
German Ebert Foundation in Russia

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German Ebert Foundation in Russia
German Ebert Foundation in Russia

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Video: Apply for YouLP / YouLP жобасына қатысыңыз / Прием заявок на YouLP (Young Leadership Program 2021) 2024, July

The article will discuss the German Ebert Foundation and its activities in our country. What is he like? What tasks does it perform? What funds does he implement his projects? And again about the sensational story about the boy Kolya from Urengoy, as well as his performance in the Bundestag.

A little background

Social and political foundations of Germany are close to education parties. They began to develop in the postwar years. Each party, which is represented in the German parliament for more than one convocation, can organize a political fund. Such funds are essentially public organizations and are funded from public funds. Six parties - the same amount of funds. The very first organized in Germany was the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, close to the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Since its foundation, he has been actively engaged in research of a sociological nature and operates not only in Germany, but also in other countries, Russia is no exception.


Friedrich Ebert

He was a saddler from the city of Heidelberg. Even in his youth, he devoted himself to political and trade union work.

  • In 1905 he became a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.

  • In 1912 he became a deputy of the Reichstag.

  • In 1913 he was elected chairman of the SPD party.

  • In 1918, after the Revolution, he opposed the dictatorship of the proletariat, an ardent supporter of democracy, became president of the national assembly in 1919.

He rejects the policy of the class struggle, but advocates social equality between the bourgeoisie and the workers.

Due to poor health, he died in 1925 at the 55th year of his life.

On the donations that were collected during the mourning ceremony, according to the will of Ebert, a foundation was founded that continued his political precepts and aspirations.


About the Fund

Founded in 1925 - is the oldest political foundation in Germany. He is closely associated with the Social Democratic Party, therefore, at the center of his work are the ideals and values ​​of social democracy: justice, freedom, solidarity.

It is a non-profit organization and operates independently. The Ebert Foundation considers itself a part of the world social democratic society. His work is aimed at maintaining people's participation in the development of society and social democracy. Its activities extend not only in Germany, but also abroad. About 600 employees work in the main offices in Bonn and Berlin. Its representative offices exist in more than 100 countries. In 2015, the fund turned 90 years old.


Ebert Foundation Objectives

Since its foundation, it has been implementing the following goals:

  • provides knowledge of politics, that is, it is engaged in political education and information support for citizens;

  • assists in obtaining higher education for young people, especially from low-income families;

  • provides international cooperation and rapprochement.

This is an international political analytical center that is engaged in the development of social democracy around the world.


The international cooperation

The main areas of international activity are the support and development of democracy, the strengthening of security and peace, economic development, the protection of human rights, and social development.

In recent years, the priority areas of the fund's work have become the solution of global and regional problems. Particular importance is given to resolving the issue of European integration.

Throughout the world, the Ebert Foundation supports cooperation initiatives on environmental protection and safety.

He collaborates with political parties, scientific organizations, public foundations, trade unions, and consultative structures.


Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Russia

A branch of this organization is also opened in Moscow, where, along with its main activity, it offers students of our country places to live and practice in Germany.

The office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation is located in Moscow on Yauzsky Boulevard, at 13, on the 4th floor, at office No. 14.

It should be noted that everyone is invited to take part in student practice, but only the most talented and gifted students are selected.

Fund directions in our country

The aim and foundation of the work of the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation is social democracy in the country and around the world. He actively supports the development of democratic norms and social justice, peace and security. It interacts with public, state, scientific organizations that share and strive for the same goals.

The main areas of work of this fund in our country:

  • civil society development;

  • achievement of political and social stability;

  • strengthening the structure of law in the state.


He is engaged in supporting democracy in the country, supporting independent and free media. The Ebert Foundation in Moscow pays particular attention to the participation of women in social and political processes.

In addition, his goal is to draw closer to Europe. He is making every effort to maintain a constructive dialogue between countries on a number of socio-political issues.

The sensational story about Kolya

The Ebert Foundation in Russia is considered the sponsor of the trip of our students to Germany and the editor of speeches and texts in which many saw the justification of Nazism.

In particular, the head of the Russia-Germany Society, Zinovieva Olga, and director Mikhalkov Nikita, in the Besogon TV program, announced the funding of the trip to Germany by the fund. They reported that the fund provided a special grant for this purpose.

How it was? The performance of our schoolchildren in the Bundestag was timed to coincide with National Mourning Day in Germany. This mourning event, at which the President makes a speech, plays an orchestra, remember the dead, honor their memory. In 2017, for the first time, students from the twin cities of Kassel and Novy Urengoy were invited to speak at this event. Nobody then thought of a scandal that could break out.

Each student was given the task to study and tell the story of the life of one soldier. The Germans talked about ours, our students - about the Germans. The main theme was “war is evil, and it has no nationality”.


It should be noted that all the reports were very similar. Children, having studied the life story of a soldier, were imbued with his tragedy, empathized with him, and suffered with him.

High school student Nikolai Desyatnichenko also prepared a report in which he said that the Wehrmacht soldiers “did not want to fight, ” and expressed regret that their graves in Russia were in very terrible condition. Kolya devoted part of his introduction to the fate of a German soldier, Georg Rau, who was captured at Stalingrad in 1943 and died in a Soviet concentration camp. His speech was quite consistent with everything else, but it was she who caused bewilderment and wide public resonance in our country. They called for accountability of parents, teachers and those who oversaw and edited his speech.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Society was divided into two camps: those who condemned Nicholas, and the people who defended him.

For example, many teachers spoke out in defense of the student and claimed that he only wanted to convey the meaning that the war was a huge tragedy for participants from both sides, it was victims, death, horror.

But the society turned against the 17-year-old schoolboy, making him guilty, but it’s worthwhile to find out if he only:

  • Firstly, the organizer and sponsor of the trip was the German Ebert Foundation in Russia, and whoever pays, he orders the music, as you know.

  • Secondly, all the reports of the children were agreed by two people on our part and two on the German side.

  • Thirdly, the original text was asked to be shortened, so Nikolay shortened it as he could.

  • Fourthly, of course, he did not write this speech himself, he was helped, adults, well-trained people worked with the teenager.

The mistake he made was an oversight of those people who worked with him, trained, accompanied, and reviewed the text.

It should be noted that when in Russia an angry public voiced and searched for those responsible, the boy got somewhere the red Victory flag and went out to the Bundestag at night.