
It turned out to be too tough: a herd of elephants protected his relative from the attack of lions

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It turned out to be too tough: a herd of elephants protected his relative from the attack of lions
It turned out to be too tough: a herd of elephants protected his relative from the attack of lions

Video: A Herd of Elephants Interrupt a Feasting Lion Pride 2024, July

Video: A Herd of Elephants Interrupt a Feasting Lion Pride 2024, July

In Chobe National Park (Botswana), lions attacked a small elephant calf fighting off the herd. But adults on time came to the rescue and repulsed the poor man from the clutches of predators. British photographer James Grifford managed to take unique photographs.


Unsuccessful hunt

It is known that predators attack lonely animals, weakened and strayed from the herd, topple to the ground and kill. This could happen with this elephant calf.


The lioness chased, and then jumped on her back, trying to tumble down the animal. But she was not strong enough. The attack did not happen right away: at first the lions lurked when the herd of elephants passed by - there was no chance against them.

When the baby was behind, they attacked him.


The second lioness ran up after 10 seconds, but an important moment was missed: a frightened elephant cried out and ran to his herd. Only then did the predators stop the pursuit, because a skirmish with adults could result in serious injuries or even death.

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