the culture

Omsk receives the title "City of Labor Glory"

Omsk receives the title "City of Labor Glory"
Omsk receives the title "City of Labor Glory"

Video: Omsk. The third capital. 300-year anniversary. / Омск. Третья столица. 300-летний юбилей. 2024, July

Video: Omsk. The third capital. 300-year anniversary. / Омск. Третья столица. 300-летний юбилей. 2024, July

The seventieth anniversary of the Victory is approaching, the whole country is preparing for the holiday. Remembering those hard years of World War II, contemporaries give due respect to the heroes of all fronts, including the labor one.

It can be absolutely reliably stated that the inhabitants of the entire territory of the country took up a labor shift that lasted for many years. Boys who were only twelve, fourteen years old and their mothers, elderly men and women, teenage girls, stood at the machines, went to work in the field to help the soldiers who went to the front fight.

Many large plants were evacuated to Omsk and the cities of the Omsk region. Workers stood at the machines working around the clock, changing each other in shifts, sometimes falling asleep here, so as not to waste energy on the way home.

Without days off and holidays, for twelve, fourteen hours, and sometimes even more, the rear heroes worked for many years, providing the front with weapons, equipment, warm clothes and food.

By the day of the great holiday of victory, the city of Omsk receives the well-deserved title “City of Labor Glory”.

The regional parliament, which established this title, is preparing six more cities to confer this honorary title.

The regional government confirms that each city in the region deserves such a title, but, first of all, it was decided to assign it to Omsk.

The source reports that on Thursday, April 23, 2015, the Legislative Assembly adopted a draft regional law on granting Omsk an honorary title.

Back in 2012, at the forum of home front workers, it was first mentioned that Omsk should be given an honorary status. A year later, deputies of the Legislative Assembly at the next meeting supported this idea. Although the deputies believe that the law still needs to be finalized, they did not wait for it to be completed at the federal level. The law allows assigning honorary status to cities in the regional parliament.

Another gift will be presented to Omsk on Victory Day. At the Old North Memorial Cemetery, a monument will be opened to those soldiers who died on the fronts of World War II.

The author of the monument is sculptor Sergey Golovantsev, who lives in Omsk.

The monument is a sculpture of a warrior, framed by plates, engraved with the names of soldiers who died in frontier wounds in Omsk hospitals during the tragic war years.

Thus, this year Omichi will pay tribute to the heroes of the labor and combat front, who bear the brunt of the great Victory on their shoulders.

The victory was not easy for the country and became possible only due to universal cohesion. Today, during the hostile attitude towards our country of those who have a short memory, we must remember this and unite in spirit. Enemies should not be allowed to do evil. Fascism must not be allowed to repeat its crimes.