the culture

Informal - who is it? Clothing for informals (photo)

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Informal - who is it? Clothing for informals (photo)
Informal - who is it? Clothing for informals (photo)

Video: FORMAL and INFORMAL Words in English: 400+ English Words to Expand Your Vocabulary 2024, July

Video: FORMAL and INFORMAL Words in English: 400+ English Words to Expand Your Vocabulary 2024, July

At the word "informal" people have various associations. Someone recalls the Goths, punks, etc. All of these youth subcultures have common characteristics.


General information

So, informal - who is it? In a generalized concept, such people include those whose thinking, behavior, habits, and appearance differ from socially accepted norms. In fact, any person who stands out from the general mass of people, even simply by his style in clothing, is already taken for informal. For this, bright laces on shoes or long hair will be enough for a young man. Everything. Done! In the eyes of society you are already an informal person. But to be not like everyone else is not necessarily isolation from the general mass due to an extraordinary appearance. It is enough to have what makes the informal as such - thinking and attitudes that are fundamentally different from generally accepted norms. The lack of a framework that people draw for themselves is a characteristic feature of the representatives of various subcultures under consideration and simply extraordinary personalities.

Informal teenagers are not just youthful rebellion against society. This is a gap in the framework, opposing oneself to the preference of most people. They deny the past experience of generations. Their goal is shocking, the search for a new, uplifting consciousness. Avant-garde and striving for the future are the best features of the informal environment.

There are a lot of extraordinary currents. Moreover, some of them are characteristic of certain countries, while others have acquired a global character.


Goth, undoubtedly, also informal. Who is it? Gothic subculture appeared in the seventies of the last century. With its roots, it emerged from punk culture. So what happens? Are these two streams the same?

Goths differed from punks in more refined manners of behavior and style of clothes. Also, the difference is that the Goths are more diligent. They can be proud of their academic performance. Often such people have a penchant for art. With the advent of the current movement, Gothic rock music began to develop.

Representatives of the subculture themselves are often accused of promoting suicide and death. But so it seems to those people who look at them with the naked eye. Psychologists in their remarks note that the Goths are potential suicides. And, getting together, they help each other adapt to society.

Clothing for informals who consider themselves to be Goths has a style appropriate to their worldview. Representatives of this subculture prefer black, sometimes combining it with white and red. The main materials for their things are goat fur, suede, satin, velvet. Mandatory is the decorative part - corsets, jewelry, lace, shuttlecocks, lacing. When applying makeup, goths of both sexes practice excessive skin lightening. A characteristic feature - eyes summed up in black pencil. By these basic parameters, you can find a goth at any time. Any additions in the image are allowed. For example, a haircut with shaved temples.

At present, there are even brands of Gothic clothing. The most famous companies are:

1. Spiral Direct.

2. New Rock.

3. Demonia.

4. Restyle.


Informal emo

Have you heard about this trend? Emo - also informal. Who is it? This direction came to us in the eighties from the West. The last wave was about 5 years ago. It is worth noting that during its revivals, the movement acquired striking differences from the Western emo culture.

Western informals (see photo below) that enter during emo are teenagers who prefer pastel or natural tones in clothes. Representatives of this course do not accept tattoos and piercings. Such adolescents position themselves as children with hyperemotionality. Representatives of the considered subculture of Western countries are radically different from emo from the East.

Among our teenagers, tattoos and piercings are considered mandatory attributes. And informal girls are practically no different from guys. No, you don’t think that they dress like men. Rather, on the contrary, guys are very similar to girls. They also let their eyes down, paint their nails, wear the same hairstyles. In emo clothes, one can distinguish the predominance of black and pink colors, cells, stripes. Also an integral attribute is a great variety of bracelets and a large cross-body bag with an incredible number of badges. Emo position themselves as bisexual. Perhaps this explains the similarity of guys and girls, as well as the fact that they promote peace on the planet.

Emo listen to music, which reflects unrequited love, sadness, sadness, apathy.



Yes, quite right, the gopniks are also informal youth that has existed at all times. Why are they considered a separate subculture? The answer is simple. They have their own style of clothing, looks, slang, behavior and musical preferences. Therefore, it turns out that the gopniks are also informals (the photo is presented below).

Having seen the representative of this subculture, you can recognize him unmistakably by his tracksuit, baseball cap and sneakers (or shoes). Moreover, the guys wear classic shoes all under the same tracksuit. Advanced gopniks may have a rosary and a purse with them. These informals have a reputation for bullying and bullies. They also have a personal business card: beer with seeds. The reason for this reputation is their rejection of dissent. Victims of gopniks can become not only representatives of other informal groups, but also the intelligentsia.

The bulk of the subculture is made up of youth from working-class families.



Punk - also informal. Who is it? Punks appeared in the USSR. They scared the adult generation with their size, behavior and appearance. Now this movement has subsided. Punks, remaining true to their tastes and views, today are not so many.

This movement does not recognize any power and laws. Punks reject common social norms. In short, they prefer anarchy to some kind of framework.

Punks wear shabby clothes, dye their hair in bright colors or shave patterns, there is a piercing, chains, tattoos and wristbands. Among them there are girls. Informals of this trend prefer rock.


How do currents appear?

Each of those who have become adherents of one of the subcultures has their own reasons for this. The most common ones are listed below.

1. Awareness of their uniqueness.

2. Problems in understanding with peers or parents.

3. The desire for recognition.

4. Loneliness.

What should parents of such children do?

For this period to go quickly and painlessly, it is necessary to act not militantly.

1. Do without scandals.

2. Learn about the subculture maximum amount of information.

3. Find a positive side in this (maybe your child will learn to play the guitar).

4. Share your suspicions and concerns with the child. Listen calmly to his thoughts on this subject.

5. Tell us about your youth and how you were. Perhaps if he realizes that you are alike, then you will be able to find a common language.

6. Allow the son or daughter to place the attributes of his subculture in his room.
