the culture

Ignorant - what is it? The meaning and types of ignorance

Table of contents:

Ignorant - what is it? The meaning and types of ignorance
Ignorant - what is it? The meaning and types of ignorance

Video: What is IGNORANCE? What does IGNORANCE mean? IGNORANCE meaning, definition & explanation 2024, July

Video: What is IGNORANCE? What does IGNORANCE mean? IGNORANCE meaning, definition & explanation 2024, July

The prestige of education in the modern world is doubtful, although it is it that allows us to answer the question: “ignorant” - what is this concept? By the way, a funny fact: according to statistics, Russia is the most educated country, given the percentage of people with higher education. Interesting, huh? Now to the point.


““ Ignorant ”is a man of little culture, uneducated, ” - says the explanatory dictionary. For example, a person who still believes that the earth is flat, without any doubt, can claim this unpleasant characteristic. Ignorance itself is, of course, bad. But there are people (and quite a lot) who are even proud of it. They do not know, but this does not bother them at all.

Let's say this is so. And suddenly these same people will have children, how will they teach their offspring to dream more? It is bad when a person is scientifically, philosophically or psychologically ill-informed, but even worse when he does not want to learn. The darkness he advocates can harm his family and friends, and the children will take it and understand that this type of behavior is the only possible. If “ignorant” is a position, then little can be done to convince a person.

Ignorant and ignorant

There are different types of ignorance, but at the same time, whatever one may say, the adjective is one.

There is a man who does not know how to behave at a table in a decent company, he will be called ignoramus. Sometimes this happens due to the mismatch of acceptable forms of behavior in different societies. The tribes of Africa adopted one manners, the Europeans - others. It is no accident that people falling into someone else's social community experience a cultural shock. But eating with hands in almost any European country is a sign of bad taste. Therefore, if you see a person who neglects cutlery, do not hesitate, this is ignorant. You could say an ignorant person.


Another type of ignorance is ignorance. And here comes one classic example. Remember the episode of the novel by M.A. Bulgakova, when Ivan Bezdomny tells the Master about the meeting with the professor at the Patriarchs, and the Master, after hearing and enlightening Ivan, asks, knowing in advance the answer: "I'm not mistaken, are you an ignorant person?" And here this characteristic is of a slightly different sort. This is not to say that the Master had time to appreciate the manners of the poet. But he definitely understood one thing: Ivan is unfamiliar with demonology and even did not read Faust, that is, he lacks knowledge in a certain field. Such an ignoramus, a literary worker is ignorant. This is sad, but, as the reader remembers, the poet will completely change.