
For several decades, it lay under the linoleum in the library: the lost letter found the sender's family thanks to social networks

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For several decades, it lay under the linoleum in the library: the lost letter found the sender's family thanks to social networks
For several decades, it lay under the linoleum in the library: the lost letter found the sender's family thanks to social networks

Video: Family Church Live Stream 2024, July

Video: Family Church Live Stream 2024, July

Not every letter finds its addressee. In certain cases, it can be found almost immediately. In other situations, the letter has to wait decades for its time. A similar situation occurred in Australia, where the letter found its owners only 125 years after writing. Relatives of its author called the incident a real miracle.

Unusual find

In 1960, the demolition of an old house was carried out in the Australian city of Habart, located on the island of Tasmania. Later, a state library was erected at this place.


One of the builders named Rex Nightingale, who was 23 years old at the time, found an old letter in the gap between linoleum and floor. It was dated January 1894. The man considered that he was unlikely to be able to find the author of the letter or his relatives. He also did not want to throw it away. As a result, Rex kept it for a long 59 years.

Modern search technology

Rex Nightingale is now 82 years old. He recently handed over the found letter to his granddaughter. At the same time, he noted that he simply did not know what to do with him. The woman immediately offered to try to find someone who might know about his author or addressee.


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Initially, the idea seemed hopeless. At the same time, Rex’s granddaughter did not lose heart. She used modern technology for her searches. The girl posted the text of the letter and information about his location on the social network Facebook. Surprisingly, in the near future relatives of its author were found.

What was there?

Probably Rex Nightingale is a very, very decent person, because he never opened someone else's letter that had lain with him for more than half a century. Only his granddaughter did it. As a result, everyone was able to get acquainted with the contents of the old letter.

It told a certain Todd from a certain association of clubs in Sydney that he (Sidney Halbert) currently receives 15 shillings a week. At the same time, he has to work 13 hours a day every day without days off and holidays. Sydney also in his letter indicates that he was already tired of such a schedule.


Unfortunately, the letter did not reach Tod, but remained in Habart. Whether this affected Sydney’s future life is unknown. All that his relatives know about their ancestors is that in 1916 he joined the army, fought in World War I and ended his life in a veteran house in 1945.