
Why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed?

Why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed?
Why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed?

Video: Manuel Orf aka Viper XXL - A Decade of Destruction (Original Mix) 2024, June

Video: Manuel Orf aka Viper XXL - A Decade of Destruction (Original Mix) 2024, June

The question of why vipers should not be completely destroyed has a fairly simple answer: because the development of science and technology does not yet allow humanity to create complex organisms, which are all living things on the planet, including snakes. There are only 141 to 450 vertebrae in the skeleton of this animal, and a brain stretched along the body with the back allows movements with lightning speed in the right direction.


Snakes learn the world around them with the help of the amazing organ of Jacobson, which is one of the most advanced chemical analyzers. Some species have radar organs that allow them to trap heat from a distance. Humanity only in the twentieth century invented a thermal imager, and snakes have been using it for millions of years.

Experts know why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed. They are guided by the fact that these dangerous snake venoms are actually not very widespread. A concentrated amount of these reptiles can be observed in marshy areas, in places where there are many rodents, which are the main food of vipers. If, for example, your site does not have severe bogging, heaps of branches and debris, and no mice are found, then the probability of meeting a snake is reduced to almost zero. Gardeners recommend planting garlic, the smell of which is unpleasant for vipers, to have a cat, not to drive out hedgehogs, which are natural enemies of snakes. And outside the garden, snakes are natural bioregulators, which is why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed.


Like most living things, snakes avoid encountering humans. They even have a special color that allows them to effectively disguise themselves. Therefore, bites are possible when a person steps on it or is aggressive. The animal needs poison for hunting, therefore, to feed the snake will not spend it in vain. If the viper is seen before it curls into a ring for a throw (it can rush to a distance of a meter), then you can simply go around it, and everyone will go about his business. At the same time, the snake itself can become a dinner for an owl, stork, ferret, fox or badger, which is another reason why vipers do not need to be completely destroyed.


In Russia, the most common common viper, which is brown, black, greenish or bluish in color. You can “get to know” other species of this group of snakes when traveling around other countries. For example, in Ceylon, in Thailand, there is a Russell viper, which can be distinguished by a triangular head and a two-meter length. This animal is quite aggressive and swift, which creates the prerequisites for an immediate attack, if stepped on it.

Sand viper is found in sandy areas, against which it is ideally masked. You can encounter a snake in Iran, Algeria, Western Europe and Asia Minor. In Russia, she lives in the Caucasus. Her diet includes rodents, small birds, lizards. A well-fed animal does not show aggressiveness if not provoked. Often motionlessly basking in the sun for many hours.