
Why roads are expensive in Russia: phantom savings on quality

Why roads are expensive in Russia: phantom savings on quality
Why roads are expensive in Russia: phantom savings on quality

Video: Moldova, Transnistria and its relationship with Russia | VPRO Documentary 2024, June

Video: Moldova, Transnistria and its relationship with Russia | VPRO Documentary 2024, June

Why are roads expensive in Russia, in general, every citizen knows. After all, she was famous for this misfortune since imperial times. This could be called a biased opinion and shown in the direction of other countries - they say, there is no better. But this is not so. Perhaps the reasons for this lie still in historical prejudices. For example, in Germany it was thought that good roads reduce the profits of roadside merchants. Our kings perceived them as ways for the invasion of enemies. And modern officials are all leading to less roads being built, doing everything to increase their value.


But if we turn to the opinions of experts, today there are a number of reasons why there are expensive roads in Russia, most of which can hardly be called objective. Everything in the system of their construction is led to the fact that they do it poorly at first, and then systematically spend money on patches and patching. Firstly, this is a late tendering process, which leads to the fact that asphalt begins to be laid almost at the end of summer - in the fall, often violating technology. Secondly, dubious firms that do not have a good material base are bidding. They first lower the cost of building the road, cut off trustworthy firms, and then resell the order to subcontractors for even less money. And those, in turn, save on quality. The third reason why roads are expensive in Russia is the almost unrealistic deadlines in contracts. The fourth is weak oversight by oversight bodies. And, finally, the last - warranty fulfillment is not monitored, which means that many defects are eliminated by the state.


Having examined the reasons why roads are expensive in Russia, we can confidently say that the unreasonable cost of building and overhaul of the canvas (in terms of direct technological costs), coupled with the irresponsibility of officials and the thirst for profit of contractors - is the reason for constant alterations and an increase in cost.

Moreover, as experts assure, most of what is saved on materials and quality of work is spent on the corruption component, which today is unofficially included in the cost of a kilometer of the road. At the same time, people lobbying for the interests of a corrupt bunch of officials and contractors begin to invent various reasons, such as the fact that we have more land than in Europe. True, they often miss a number of important conditions that must be taken into account. Even with equal cost (which is rare), Russian roads are worse in quality and equipped with technical facilities. And they are built not by well-paid skilled workers using modern technology, but by immigrants from the former Soviet republics.


Also, one should not forget that the domestic "directions" (often this is a more accurate name) as a whole negatively affect the economy, increasing the costs of business and citizens. If we estimate the losses incurred by them due to vehicle breakdowns, increased delivery times for goods and people to their destination, the amount of fuel spent, then the numbers will be huge.