
Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich: biography

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Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich: biography
Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich: biography

Video: Khozh-Ahmed Noukhayev 2024, July

Video: Khozh-Ahmed Noukhayev 2024, July

Nukhaev Khozh-Ahmed is a Chechen politician and an odious authority in criminal circles. He was also the head of an inter-teip (intergeneric) organization called Nokhchi-Latta-Islam. This Chechen is known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Many media representatives consider him one of the main ideologists and sponsors of the Chechen war.



Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich was born on 11/11/1954 in a Chechen family belonging to the not too prestigious teip (clan) of Yalkho. This name itself literally means "farm laborer." The Nukhaev family is a native of the village of Geldigen in the Shali district, who lived at the time of the birth of a son in the village. Kalinin Kalinin district of the Kyrgyz SSR. Khozh-Ahmed had two sisters. The future politician and criminal authority spent most of his childhood and youth in the city of Grozny (Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), where his family moved in 1957.

After school, Nukhaev entered the law faculty of Moscow State University. His studies quickly ended due to expulsion from the university.

Criminal activity

Russian law enforcement agencies began to closely monitor the criminal activities of Nukhaev in 1988, when Chechen groups intensified in Moscow. It was at this time that Khozh-Ahmed, freed from his first imprisonment, along with another criminal authority, Atlangeriev Movladi Imalievich (nicknamed "Mad") began to implement his plan to seize territories in the capital of the Russian Federation.


Nukhaev Khozh-Ahmed and his accomplices began to tax various criminal elements and cooperatives with the “security tax”. To combat other influential groups, such as Lyubertsy, Bauman, Balashikha, Solntsevskaya, they came up with a single system of small combat units, assembled into a single whole for the "combat training". On their account there were about 15 significant clashes between the factions.

Already in the spring of 1989, Nukhaev Khozh-Ahmed with his faithful people, the number of which reached up to 40 people, firmly established himself in the cooperative restaurant "Lazania", located in Moscow on the street. Pyatnitskaya d.40. It was from this institution that his criminal group was called "Lazanskaya." Until his arrest on May 13, 1990, Nukhaev led the actions of his militants. This criminal authority and members of his group were charged with a number of serious crimes.

Criminal record

Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich, whose biography abounds with various high-profile events, was convicted of robbery and fraud in the 80s. In March 1991, he and his accomplices received 8 years in prison. He was to serve his term in a maximum security colony located in the Khabarovsk Territory. According to fictitious documents, on November 27, 1991, Nukhaev was issued by a convoy of police officers of the Chechen Republic for delivery to the detention center-1 in Grozny. Already in December 1991, he was released from custody, and in 1992 the Supreme Court of the RSFSR terminated the criminal case against him.


Life in the Chechen Republic

After the liberation, Nukhaev Khozh-Ahmed settled in the city of Grozny, but often lived in the Gudermes district. Representatives of the Moscow Chechen community constantly came to him. Nukhaev tried to step up the members of the criminal group on tough methods of "work" in Moscow.

At this time, in addition to violent criminal activity, Khozh-Ahmed was engaged in construction, the purchase of real estate in Chechnya and its repair. So, in his property was a mansion on the street. Sunzhenskaya, the former House of Officers on Victory Avenue, Grozny's covered market. In early September 1994, Nukhaev Khozh-Ahmed became the founder of the Russian company Oscar.

Personal contacts

Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich, whose photos are in the article, was familiar with many famous people. So, at one time he enjoyed the full confidence of Dzhokhar Dudaev, with whom he often communicated. He was a member of the offices of such important Chechen officials as the Prosecutor General of the Republic, Ismaev Usman, and was friends with Musav Alavdi, a former senior Interior Ministry official. He also closely communicated with Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, an active participant in the Chechen separatist movement.


Nukhaev was an ardent supporter of the regime of Dzhokhar Dudaev, so he financed his activities and illegal procurement of weapons. He often appeared in Moscow, where he oversaw the activities of a network of like-minded separatist activists. At the same time, he strictly forbade members of his team from any contacts with representatives of the criminal world. In 1991-1994 Nukhaev was a mediator in the negotiations between representatives of President B. Yeltsin and President of Chechnya Dudaev. According to some reports, from 1994 to 1996, he headed the foreign intelligence of CRI (Chechen Republic of Ichkeria). At the same time, he carried out the most secret orders of Dudaev.

In 1995, Nukhaev met an Arab extremist and terrorist Abu al-Walid who arrived in Chechnya as a resident of Saudi intelligence.

"Turkish period"

During the First Chechen War (1991-1996), Nukhaev organized the supply of arms and money to Chechnya through Azeibardzhan. He also participated in battles on the side of the separatists. After being wounded during the capture of the presidential palace, Ilham Aliyev, the son of President Azeibardzhan Heydar Aliyev, invited him to his country for treatment.


With the onset of the final phase of hostilities in Chechnya, Nukhaev left for Turkey. There he became the organizer of the “shadow cabinet” of the Government. In the summer of 1996, Khozh-Ahmed concluded an agreement with Yandarbiev and Apti Maraev on joint activities in the oil business. During it, these "entrepreneurs" were actively engaged in the transfer of money under forged contracts through various Turkish companies located in the Russian Federation. Their main capital was placed in banks in Turkey, Europe and the Middle East. In May 1996, after the death of Dudaev, Nukhaev became the first deputy prime minister of Chechnya. In the government of Z. Yandarbiev, he oversaw the oil and gas industry of the republic.

Murder Suspicions

Politician Nukhaev Khozh-Akhmed Tashtamirovich, whose photo has not appeared in the press in recent years, has become known to the whole world in connection with the suspicion of organizing the murder of an American journalist and publicist of Russian origin, Paul Khlebnikov. At the time of his death (July 9, 2004), Khlebnikov was the chief editor of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine.

Despite the fact that the defendants in this case were acquitted by the jury in May 2006, most people remained convinced that the killing of Khlebnikov was Nukhaev’s revenge for his book “Conversation with the Barbarian”, which contained many criticisms of the Chechen politician. It was based on an interview with Khlebnikov, taken by him from Nukhaev in 2000.
