women's issues

What factors determines the average height of girls

What factors determines the average height of girls
What factors determines the average height of girls

Video: Is Height Genetic? 2024, July

Video: Is Height Genetic? 2024, July

Undoubtedly, every young lady wants to have ideal height and weight, since it is these indicators that indicate the quality of the figure and the state of health in general. However, not every girl knows about her height and what this parameter depends on.


Average growth is a generally accepted value, on the basis of which a gradation of such a parameter as the "length" of a person occurs. Of course, the average height of girls is slightly less than that of men. It is generally accepted that the average height for women is 157-167 cm, while for men this indicator is 175-177 cm. It should be emphasized that we are talking about residents of Europe.

However, there are exceptions to any rule. In this regard, many will be interested to know what criteria affect the average height of girls.

1. Ethnicity. People belonging to a particular ethnic group inherit individual traits that are characteristic of their nationality. If we take into account the average height of girls of African descent, this indicator will be higher than that of the fairer sex belonging to other nationalities.


It should also be noted that the ladies living in the northern part of Europe are higher than those who inhabit the rest of the Old World. One cannot but emphasize the fact that the average height of girls from Southeast Asian countries is lower than that of European young ladies.

2. Genetic predisposition. Not the last role in the formation of average growth is played by such a factor as a genetic predisposition. If your dad and mom are lanky, then it is very likely that you will also be tall. Among other things, the fact how long your grandparents had your body would be of great importance in predicting your height.

3. Nutrition. The magnitude of growth also depends on what kind of diet a person adheres to. For girls, this nuance is often of paramount importance. At the same time, for quite a long time, the countries of the “Third World” experienced a real shortage of food products, which could not but affect the growth rates. Only by receiving a balanced and healthy diet, the body provides the optimal body length.


It should be noted that the average height of a girl in Russia is 166 centimeters, North Americans have a body length equal to 168 centimeters, and Canada - 161 centimeters. It should be noted that women in the Asian continent are inferior in height to women living in Europe and the USA.

At the same time, experts cite very interesting and interesting data that over the past two centuries, the length of the human body has decreased by 10 centimeters, and from 2000 to 2010, the above parameter has decreased by another 2 centimeters. Experts see the reason for this in that humanity often “experienced” social cataclysms, revolutions, hunger, and at present, a deterioration in the quality of life is taking place.

Ultimately, what is the average height of the girls most preferred - each man decides for himself.