men's issues

Pheasant hunting in winter in the snow

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Pheasant hunting in winter in the snow
Pheasant hunting in winter in the snow

The man has been working as a breadwinner and breadwinner since ancient times. To do this, he needed to hunt successfully. Success was guaranteed with great endurance, endurance and patience. Today, for many men, hunting has become an interesting and exciting hobby. Today it is more a sport than a vital necessity. Judging by numerous reviews, pheasant hunting has gained great popularity. Very tender meat of this bird is a real delicacy that will become a decoration on the table. Information on the features of pheasant hunting in winter in the snow is contained in the article.

Getting to know the bird

Pheasant is a very beautiful representative of chicken. The birthplace of this bird is Asia Minor. Today, southwest Asia, the central strip of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Japan have become its distribution territory. In addition, pheasants can also be found in European countries and North America. The pheasant family has several subspecies, each of which is very beautiful in its own way. Common to all representatives is the presence of a very bright and catchy plumage. The length of the adult reaches 800 mm. Such a pheasant weighs almost 2 kg.


About habitats

Pheasant hunting will be productive if you know about the habits of birds. Dense thickets and fruit bushes became a place for this bird to sit. Often pheasants can be seen in rosehip bushes and grape weaves. According to experienced hunters, pheasants rarely use their wings, preferring to get their own food near their homes. These birds feed on field cereals, dry berries and nuts. This representative of the chicken suborder has a decent running speed. Therefore, pheasant hunting is especially popular among those who like to relax actively.

About poultry production methods

Man invented many methods of hunting pheasant. Several of them are considered the most effective:

Hunting using a gundog. A well-trained dog on a pheasant is a faithful and reliable assistant. A four-legged friend will allow the bird to express itself. A winged bird enters the line of fire. Even if the shot is inaccurate, the dog will not let the wounded animal escape.


Corral method. The essence of such a hunt is to find a settlement of birds, to drive them out into the open. This method requires a large number of hunters. Some of them serve as beaters, and the rest - shooters.


The method of concealment. Since the place of the feathered shelter is the lower branches of trees, this method of hunting pheasant at night is used. You can remove a fallen asleep bird with a blow gun.

About Pheasant Hunting with Pneumatics

Judging by the numerous reviews, this method is considered one of the most popular. The hunter should reliably take cover and wait several hours until the bird falls asleep. Since pneumatic weapons, in contrast to firearms, have less lethal force, the shooter will require good accuracy. Nevertheless, a person who decides to use "pneumatic" should be prepared for the fact that he may need to shoot more than once. Hunting for this bird will be effective if you know the habits of the pheasant and the environment in which it lives. Therefore, before going out, the hunter must carefully scout the area.

About the timing of pheasant hunting

The prey of this bird officially begins in October and lasts until the end of December. In countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, the shooting of pheasants is not prohibited in January.

What is the best time to hunt?

At night, pheasants sit on tree branches. They can also hide in dense thickets. After the first rays of the sun appear, the birds begin to look for food. Then they again look for secluded places. Therefore, judging by the numerous reviews of experienced shooters, it is better to hunt pheasants in the late morning or at night. Having studied the habitat and disposition of these representatives of the chicken, everyone decides for himself when it is more convenient for him to start hunting for these birds.

About the fall season

According to experienced hunters, in autumn this bird is especially greasy. If breeding pheasants for shooting is done professionally, then such representatives of the chicken suborder are kept in specially equipped enclosures. For birds a special diet is provided. The cost of one individual released to nature for hunting varies from 700 to 1 thousand rubles.

About Pheasant Production in December

This representative of birds is ideally suited to snowy and frosty winters. With the onset of very severe cold weather, pheasant problems can arise only with food. However, if a bird is specially bred for seasonal shooting, then a person provides it with food.


In winter, a better diet is provided for poultry with the addition of various vitamins, yeast and fish oil. In addition, the feed volume itself was increased by 5 g. For hunting pheasant in winter, many specially trained dogs. A four-legged friend will solve problems that a person cannot cope with. For example, the hunter does not need to run after the bird to raise it to the wing. A pheasant will also not be able to hide for a long time from a trained dog. As a result, sooner or later he will take off. Then a person does not need to look for shot game. The cop will find and bring it.


Anyone who decides to apply the pen method can also use one or two trained dogs. Pointing dogs perform the tasks of beaters. Since in the winter the pheasant has difficulties with food, a person can take advantage of this. According to experienced hunters, in winter the bird is less cautious and focuses only on finding food. A person, guided by numerous traces, pieces of bark and the remnants of leaves, can determine the places of fattening of these birds. After this, the hunter needs to hide in shelter. Often whole flocks of pheasants come to feed. A person has the opportunity to shoot several individuals. Mostly a day this way you can get at least ten pheasants. Also, the hunter himself can make a place for a bird. It must be open. Within three to four days, you need to pour in grains of corn and wheat. After some time, groups of pheasants will come to this place.