
The First Chechen War and the Khasavyurt Accords

The First Chechen War and the Khasavyurt Accords
The First Chechen War and the Khasavyurt Accords

Video: Feature History - Chechen Wars (1/2) 2024, July

Video: Feature History - Chechen Wars (1/2) 2024, July

The Khasavyurt agreements, which entered into force at the end of the summer of 1996, marked the end of the First Chechen War, which lasted from December 1994.

Major episodes and the end of the military conflict

Federal Russian troops were brought into the republic in December 1994. The reason for such a government step was the strengthening here frankly


gangster and anti-government elements that contributed to destabilization in the region with the goal of further separating Ichkeria from Russia: widespread ethnic clashes, collapse of the republic’s infrastructure, radicalization of Islamic youth, record unemployment, multiple crime rates here and so on. By introducing federal troops in December 1994, it was planned to stabilize the situation and put an end to the rampant anti-government elements before the new year, however, a significant underestimation of the enemy forces led to a protracted war. Moscow believed that Dzhokhar Dudayev had only a couple of hundred armed militants. Practice has shown that there were more than ten thousand of them, besides well trained and financed by the states of the Muslim East. The storming of the city of Grozny lasted several months, until March 1995, and


final control over the area was established only in the summer of this year, after which protracted negotiations on peace conditions began. However, the emerging rapprochement was again broken by the militants who staged a terrorist attack in Kizlyar in January 1996, and an attempt to reconquer Grozny again. In fact, the end of the war in Chechnya came after the assassination of Dzhokhar Dudaev in April this year. After this, the war again entered a stage of stagnation and sluggish negotiations. the latter with the remaining separatists continued until August. Their results are known today as the Khasavyurt agreements.

The content of the agreements

The text of the Khasavyurt agreement suggested that Russia should withdraw its troops from the territories. The decision on the status of the republic of Chechnya was postponed for five years, until December 2001. Prior to this period, the management of the entire marked territory is carried out by a joint commission created from representatives of federal and local government bodies.

The real consequences of the act

Today it is customary to scold the Khasavyurt agreements based on the consequences that they brought to the country. In fact, they once again showed full


inability of the parties to agree. Despite the clauses of agreements stating measures to combat organized crime, restoring the infrastructure of the economic and economic complex of the republic, and so on, the Khasavyurt agreements again returned Ichkeria to the uncontrolled growth of Wahhabi sentiments and total crime. In essence, this situation led to the need for a new introduction of federal troops in September 1999 and the beginning of the Second Chechen War. At the same time, it should be noted that the logic in signing such an act at the time of August 1996 was definitely there. It should take into account the situation in which President Yeltsin and the central government found themselves after a bloody conflict, as well as strong pressure from the public, who wanted an early cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of urgent soldiers from the Caucasus.