
Fires in Tyumen and the Tyumen region

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Fires in Tyumen and the Tyumen region
Fires in Tyumen and the Tyumen region

Video: Russia: Huge Fire Tears Through Tyumen Toy Store 2024, June

Video: Russia: Huge Fire Tears Through Tyumen Toy Store 2024, June

Recently, fires are increasingly occurring in the Tyumen region. Especially in residential buildings. This in itself is a misfortune. And if people are still dying, then real grief. What caused everything? And how to reduce the number of fires? Let's talk about this in our article today.

Heavy fall

Last year, the region’s public was alarmed by the terrible news. Five people died at once - members of one family. September 17 there was a fire in Tyumen, in a private house, which is located on Kolkhoznaya street. Everyone lost their lives. This is a four-year-old boy and girl, their youngest sister is 11 months old, as well as their 36-year-old mother and grandmother, who was 58.


What happened This at that time did not know yet. Causes of fire are usually established after conducting expert examinations of a fire-technical nature. And since the situation here is clear - causing death to two (or more) persons - a criminal case was instituted.

Terrible tragedy

In the winter of 2014 - again an extraordinary incident, and very terrible. One woman was renting housing in the village of Yarkovo. She left home (in the afternoon) and left the little children there alone.

Three babies (age - from two months to a year) and a five-year-old boy were locked. Carefree mother went to her friend to drink beer. Then both went to the cafe. The mother of the children drank there, danced. And apparently, she forgot everything in the world. And when she returned home at three nights, she already saw the lifeless bodies of all four.

Specialists considered several versions of the incident. Among them - malfunction of electrical appliances and careless handling of fire. The children died from acute carbon monoxide poisoning.

Mother was in shock. Psychologists even had to work with her. A lawsuit was brought against her under the article. The court sentenced her to three years in prison.


Again the children suffered

In May of this year, fires in Tyumen continued. So, on the first of the five-story building caught fire.

By telephone "01" people said that they are burning balconies from the first to the fifth floor in one "Khrushchev". Five minutes later, firefighters arrived at the scene. 180 residents were quickly taken out of the apartments, among which there were 25 children. After about two hours, the fire was extinguished.

Three days later, a new message arrived at the control room. Fire in Tyumen on Union Street. This is in the private sector next to the Strela overpass. Immediately three buildings swept over the fire. There was smoke throughout the county.

It began with the fact that at 19.30 in one house flames raged. Housing collapsed instantly - in a matter of minutes. While firefighters rushed here, the flame crept to a nearby building. And soon a third flared up. Moreover, as the Tyumen say, the first two buildings completely destroyed the red rooster. The last one touched the roof.

Everyone gathered near these houses: the specialists of the Ministry of Emergencies, the police, and the ambulance doctors. The area even closed the passage for cars. There were no victims, fortunately. But the tenants remained in the open.


Saved five

A little time passed - and again the firefighters rush to the challenge. On May 8, 2015, a fire occurred in Tyumen, at a timber depot. Early in the morning, smoke poured out of the windows of one apartment of a two-story apartment building on Sudostroiteley Street. Immediately, the flame quickly spread to other buildings. There are about 20 of them. However, rescuers managed to evacuate 12 people. But five were literally thrown out of the fire.

As explained by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies (Tyumen Region), these latter turned out to be locked tightly, they could not jump out of the apartments, get on the street. The caustic smoke was already walking everywhere. Rescuers, making their way to everyone, quickly put on special masks on people and took them out.

47 fire brigade fighters fought this element with eighteen pieces of good equipment. The fire was first localized, and then eliminated.

There were no injuries. Only the roof of the building burned. And in the first entrance six apartments were spoiled. Pogoreltsy were temporarily accommodated in Kolos, a local hotel.

Terrible force explosion

On the night of May 12 of this year, a terrible noise was heard. An explosion occurred in one of the two-story buildings. And then it caught fire. There was a big fire at Molodezhnaya. Tyumen has begun to shake something very often lately. One state of emergency followed another. More specifically, it was a fire in Tyumen, on the street. Truth, near the RGK Urartu. Geographically, here is the area of ​​the aforementioned street.


A powerful night explosion severely damaged two fuel trucks. For some reason, they were parked next to the damaged house. Arriving EMERCOM operatives quickly pulled these cars away from sin. And they cut off electricity - for security reasons.

And the fire already burned two two-story buildings, as well as a garage. The area covered by him was 300 square meters. But soon the fire was localized and then eliminated.

A man and three children died in the fire, according to the press service of the regional investigative department.

Who's guilty?

The list goes on. And today the fires in Tyumen do not stop. This is some kind of natural disaster! So, on the weekend, May 23 and 24 of this year, there were two more, and quite large. In one cottage, an unfinished house burned to the ground. In another case (a fire in Tyumen, Kommuny street), a private house also became unsuitable for habitation. Three women managed to escape in this terrible conflagration. They took refuge in the cellar and sat there, trembling with fear, until they eliminated the terrifying flame.


According to statistics from the Russian Emergencies Ministry, almost 30% of all cases (including fires in Tyumen) arise due to violation of the rules for the use of electrical equipment.

It happens. At night, in the room where the TV stands, a barely noticeable dry crackle is heard. The sound is so quiet that they do not pay attention to it. Then a faint smell of smoldering plastic spreads. And the residents simply open the windows, letting in fresh air, and go to bed. But the cable in the wall is heating up. For in the outlet there is a violation of isolation. And the old shield in the hallway does not have time to work. It starts to burn. It comes to the nightstand with a TV. And then - throughout the apartment …

Another example. Someone made major repairs at home. Of course, with a new trendy design. Six months later, the LED strip on the ceiling ceases to glow. Due to improper styling. There is also a short circuit …