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Proverbs about life - the ability to notice the main thing

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Proverbs about life - the ability to notice the main thing
Proverbs about life - the ability to notice the main thing

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Video: some of mark lee's most iconic quotes 2024, June

Proverbs about life is an indicator of how people can notice the most important thing that people have: good, bad, funny, and sad - because all these components are part of being.

About a good life

Reflections on existence, vicissitudes, gifts, and unexpected twists of fate convey folk proverbs about life. It is simply amazing how the sages of past centuries contained thoughts in short phrases that could then be pondered for hours. “A century is long, full of everything” - this is how the old young people taught when they had problems. This meant that in life everything should be accepted with gratitude - both bad and good: "Living broadly - well, but already - no worse."


As a rule, such a life experience is transmitted to modern children only through books, but it is also important because it shows how deeply ordinary people from the people cared not only for the quality of life, but also for the benefit of others.

Proverbs “Live for people, they will live for you”, “Life is given for good deeds” teach the wisdom of past generations. Each person secretly hopes that his path will leave a good memory of him on this earth, but not everyone succeeds. Perhaps that is why among the folk sayings there are many teachings on the earthly path - "Life to live - do not go over the field", and the afterlife - "There are no wings to heaven, but the path is close to the earth."

About a bad life

There are many proverbs and warnings in folklore for any occasion: from birth, marriage and housekeeping to shame or death. As a rule, they were said to people who are not good-natured, lazy and unkind. Proverbs about life are a confirmation of this.

“He lives neither for himself nor for others, ” they said of greedy people. “He didn’t live, was and wasn’t” - nobody wants to leave such a memory of himself, that’s exactly what the old children taught, sitting on frosty winter evenings by the fire and weaving bast shoes.


Today, unfortunately, in the age of psychologists and trainers of personal growth, few people recall that for all the hardships that happen to people, the wise people had their opinion expressed through proverbs about life many centuries ago: “You live well, if you live you’ll build it nicely. ”

About a healthy life

In the old days it was believed among the people that "You will be healthy - you will get everything." People of the 21st century are returning to the origins of this wisdom, since diseases are too expensive today, a lot of harmful things have appeared in nutrition and life expectancy is rapidly decreasing.

Proverbs about a healthy life sound like a warning or a lesson, but only in this way it was possible to instill in young people the knowledge that "Health cannot be bought - its mind gives." Nowadays, this expression could be explained as a conversation about positive thinking, and our ancestors believed that the strength of mind and body should be treated wisely. In the old days, everything was simpler: “Health is more expensive than wealth” - and everyone knew this from young to old.

Proverbs about a healthy lifestyle can be interpreted for the modern generation, as they relate to topics that are relevant to it:

  • "Eat soon - do not be healthy" - about proper nutrition.

  • “Sick - heal, but healthy - take care” - disease prevention.

  • “For bad habits to hold on, life to shrink” - about lifestyle.

  • “Move more - life will be longer” - about physical education and sports.


Thus, what people understood and noticed thousands of years ago, remained relevant, despite the development of technology, flights into space and refined food. People at all times wanted to live well, happily ever after.