
Tanfiliev Island: description, history and interesting facts

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Tanfiliev Island: description, history and interesting facts
Tanfiliev Island: description, history and interesting facts

Tanfiliev Island is one of the islands of the Kuril archipelago. Not far from it is the Japanese island of Hokkaido. This is a flat piece of land with a width of 4.5 km and a length of 6.5 km. The surface of the island is devoid of vegetation. Only a low-growing shrub and several low mounds enliven the landscape. But the picture becomes much more impressive if we recall that there was a bloody massacre at Tanfilyev. It happened in 1994.


Everything is known

Until now, despite the fact that two decades have passed since the tragedy, many people are perplexed when recalling this story. Indeed, how could the massacre on Tanfiliev Island happen (it was named after the Russian scientist-geographer, professor at Novorossiysk University, located in Odessa)? The investigation into this case took a long time, during which the smallest details of what happened here many years ago were established.

There is safety in numbers

Tanfilieva Island is the location of border outpost No. 1. In the 90s, the situation was as difficult as in the whole army and country. There was a shortage of personnel. The outpost commander at that time was N. Solomakhin. He worked hard, because he had to cope with the personnel alone, there were no other officers. Co-workers characterized him as a soft and uninitiated leader. The reason for this was, as it turned out later, problems in his personal life and career. Captain Solomakhin can be partially understood.


Officer tragedy

Not everyone can withstand many years of unpromising service in such a place. Tanfiliev Island was open to all the winds that blew from the sea constantly. The climate was damp and cold, it often rained. In addition, the isolation from the mainland was clearly felt. The inability to leave somewhere, to distract from the service depressed the captain. At some point, he showed a weakness in character towards his subordinates, and they immediately sat on his neck.

Who is the main

Among the military personnel hazing began to flourish. Sergeant N. Arkhipov became the commander of the border detachment behind the scenes. He took upon himself the responsibility of punishing his subordinates with unregistered methods. For example, could spank a belt buckle. Also, old-timers forced young people to do dirty work for them: wash, make the bed, clean the toilet and much more. In addition, the young people had to entertain the "grandfathers" as they please. And they could order the first-year-olds to jump, spin, and showed remarkable tyranny in order to brighten up their stay in a terrible place as Tanfiliev’s island had become for them.


Intransigent enmity

Not everyone can tolerate humiliation. However, there are many ways to avoid this situation. Only a person with mental disabilities can solve the conflict by killing, as A. Bogdashin, one of the perpetrators of the crime, was later recognized.

On a clear morning on March 8, 1994, he became the instigator of the future tragedy. In his mind, he imagined himself to be a superhero, able to avenge old servants for all previous grievances with the help of weapons. To his assistants, he invited two friends - D. Belkov and A. Mikheev. That day they carried weapons with them, since Belkov was a sentry. After leaving the posts, this group of servicemen went to the wall, behind which was the bedroom of their comrades.

So the tragedy began, the scene for which was Tanfilieva Island.


Horrible awakening

Belkov and Bogdashin opened fire from a machine gun. Bullets, penetrating through the walls, killed Sergeant Kabardinov and wounded several of his colleagues. But those who managed to survive were calmly finished off at the exit from the bedrooms. At that moment, when the avengers went to the weapons room to replenish ammunition, several border guards tried to escape. Those who hid in the power unit were noticed and given a machine-gun fire on them. Among them was Sergeant Arkhipov. He hid his wounded comrade, and he tried to get himself a weapon to save the others, but did not have time. He was first wounded, and then finished off, shot at point blank range.

All to blame

Not only those for whom the island of Tanfiliev was home were affected. The shooting was also expected by the crew of the Mi-8 helicopter, which patrolled the border and flew up to the island to find out the reasons for the shots. Having fired a machine gun, Bogdashin shot down an aircraft, which fell and caught fire. Fortunately, the crew did not die, but tried to get to the outpost, but was stopped by automatic shots and was forced to lie low.

At the time when all this was happening, Captain Samokhin, together with his midshipman and his cook with a small child, was heading towards the base of the patrol boats. There, this group of people found shelter and called for help.

Two helicopters with paratroopers on board were sent to help. It was their appearance that disorientated the criminals and forced them to lay down their arms. Although, as Bogdashin, Belkov and Mikheev claimed at the trial, they were already going to give up. The court sentenced, softening its decision in relation to Mikheev, who did not kill, but only helped his comrades commit crimes. Bogdashin and Belkov received long sentences in a maximum security colony.
