg and Alexey (photo)

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Bulk - who is it? Brothers Navalny - Oleg and Alexey (photo)
Bulk - who is it? Brothers Navalny - Oleg and Alexey (photo)

Video: Russian police raid Alexei Navalny's home and offices | DW News 2024, July

Video: Russian police raid Alexei Navalny's home and offices | DW News 2024, July

The Russian opposition as a kind of generalized social movement suffers from a number of systemic vices. Disunity, ambiguity in assessments of emerging situations and their changes, differences in political platforms and goals - this is an incomplete list of factors that form the weak influence of forces opposing the existing government, which, nevertheless, is characterized by all their leaders as “criminal” and “bloody”. At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, a new defendant appeared on the Russian political scene - Navalny. Who is this, what are the ambitions of this leader, and why did he decide to head the opposition movement? What are his goals, what is he calling for? Surveys conducted in Russia showed that half of the country's population does not even know who it is. It’s time to fill this gap.


The opposition is constructive and destructive

In modern Russia, the protest moods have a certain social base, as in any other country. No state has yet been able to create an ideal society, there are dissatisfied everywhere, and it is the opposition that always seeks to use unfavorable factors. In essence, this is its political role, criticism of shortcomings, even very evil, helps to improve the work of government agencies. Opposition, which set destructive goals, adhered to several other goals. For example, the Bolshevik party during the First World War in every way sought to weaken the state and destroy its foundations. All means were suitable for this, including the undermining of defenses, the use of money received from the enemy, and direct sabotage. Each state, even positioning itself as the most democratic, has the right to fight with forces seeking to destroy it. Moreover, it is his duty to society. So what goals does Aleksey Navalny set for the political movement led by him in modern Russia? Who supports and finances this movement?

Early Russian opposition

The history of the emergence of modern Russian opposition begins at the very end of the 80s. Most of its representatives sincerely fought with the communist regime, were in prison, served exile and proudly called themselves dissidents. Even then, it was divided into “wings” - left and right, but, regardless of orientation, joyfully welcomed the coming to power of democratic forces led by B. N. Yeltsin. Not all oppositionists fully corresponded to the image of a zealot of popular aspirations, which is why the first problems arose. In the open spaces of the former USSR, meanwhile, the struggle for souls and power unfolded. The presidents and prime ministers in post-Soviet countries were people trained in the United States (this biographical fact was perceived by the population quite positively then). Cadres who were obviously friendly to the West were also preparing for Russia. Judging by the support provided, M. Kasyanov, B. Nemtsov, or G. Yavlinsky were considered the best representatives of the set of promising democratic-liberal leaders in the United States.



Opposition figures like G. Novodvorskaya, E. Limonov, and even the famous chess player G. Kasparov were not considered promising political figures, their images did not correspond to the depth of the task. But the reputable and experienced leaders of the Yeltsin era, proven and loyal to the West, also did not fit. They were eloquently echoed by the fact that they were already in power, more recently. The Yeltsin’s economists brought nothing good to the people, and this has not been forgotten. A reboot was required. A new leader was needed who could unite disparate opposition forces, possess a certain charisma, high intellect, a sarcastic-ironic mindset and could speak beautifully, in other words, own an audience. Moreover, such a person should ideally be deprived of the past. And such a candidate was found, his name was Alexei Navalny. Who is this, no one knew. Just a blogger author. But dashing trouble began.


Opposition family

Parents of Alexei Anatolyevich are ordinary people. Father - a communications officer, a graduate of the Kiev Military School. Mother studied in Moscow (Moscow Institute of Management named after Ordzhonikidze). Born in 1976, the son of a military man and future oppositionist often changed cities and schools. Currently, parents own a small enterprise engaged in the manufacture of wicker wickerwork. Alexei also has a younger brother, Oleg, who was born in 1984, but about him later. Wife - Julia Borisovna. Two children, Daria (born in 2001) and Zakhar (born in 2008). In general, a family is like a family. Alexey Navalny lives in Maryino (Moscow region, not a particularly prestigious one). Modesty adorns politics, especially young ones.



After graduating from the Alabino school at the military camp, the young man entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, whose law faculty he graduated in 1998. Alexey Navalny managed to work at a bank, and a year before graduation, he showed a craving for commerce, becoming the founder of the Nesna company (hairdresser). Things did not go well, the company was sold, but the search for a better life continued. The young man received his second higher education at the Faculty of Finance and Credit at the Faculty of Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation, becoming a specialist in exchange business and securities. The desire for study manifested itself again, in 2010, when he managed to complete a six-year training course (grant program "Yale World Fellows") in the USA at Yale University. The venerable Russian opposition leaders E. Albats, O. Tsyvinsky, S. Guriev and G. Kasparov gave a recommendation to the beginning politician. They were known in America, they listened to their words.

Work way

Allect LLC was registered in 1997 as an agent of the opposition ATP. It was engaged in advertising, its activity was not very successful, despite the fact that the Right Forces paid for its services in the amount of almost one hundred million rubles, of which five percent received as compensation the deputy director Navalny. Who would consider this a violation of the law or financial discipline? Currently, Allect LLC has been liquidated. The same fate befell the law firm “N. N. Securities ”, co-founded by Alexei Anatolyevich and his friends at the law faculty. Since 2001, Euro-Asian Transport Systems LLC, in whose creation Navalny took part, has been providing logistics and transport services. The company also self-destructed. In 2009, he became a lawyer, passing an exam in the city of Kirov, and even conducted two trials. In the same period, Navalny and Partners did not exist for long. In 2012, he was promoted to a senior position at Aeroflot by A. Lebedev, who owns the NRB bank. Upon election, the protege promised to conduct an implacable fight against corruption. A year later, Navalny Alexei Anatolyevich left this post, apparently, not of his own free will.


The beginning of big politics

Showing great energy in the business sector, Alexei Anatolyevich was engaged in active political activity. The fight against corruption is a win-win business, it can be dealt with endlessly, and it is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness. Since 2004, the “Committee for the Protection of Muscovites” has been carrying out this difficult socially useful work. Since 2005, worries about young people (the “Yes!” Movement) and leadership of the “Police with People” movement have been added to it. Political career began in cooperation with the Governor of the Kirov region N. Belykh (freelance adviser) and the Fund to support his initiatives.

Then there was Yabloko (a member of the political council) and the post of head of the Moscow party organization. In 2007, Navalny Alexei Anatolyevich was expelled from the party with scandal for extreme nationalism. He himself explained this incident with his confrontation with Yavlinsky.


A national idea is almost as winning as combating corruption, especially when combined with democratic slogans. In Moscow, from time to time, this or that carefully organized “Russian” march took place. Navalny could be seen on almost every one of them. However, by 2013, excessive scandalousness (ziguaging raging young people and other hooligans created an unfavorable background) prompted the politician to temporarily refuse to participate in mass events of a nationalist orientation. Criticism of the "Putin regime" has become the main focus of the movement "People", which, however, was not as numerous as its creators wanted. Navalny, whose photo was already published by almost all the media, tried to unite his organization to “Other Russia”, but was rejected. Nevertheless, the image of an uncompromising fighter against corruption has already been established; in the election of the mayor of the capital, the opposition candidate came to the “silver”. But then the Yves Rocher case suddenly arose, significantly spoiling the heroic image.


Brotherly help

Oleg Navalny, the brother of an oppositionist, worked as an automation specialist and the head of the internal dispatch department at Russian Post, and then decided to establish his own business and resigned in 2013. It was he who was able to convince the representatives of Yves Rocher company not to use the services of the public service anymore (and, obviously, it didn’t really work in the best way), but to entrust its deliveries with the private company GPA, which actually belonged to his own brother. The price, of course, turned out to be higher, but then the reliability … So, at least, Oleg Navalny claimed. And he gained the favor of foreigners. In fact, no one was going to carry letters, parcels and parcels. Receiving the goods for dispatch, the Navalny brothers entrusted the troublesome business to other transport companies, who take much less for services. For some time this simple scheme worked successfully, but all the secret sooner or later becomes apparent. Either the deadlines were not met, or something was lost, but the French suspected something was amiss. Then they made a complaint and rolled. In total, the Navalny brothers cheated on their customers by 24 million. The case went to court and received international publicity. Immediately, protests began in connection with the oppression of the opposition in Russia.


The court verdict cannot be called too strict. In Soviet times, they could easily have been shot for such a thing, and the faithful “ten” was shining even in Gorbachev’s rule, when almost everything was possible. Oleg Navalny received a real term of 3.5 years, and his brother, an anti-corruption oppositionist and champion of honesty, escaped with suspended sentences. The court apparently took into account his merits in the fight against theft. More accomplices have to pay 4, 800, 000 rubles in fine. It’s necessary to understand that this trifle will not be done.


Reaction to business

Of course, the liberal public today is trying to convince the population of Russia that it was precisely for the struggle against the regime that Navalny suffered. The rally followed the rally during the trial, then the activity decreased, but did not reach zero even today. The image of the victim has always evoked mass sympathy in our country, in addition, many allegations of the disgraced politician evoke a lively response in the hearts of people. Indeed, not everything is in order in Russia with migration legislation, and there are enough other problems.