
Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. Detailed biography, photo

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Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. Detailed biography, photo
Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. Detailed biography, photo

Fate presents pleasant and unpleasant surprises. Often you want to get away from everyday activities and try to find a new, your own way. Each person creates his own destiny. Someone consciously, and someone - how it goes. Gleb Olegovich Pavlovsky looks philosophically at his life, a detailed biography of which is full of ups and downs, sharp turns and inexplicable zigzags.


Originally from the famous Odessa Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. The year 1951 was unremarkable. But the date of March 5 led many new friends into shock. After all, this is the day of Stalin's death, which was seen by contemporaries as the beginning of a new life.

Parents of Gleb are quite ordinary people. Father had a profession as an architect. He worked as a design engineer. The Black Sea maritime stations from Odessa to Batumi are equipped according to his drawings. Mother had an exotic specialty of hydrometeorologist. Worked at the Odessa weather station. At the mother’s workplace, the boy saw how the forecasts were made.

School years

In 1958, the boy goes to a regular high school. As a child, he clearly learned one rule: you need to prove yourself. For the first time such a feeling arose in about five years. Then the father, trying to teach his son to swim, threw the boy off the pier. Salt water, which filled the mouth and nose, later surfaced in memory during teenage street fights. However, Gleb Pavlovsky studied well. The granite of science was easy for him.

The family loved to read. Books were everywhere; they were turned into a kind of deity. The cult of the printed word led to the reading excitedly. The works of Zhukovsky and Krylov's fable, Russian and foreign classics, and in general everything that could be bought, were read in this family. The cocktail of conclusions and conclusions excited the blood. Father to the boy seemed old-fashioned, bourgeois, not understanding modern life.

In 1968, Gleb received a certificate of secondary education. There was not a single triple or four. The young man is faced with the question of choosing a future path. One thing he knew for sure: he wouldn’t follow the path of his parents. It needed a revolution, a revolution in the planned fate of Odessa.


Pavlovsky Gleb chooses Odessa University. The Faculty of History seemed to the young man the most attractive. He enters the selected faculty without any problems. History as a science has always attracted the attention of yesterday’s schoolchild. He liked to plunge into the world of ancient times, which were chronologically represented in the works of historians.


1968-1973 - a period of wonderful student life. At that time, the revolutionary spirit permeated not only the air, but also the walls of the educational institution. The brainchild of 1968 can be called a revolutionary circle created by youth. Students tried to implement the ideas of the commune in their small team. The circle was called "SID" (subject of historical activity).

It was at the university that Gleb Pavlovsky tried himself in the journalistic field. Studying in his second year, he published the wall newspaper “XX Century”. Perceived it ambiguously. Someone did not understand, someone was enthusiastic. And the university party bureau removed it with a short wording "For Anarchism." The newspaper editor suffered for his brainchild, he was expelled from the Komsomol.

Professional experiments

In 1973, student life ends. Pavlovsky Gleb receives a diploma of a historian, a standard blue book. And he goes to work in school as a history teacher. It was not possible to hold onto the first workplace for a long time. His passion for novelty books, especially banned ones, led to his acquaintance with the KGB. In 1974, a young teacher was arrested for the storage and distribution of Solzhenitsyn’s book “The Gulag Archipelago”. He confessed everything and was released. He was persistently asked to leave school.


To change life, to break out of the predictability of further events, Pavlovsky Gleb decides. In order to achieve this goal, he moves to live in the capital. Decides to change the profession, acquires the working profession of a joiner. From 1976 to 1982 he worked where he could find a job. A construction worker, a carpenter, and even a lumberjack - and this is all a person with a higher historical education.

At this time, finds a soul mate in the person of Michael Gefter. At the turn of the seventies and eighties, Gefter founded the free Samizdat magazine, Search. Despite the lack of Moscow registration, he accepts his student as a co-editor. Five numbers came out. After that, the KGB arrested the head of the literary department Valery Abramkin. Publishing was banned and the magazine was closed in 1981. A year and a half later, Pavlovsky Gleb was also arrested.

For cooperation with the investigation, the court replaces imprisonment with a reference to the Komi ASSR. A three-year stay in remoteness from political centers forces one to find work in order to earn a living. Stoker, painter - these are the new professions that the dissident learned.

Moscow again

Link has ended. In December 1985, despite the ban on living in the capital, Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich returned to Moscow. Biography and life makes a zigzag again. I had to hide for a year. Soviet society does not need a person with a criminal record. The dissident community did not forgive the desecration of its main shrine - the idea of ​​confrontation. A job search leads Gleb to a youth club on the Arbat, which processes letters sent from all sides of the USSR to central newspapers. The “Club of Social Initiatives” (CSI) is being created on its basis. Pavlovsky is one of his five co-founders.


The editor of the magazine "Century XX and Peace" Anatoly Belyaev takes Pavlovsky to work. He took a risk: to warm a person with a criminal record and without a Moscow residence permit is akin to suicide. Since 1987, Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich - journalist of the information cooperative with the short name "Fact" under the leadership of Vladimir Yakovlev.

1989 - journalist, historian, dissident goes on an independent voyage. He heads the magazine "Century XX and Peace", creates the news agency PostFactum (Post-factum).

In the spring of 1994, again under the investigation, Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich. A well-known journalist is accused of developing the analytical scenario “Version No. 1”. In a fictional story, the possibility of an anti-presidential conspiracy is thoroughly considered.

Approaching power

The next 1995 brings a new idea and its implementation. This is the year of the Foundation for Effective Policy (FEP). The new organization takes an active part in the elections to the State Duma. But the political association "Congress of Russian Communities" did not get the required number of votes to represent its candidates to the Duma.


The 1996 presidential election provided a wide field for the development of the Effective Policy Fund. He becomes the main consultant to the headquarters of Boris Yeltsin in the election campaign, works with the media.

Online journalism

Not everyone can catch the wind of change. Always guess the right direction, Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich can begin to act actively. A Russian political scientist was one of the first to appreciate the role of nascent journalism on the Internet. He creates a network of "Russian Journal". The position of editor-in-chief is occupied by himself.


Information sites are becoming another source of inspiration and profit. The most famous of them were "", "" and "". The last two are under his personal control.

Place in the modern world

Today, Gleb Olegovich is called differently. This is a political scientist and provocateur, philosopher and analyst, public relations genius and manipulator. It is he who is credited with the most high-profile scandals of our time. Under his leadership, the resignation of Berezovsky. He controlled the targeted compromise of the wife of Moscow Mayor Luzhkov. But the main merit is considered the company to promote Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin and the replacement of Boris Yeltsin. But Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich is not going to comment, deny or confirm these judgments. A well-known political scientist considers this not so important. According to him, he just writes an applied history.


Approaching the first people in the state remains the case under the first number. Today he is an adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration. Political scientist can give advice to V.V. Putin. The head of the Russian Federation listens to the recommendations of an experienced journalist and historian. The most important strategist of the Kremlin - such an honorary title was received by the presidential adviser from Time magazine.