
The old dog cannot be taught a new trick: what misconceptions about animals we continue to believe

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The old dog cannot be taught a new trick: what misconceptions about animals we continue to believe
The old dog cannot be taught a new trick: what misconceptions about animals we continue to believe

Video: 24 Pet Myths You Should Stop Believing 2024, July

Video: 24 Pet Myths You Should Stop Believing 2024, July

All animals can be called charming (well, or almost all). They have unique characteristics - color, habits, character. Just like people, they have a personality. Pets behave differently, they are able to adapt to the most adverse situations. Without them, a person’s life would be completely different. Each animal is a fundamental part of the food chain that maintains the balance of the ecosystem.

It doesn’t matter how much we contact with some animals. We still know little about them. Each year, several new species are discovered, and many of the features of our smaller brothers remain a mystery. We will look at some established myths.

Old dogs cannot be taught new tricks

This phrase is already a steady expression. It implies that older persons or people with established experience are unlikely to learn anything new. The phrase is also used for dogs because older animals should be harder to train.

But from a scientific point of view, this is not justified. Several experiments have shown that it is not so difficult for older pets to learn new tricks. The only thing is important to know how to communicate with them.

Of course, it’s easier to train young animals because they learn faster. But this does not mean that old dogs are not able to remember commands.

Camels store water in the humps

This myth has long been considered true. No one knows how it began to spread. Probably, someone looked at the camels and imagined that in order to survive in the desert, you need to store water somewhere.

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The truth is that everything is completely different. No water is stored in the humps. They are full of fat and help camels survive when they have no food.


Naturally, camels can survive longer without water than other animals. But the reason is not at all the growths on the back.

The natural instinct of tigers

Most people believe that tigers are born by hunters. And that they are always waiting for the next booty. In fact, this behavior is not an integral part of their essence.


There are exceptions, but most tigers do not seek confrontation. They would not attack if they were not provoked or if they were not hungry.

These are animals that know exactly when and whom to attack, so that the chances of survival are higher.

Cats are indifferent and selfish

Many people do not like these animals. To some extent, it is indeed true that cats are selfish. But perhaps this is because the animals with which they are most often compared are dogs.

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Studies show that cats deal better with problems than dogs. But they are not used to involving a person in this. Independent animals turned into loners. And this does not mean that they are selfish. They just do not need people in most cases.

Dolphins are calm and quiet

These are some of the smartest animals on the planet. Many believe that they are friendly and never attack intentionally.


Studies prove that this is not entirely true. Dolphins sometimes kill people, unfortunately. The exception is trained animals. They really can not be afraid.

Chameleons change color to mask

This animal, as has been thought for a very long time, varies according to its environment. People thought that in this way it is masked. In fact, such a transformation is used to demonstrate their emotions, body temperature and much more.
