
What is the reed of the lake making noise in world folklore?

What is the reed of the lake making noise in world folklore?
What is the reed of the lake making noise in world folklore?

Video: E5: Brandy Clements on the Myth of the Dying Art 2024, July

Video: E5: Brandy Clements on the Myth of the Dying Art 2024, July

How often in oral folk art is mentioned such a type of reed as lake reeds. An example is the magic flutes and pipes in Russian folk tales. And how often their main characters miraculously turn into lake reeds in order to find out the enemy’s plan or to expose the attacker. Or, on the contrary, he himself suddenly began to whisper advice to a person in need, or even transformed into a living army, destroying an insidious enemy.


The Indians associated the reed lake with a loss of freshness, youth and the beginning of the dry season. In ancient times, the Greeks, on the contrary, receive from Prometheus a vital beginning - fire in hollow reed stems. Residents of the Eastern Mediterranean revered lake reeds as a symbol of monarchical power. The rulers of Palestine, like the Egyptian pharaohs, used reed scepters. During the ritual, each new ruler who came to the throne was obliged to release arrows from the bow in all directions of the world, the basis of which was reed. A photo of the reed surrounding the lake conveys its beauty, which has always been appreciated by people of different nations.


Even in the Sea of ​​Azov there are places where the descendants of the “reed Aryans”, people of Indo-Aryan origin, still live. Indeed, for all the rulers of the numerous peoples of India, lake reeds served as material for the manufacture of the scepter. The Celtic priests used reed pipes not only to consecrate new worshipers, but also to protect themselves from the forces of the underworld. While this reed pipe sounds, the evil guards of the other world remain inactive. This belief was based on the similarity of the deep roots of reeds deep in the water with their idea of ​​the abode of the lower worlds. Their underground deity Pluto had a connection with earthly reality through this plant.

This belief has its response in other nations. Even the ancient Slavs in their legends and epics resort to the help of a magic flute, which reveals all the secrets to the one who will play it. It strengthens communication with other worlds. The ritual means connecting the inhabitants of houses with heavenly patrons over the centuries for most peoples living in vast territories, ranging from northern Irish lands to hot India, were reed roofs.


Christianity, which replaced the pagans, did not stand aside and also began to actively use the symbolism of this plant. At the same time, attention was drawn to the fact that its thickets have a low position, which symbolizes humility. And the coastal and marshy places of the reservoirs occupied by them served as a prototype of modesty and a life-giving spring that produces true clean water from the bogs. At the same time, the biblical legend about Moses occupies an important place. After all, the sister of the pharaoh found him in the reed thickets in a reed basket. That's where the salvation of God's people came from.

In eastern lands, reeds are credited with a symbol of human weakness and insecurity. Even the well-known romance about rustling reeds and bending trees warns the young lady that her lover should not be trusted.