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Nihilism is the ultimate skepticism

Nihilism is the ultimate skepticism
Nihilism is the ultimate skepticism

Video: PHILOSOPHY - Epistemology: The Problem of Skepticism (HD) 2024, July

Video: PHILOSOPHY - Epistemology: The Problem of Skepticism (HD) 2024, July

Denial can take different forms depending on the person, some tend to despair - the denial of their own capabilities, some to cynicism - as a denial of the value of things and people, which makes life and loss easier. But nihilism is not related to despair and cynicism, nihilism is an extremely individualistic view of the world. Moreover, in the picture of the world, the evaluator believes only his own results.

Do you remember?


Why did people start talking about nihilism in society? Many people learn the meaning of the word from the book Fathers and Sons, but the term appeared much earlier. The meaning of this word is often confused with the meaning of despair and cynicism. But these are different concepts, although nihilism itself is also emotions. Skeptic's emotions. Nihilism is an extreme degree of criticality to reality.

Life and its meaning

One of the ideas that many nihilists support is the randomness of the formation of the world. In their opinion, the beginning of life is simply an event very unlikely, but it took place. Life has no purpose, no tasks. And sooner or later, all life will end without any meaning.


Sad And many of the nihilists believe this if they remain intellectually honest with themselves. They cannot verify the facts in the past and in the future, they can only deny. Not an easy task.

Morality is secondary

The second problem that the nihilists encounter in the intellectual sense is the problem of morality. At the same time, nihilists are far from a complete denial of morality. But it is they who believe that all kinds of morality are relative. This does not mean that nihilism is ignoring moral rules. Not at all. Just a nihilist can support them if they are personally beneficial to him. And even if these are the traditions of one or another people, the nihilist understands that you won’t beat a whip with a whip, and therefore they usually obey moral rules. But at the same time it will be necessary to say that morality is simply an outdated convention.

What is bad?


From the previous paragraph it is clear that nihilism is a kind of ethical system in which concepts such as duty and responsibility also become relative. Indeed, if “good” and “bad” do not have absolute expression, then why try? So nihilists acquire the image of antisocial personalities. Although they are not. The classic nihilist is not interested in revaluing values. Because revaluation involves the assignment of a new price. And he’s not so bad, he wants to get away from the formation of new values.

If the nihilist is completely honest with himself, he recognizes that the value, although not declared, for him, nevertheless exists - these are his own interests. In this regard, he is absolutely mentally healthy, and many neuroses bypass him. A convinced nihilist is not keen on self-destruction, like many of his contemporaries. And from his point of view, people trapped in the grip of debt are at least strange, if not stupid.

Usually people who choose nihilism, personalities are bright, even prohibitively bright. It is interesting to talk with them on difficult topics. But living with them is hard. Therefore, it is easy for them to build working relationships and not easy - personal ones. Is it worth it to become a nihilist? The reader’s business, but the life of a nihilist cannot be called easy.