
Why was the ladybug so named? Why is ladybug so named?

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Why was the ladybug so named? Why is ladybug so named?
Why was the ladybug so named? Why is ladybug so named?

Video: The History Of Miraculous Ladybug | A Brief History 2024, June

Video: The History Of Miraculous Ladybug | A Brief History 2024, June

Ladybug in all is primarily associated with childhood. The moment when the insect crawls on the palm of a child with wings red and black peas is naive, and the baby quietly whispers to him the words: “Ladybug, fly to heaven …” makes his most cherished desire and releases it in a blue height. By the way, these magical insects fly fast enough, producing up to 85 flaps of the wings per second.


Ladybug - a mysterious insect descended from heaven

Not one childish mind asked a question to itself and its parents: "Why was the ladybug so named?" This is an ordinary insect of the beetle family that lives on bushes, trees and grass, which is of great benefit by eating harmful aphids and ticks - pests that are harmful to plants. And such an unusual name is associated with something distant and sublime.

And yet - why was the ladybug so named? Perhaps her biological ability to produce “milk” was a fundamental factor in this. Even, rather, do not give, but emit a milky liquid in case of danger at the sight of a possible predator. And in color it is not white, like the usual milk, but red! It is extremely unpleasant in taste, and in large doses almost fatal, it stands out from the pores present on the bends of the limbs. Once upon a time, people treated sick teeth with the milk of a ladybug, believing in its healing properties.

Ladybug: methods of defense against enemies

Also, as a protection, the ladybug is endowed with a bright color, almost screaming about the inedibility of a pretty bug. In case of extreme danger, a small bug can pretend to be dead, pretending to be dead.


The protective measures described above are so effective that these winged insects are avoided by birds and frogs, even tarantula spiders do not feed on them. If some careless bird dares to swallow a ladybug, it will strongly burn its throat with the poisonous liquid released by the victim.

Why is the ladybug so called? For children, this riddle is partially solved. At least with the word "ladybug" everything is clear. That is, the question of why the ladybug was called so, the answer is half received: for the ability to give "milk".

Why is the ladybug associated with the Almighty

It remains to understand why this insect is called "divine." According to legends of old times, a ladybug lives in heaven and descends to earth occasionally, as a good messenger. A ladybug (why it is so named, described in this article) can tell what weather awaits in the near future, what grain crops will be like today. Only she can come down on her palm to hear and convey to the Almighty something personal, exciting or a dream, cherished and distant. No wonder it is the children who are the angels on Earth who know the magical poems with the words: "Ladybug, fly to heaven …".

Ladybug veneration in the world

The winged bug is revered for divinity in many countries. So, in Germany it is called the “beetle of St. Mary of the Virgin”, in England - “the bird of the Virgin”, “Lady the bird”, in Argentina - the “cow of St. Anthony”. In ancient times, the word "god" meant "harmless, meek, peaceful." These features are endowed with a ladybug that evokes a feeling of trust and tenderness.


Why is this cute insect so named? It is possible to draw conclusions based on the benefits it brings in agriculture, namely, saving crops from the invasion of harmful aphids, as well as spider mites, which in its short life it can destroy up to 4000 individuals. Previously, when chemicals and fertilizers had not yet been invented, it was noticed that in the habitats of the ladybug, crops are better preserved, fewer leaflets are eaten, and, accordingly, higher yields. Therefore, many peasants specifically collected small bugs and transferred them to their gardens as a reliable protection for the cultivated products.

Ladybug description

In the world there are more than 5 thousand species of ladybugs, the color scheme of which wings is wide enough: it is familiar to all red, pink, yellow, orange, white and even black colors, attracting sincere curiosity and genuine interest to such a pretty little bug. Points on the back of a winged insect, which can be up to 22 pieces, are designed to scare away potential enemies. The number of spots on the back of a bug does not change during its life. The most common species is the seven-point representative of a cute insect, the size of which is only 7-8 mm.